Old G New Grow Spring 22

Hey so funny you should mention that I have been thinking the same.....as well as the gf line works I think there's something extra that could really be a kick in pants for the ladies... I've been watching that dynomyco stuff for a couple weeks now and I'm thinking that would be our ticket to picking up the size and development of our grows..... I've been watching side by side journals here with and with out it and brutha it's a big difference.... I can't even bullshit about it.
I know there’s a lot of stuff out there, some of these guys are getting 4-6 ozs consistently. My buds haven’t been close to this size this early, there’s definitely something to it. Before this gro I hadn’t really used it. My 2nd gro I thought I was burning the plants, now I realize the pots weren’t even gallon pots , they were root bound. Last gro was all geoflora, this gro I’ve. Used both and it’s a huge difference
Hey so funny you should mention that I have been thinking the same.....as well as the gf line works I think there's something extra that could really be a kick in pants for the ladies... I've been watching that dynomyco stuff for a couple weeks now and I'm thinking that would be our ticket to picking up the size and development of our grows..... I've been watching side by side journals here with and with out it and brutha it's a big difference.... I can't even bullshit about it.
I read up on that stuff, very interesting. Gotta get some of that, thank you
Predicament, I trained lites under the cola to give the flowers lite , their all tight to the main stem under the cola. I have a couple I was able to get into enough lite. I’m gonna have a shit ton of larf. I can’t defoliate because I’d be cutting them off the cola. Guess I’ll just leave the lites on and hope for the best , I tried to give u guys the best pics to show u my problem



No worries on the larf I don't know or haven't seen a single grower here who doesn't end up with some kind of larf. Put it aside for a rainy day or something or make butter/edibles out of it.

And old g you've done fantastic this grow you should be proud....just keep steady ahead it is what it is now....just keep in mind you'll have some sweet dank nugz to burn soon and don't sweat the little stuff..... literally :laugh: ;)
No worries on the larf I don't know or haven't seen a single grower here who doesn't end up with some kind of larf. Put it aside for a rainy day or something or make butter/edibles out of it.

And old g you've done fantastic this grow you should be proud....just keep steady ahead it is what it is now....just keep in mind you'll have some sweet dank nugz to burn soon and don't sweat the little stuff..... literally :laugh: ;)
Thanx HH , I’m sure u could do something, but I’m not there yet. I don’t wanna f the plant up so I’ll just grow it out.flowers look so nice their not that big but they look very tasty, I guess every gro will get easier for us, that’s a good thing
Thanx HH , I’m sure u could do something, but I’m not there yet. I don’t wanna f the plant up so I’ll just grow it out.flowers look so nice their not that big but they look very tasty, I guess every gro will get easier for us, that’s a good thing
Lol I meant leave them be and don't worry about those larfy spots until you harvest.... Then when its all chopped and you have a pile of the larf, you can just slow cook it in some butter and make an infused spread. That just what I do with it.... THC infused butter and toast every morning....pssshhhh boss always ask why I'm in such a good mood in the a.m lol.....cuz I'm high boss-bro
Lol I meant leave them be and don't worry about those larfy spots until you harvest.... Then when its all chopped and you have a pile of the larf, you can just slow cook it in some butter and make an infused spread. That just what I do with it.... THC infused butter and toast every morning....pssshhhh boss always ask why I'm in such a good mood in the a.m lol.....cuz I'm high boss-bro
Excellent idea I’ve been wanting to make butter
Excellent idea I’ve been wanting to make butter
Have a crock pot? how I do mine is take all the larf....cut up the stems and leaves...put it in the crock pot with 1lb of butter and a enough water to submerge the cuttings and soak it on slow cook for about 8 hours.....sift out the big stems/leaves and the particles the best ya can while warm/hot and then let cool and separate butter from water at end(will float in a clump on top) and ready to use.

Idk the potency or anything but it's a nice morning buzz
Had some plant crap still in it but this the butter I made....pressed it into a skull shaped brownie pan mold.

That’s awesome lol , I’m def gonna make that nice
Had some plant crap still in it but this the butter I made....pressed it into a skull shaped brownie pan mold.

Do you need to refrigerate this when your done, brother I’m sure mines gonna have a lot more weed in it than yours. I screenshot your recipe
Yea I would, and yea I had no issues with the debris in it lol just every now and then would get a stick or something lol.

But cool glad ya screen shotted it....it really is as simple as I typed it basically prep at first and then sifting at the end otherwise it's set and forget for 8 hours and it gives the house a nice herb smell
you could consider staggering the harvest mebbe. Cut of top buds to expose below, watch them fill and colour, then take another layer. But I don't know if an auto would respond diff. than photo. HH?
I tried staggered harvest once, I’d rather cut the whole plant at once. Honestly it made no difference, to me it didn’t I’m sure there’s guys who do it regularly, I don’t harvest till the pistils recede on the bottom buds, at least the ones that matter.RD do you have a setup to gro.Once you make your initial investment your good, start growing it’s an awesome hobby , can’t think of a better one to be honest . You can do this cheaply , I spend on the seeds alittle bit more, but the pot is exactly what I need , sounds like u have issues as well huh, it sucks but you gotta live your life, weed helps me everyday
you could consider staggering the harvest mebbe. Cut of top buds to expose below, watch them fill and colour, then take another layer. But I don't know if an auto would respond diff. than photo. HH?
And the flowers I needed lite on apart from the top flower it’s all larfy leaf underneath. I couldn’t open the canopy up because all the leaves blocking the lite were part of the cola . It’s all good I know I’ll have at least an oz of excellent bud to smoke. It’s my 4th gro I have a lot to learn , I enjoy learning and I’ve been wanting to make butter anyway
you could consider staggering the harvest mebbe. Cut of top buds to expose below, watch them fill and colour, then take another layer. But I don't know if an auto would respond diff. than photo. HH?
Hey @ReservoirDog I'm on my first photo currently so I can't say if autos or photos react differently to staggered harvesting....But I have tried to take a bud here and there from an auto, I personally notice a slow down....they only have a limited window of time to grow and do they're thing so what ever you get is what you get....by the time you partially harvest the big stuff that is ready, most of the power house AKA leaves are gone meaning less food to feed the plant on top of now trying to cope with alot of stress that WILL stunt an auto....just my opinion, I'm sure others will say it's ok with an auto But to me waiting an extra 1-2 weeks on some more than likely less than par buds isn't worth it.
Yeah, look, because the enjoyment and comfort we all take from cannabis is unique to us, our ggrow and what we feel makes us happy or feel worth the effort will be radically different. It's crucial everybody recognizes that I think, and that we even allow ourselves to change our own mind in the future or about even something already in the past. That's something I'd probably call 'wisdom' and even it is something only experience can bring - though sometimes if we're paying enough attention it can be someone else's experiences, yet I'd argue that paying attention was experiencing.

The watcher determines the outcome of the experiment, in every way. "Whoah, pull back RD, we are headed for Grand Canyon-level deep." check.

You put a problem out here and that was about all I could think of that could help. When I used to grow volume outdoors a lot of that sort of harvesting went down and it almost became a norm - for people with the time and comfort with going to their grow all the time. I think, however, that really everyone was just fighting huge mould issues and wanting to discuss it as a positive, so "we're harvesting bit by bit in dedication to quality" mantra developed. There can be a benefit, absolutely, unrelated to mould or other potential issues, but it can be pretty small.

One thing I think where this technique works is to get more colour in more buds. But again, outdoors fewer controls are available, temps can help there indoors with control. Nowadays though on the market the choice and legality mean you need every edge and colour is huge, so if I were doing volume outdoors and no or minor mould issues on my crop, and a favourable weather forecast in my pocket, I'd absolutely harvest top-down in stages on plants showing the willingness to colour the topmost buds.

Thanks for the show!
Hey @ReservoirDog I'm on my first photo currently so I can't say if autos or photos react differently to staggered harvesting....But I have tried to take a bud here and there from an auto, I personally notice a slow down....they only have a limited window of time to grow and do they're thing so what ever you get is what you get....by the time you partially harvest the big stuff that is ready, most of the power house AKA leaves are gone meaning less food to feed the plant on top of now trying to cope with alot of stress that WILL stunt an auto....just my opinion, I'm sure others will say it's ok with an auto But to me waiting an extra 1-2 weeks on some more than likely less than par buds isn't worth it.
This would be my assessment as well without any more info than I currently have, but it is not based on experience or credible data, just supposition. Appreciate you bringing a new data point, or at least a very credible anecdote, to the table. It's why we're here.... partly! That and the pink bud photos. Man, OG's Grappa has quite the body on her too. Damn. (Sorry OG, just lookin'!)
This would be my assessment as well without any more info than I currently have, but it is not based on experience or credible data, just supposition. Appreciate you bringing a new data point, or at least a very credible anecdote, to the table. It's why we're here.... partly! That and the pink bud photos. Man, OG's Grappa has quite the body on her too. Damn. (Sorry OG, just lookin'!)
Yea same I'm here for information and to help where I can... Plus I love all things green.
But your right... I wouldn't call myself credible lol but just from what I saw that's what I gather from it... Oooooooh and idk if you've looked up the cause of airy buds or how to fix them.... Basically there's a list of stuff that causes it....and the stuff to fix airy buds is preventative...meaning don't do the things that cause it and you won't get it....there isn't a fix... As far as I can tell or find through couple hours reading.

And yea I follow old g cuz he started with some rough patches and now he's growing some purdy fat ladies :headbanger:.... It's awesome to watch people grow like they're plants.
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