Hacker's Back, New Place Same Old Story

LMAO P-dub... What a dick... EH hmmmmm... Any who this morning was somewhat of a normal day, except for one very monumental difference.. I decided that today would be a good day to start the LST of the grafted 4 plant pot.. The grafts are taking well and are secure, so I started the lesson.. I was showing the slow and steady method of tying off limb, and slowly lower the limb while keeping tie tight.. Once it is in the spot, tie it off, for now. Then later as we all know, lower a little at a time, especially with well established stalks... Worked well, and he absorbed it as well I can expect from the ol' BIL. Don't you know, wasn't paying attention and was answering his questions while tying down and SNAP.. Right at the graft... So normally on my plants in this kinda plentiful situation I just take it off and seal it.. Done deal... The BIL on the other hand views matters in a different light, he sees through greedy and over anxious eyes. SO EH, took it as on opportunity to show him how the BIG BOYS play... EH hmmmmmm ... Took some coated heavy gauge wire and made a looped splint, and propped it up.. Then tied the two in a couple of spots and wood glued the hell outta the outside of the break being careful to wipe off any excess. Last I took some fine sand/soil mix and lightly tossed over the glue to act as a binder and cast... I am one hell of a plant doctor... LOL... Pics..





... Pics not P-dubbed, and shitty camera, but you get the point... LOL... Green days all
.. Good Green am to all... Today is gonna be a great day... Gonna be warm and dry all week, which is a welcomed change up here.. The local weather pattern continues to chug slowly towards summer, I thought maybe we wouldn't get a real summer at all this year.. I happens from time to time, but with the temps creeping towards 90, the plants are finally starting to explode..
.. So as it turns out, when I came back to my home area and visited my BIL we got busy right away in an effort to salvage his grow for the year... We transplanted in stages and started with these babies, which are quite a bit more developed...


When we put out the girls this am, I will use some type of visual aid to show height.. The girth is exactly where we need it to be for the eventual move into the inside grow room for the 8 to 10 week finish..

... Here is the grafting project, we broke a branch yesterday as you all know, grafted it , still looks ok...


On the table are the smaller girls... The plants that are in the larger pots are the plants I rescued from the Nitrogen pool, and they are finally coming back.. The plants in the smaller pots are clones that were about 3 inches tall last week when transplanted.. They were only transplanted and thrown outdoors because the BIL had a shit ton of extra clones of all his gear.. Only need a few to start the new perpetual in the fall, so out the door you go Bitches... They should produce decently we will see


Family pics...



Finally sizable Shade leaves on some of the more mature girls...

GREEN DAYS to all...
Checked on the new girls, Some regular seeds.. So far I have soaked and planted 2 each Mosca Special, and White Widow and 1 each GSC ... The MS, and WW were put in soil about 5 days ago, and only the two Mosca have popped. The WW's are taking their sweet ass time. LOL.. The GSC was put into soil less than two days ago, and was germinated with the paper towel method.. Tap root was evident and about a quarter of an inch long.. Hasn't popped the surface yet, but should any day.. I hope so the BIL found another better looking seed in his bag, and I would like to get it going very soon...





... Green days to all
SO got some am pics of some new hair do's for the girls, and over all growth.. Seems these B's are growing an inch a day the last few days.. They are still at around .75% nute strength, but the sun has been abundant for the last few days as well. It will continue to be this way for the next week or so, which is good news. The plants will be indoor and secured for the duration of the flower cycle by the end of July, which should be around 10 weeks... They are all VERY WELL Mainlined and Quaded out, so it should be a super heavy yield this year... Enjoy...

Amnesia Hazes... These were 5 inches tall about 18 days ago.. Full nutes for these B's now...


... Truth Bands, these B's were also transplanted at the same time as the Hazes, and were around 4 inches tall..


The rest in the big pots were swimming in Nitrogen and were in the 3 to 4 inches tall when re transplanted about 12 days ago


And the rest, a mix of Hazes, Truth Bands, and OG Dead Head Kush crosses...



... Super Green days to all.... Off to the other two grows I go....
Ok so this am, the four plant big pot girls got a hair cut, and some MST... We had already LSTed the Main plants and grafted, but since my BIL wants to keep this rags to riches ( potentially ) B, we gonna push it to the limits.. 1.25 strength nutes, and pulled all the outer branches down into a good main line stance.. We used its own force against it, twisted and such and now she actually looks like a girl with not only a decent hair cut, but a clean as hell.. Pump it up...
... Before..

...And after .... Tell she don't look good....



As always,,, Green days to all
This afternoon I am heading up North for a few days, and will be off the grid most likely.. So I will do an Independence Day Photo Dump to show off the girls in all their beauty... Two parts, site still limits pics per post :rolleyes: so here we go.. Most who are around this lonely thread know who and what the girls are so this is just an Update of sorts... Enjoy the holidays and the pics... Green days to all, and BE SAFE...









...Good Green morning to all... I got back about an hour ago, left a day early from HEAVEN to come back home.. Seems my daughter needs to see me out of the blue... Love seeing her, but just like most women it has to be on her time frame.. LOL.. She will be bringing my grandson so I gotta move some shit into an area in which my 3 year old Grandson can't snoop or reach... Which as it turns out will have to be at the BIL's house till he departs. I am still staying in my camper on my own property till probably late September to make sure my good friend and his gang of hooligans has a decent place to go, with some cash...
... I had a really good time, probably a lot easier than trim hell huh P-dub.. Eh hmmmm... My time will come, and I am slowly picking up anticipation towards that end.. I will be getting some pictures, and updates up a little later depending on how fast my old ass decides to move around.. LOL... Hope all is well, and the weekend for you guys was as good as it was for me.. Love being in nature in all its glory... Green am to all
...Good Green morning to all... I got back about an hour ago, left a day early from HEAVEN to come back home.. Seems my daughter needs to see me out of the blue... Love seeing her, but just like most women it has to be on her time frame.. LOL.. She will be bringing my grandson so I gotta move some shit into an area in which my 3 year old Grandson can't snoop or reach... Which as it turns out will have to be at the BIL's house till he departs. I am still staying in my camper on my own property till probably late September to make sure my good friend and his gang of hooligans has a decent place to go, with some cash...
... I had a really good time, probably a lot easier than trim hell huh P-dub.. Eh hmmmm... My time will come, and I am slowly picking up anticipation towards that end.. I will be getting some pictures, and updates up a little later depending on how fast my old ass decides to move around.. LOL... Hope all is well, and the weekend for you guys was as good as it was for me.. Love being in nature in all its glory... Green am to all
Just cruising through on my "rec time" lol

Trim prison ain't bad, I've had good company all the while. I just sit in my recliner with a bowl in my lap to catch the trimmings.


Enjoy that time with your daughter & grandbaby. Days just seem to fly by, we always seem to miss the really important stuff.

Sending good vibes homie!
...LOL " rec time ".... So my family will be here shortly, for just a small brunch. Course I have to cook... Figures... Enjoy cooking for those I care about, so not a chore... Fresh fruits, maybe waffles or pancakes for the kiddo... He loves fruits and veggies both fresh and cooked.. Love that about them.... LOL..
.. Ok so quickly this am I am gonna post some pics of the regulars I got going on... The Mosca Specials came in really nice and are doing well... Discarded the WW, they did not come up at all... However in their place I have a couple of GSC's that should be a good replacement.. I have one popped, to make sure the seeds are viable, and the other soaking.. The first GSC has popped and growth is evident.. Should be good.. All of the regs will be starting their light nute process next week sometime... This is day 7 for the Moscas above ground, and day 4 for the GSC above ground..





... Green days to all, and I will post the pics of the BIL's stuff a little later... He has a thread going again, I am making him get with the times.. I no longer will have time for growing his stuff for him.. He has to get the f out of the nest, and walk on his own.. I realized this the other day when he was mad at me for not being at his place first thing in the morning... I informed him, play time is over young pup.... Less yapping and more doing it your f in self .. ..SIR.... LOL
...Phew, the daughter is gone, along with much of my stash.. Stupid girls... LOL... She needs it, and as a side note I think her intention for coming by... We had Crepes, yes crepes... And smoothies with all the goodies as well..
...Anyway, got some pictures earlier at the BIL's, his plants are coming along quite nicely.. He is also being a lot more, shall we say pleasant to me.. Still the same idea, I told him " Man, it has been two years now, you gotta start doing these basics on your own, or you will be frustrated for years, and way behind the curve for that matter... "... As well as a few more PC words, not how I wanted to express myself.. Nevertheless, he is my sisters husband, and my beautiful niece's father.. Of all the negatives a person can get caught up in using to describe a person, I choose to be positive and say at least he has cloning down.. Good thing, he is gonna need that skill set if he doesn't get organized and into some kinda routine... So.. Here are the girls in all their quading and mainlining glory.. Enjoy and Greenest of days to all







The bigger plants to the side are Mainlined with pipeline manifolding, the smaller pots are just quaded for their trips to 12/12 at the end of July ish... HAGD
... So today turned out to be a busy day for me.. I had an awesome morning at several different grows, that I was ONLY there to look at and admire... Some these folks' summer grows around my neck of the woods are utterly amazing considering all the rain we had early and quite often.. So after being star struck for the first part of the day I came home to some awesome mailman action..
...Received an anonymous package, when opened was SHOCKED to see the bean gift that had been delivered.. A complete saving grace as I lost everything recently as we all know.. My friends never cease to amaze when in times of Extreme Need.. So awesome... I will be starting quite a few beans today to add to an already impressive collection that was sent to me a few weeks ago.. This gets me right back where I need to be come class time this fall... Those folks know who they are, and for those folks who don't, THERE ARE LOTS of members and people world wide who reach out in all kinds of fashions to make another's life just a little more enjoyable especially in times of true NEED... Thanks to all who stop by, and to all those who just flat ass do stuff for others... Green days....
Hey brother Hack! You're doing damn good things to that garden that's for sure, those girls are all looking great :bravo::passitleft:
Hey Irie, back in the living huh ?? LOL.. Yeah thanks man, sometimes it is hard to start in a grow, that has already been in operation for a few. I kinda do that as a side job here on my piece of the rock.. I see countless beginners in various stages in grows, and you can sure tell who did their homework.. No judgments on my part, EVERYONE was a noob at one point in time.. That being said, I have started an ass load more seeds and will be picturing and labeling them all later this afternoon as well as some update stuff from my BIL's grow as well..
... Here is a few pics of an idea that a good buddy of mine uses, instead of cloth or bags for Grow vessels.. You can pick these up if you have local organic or regular farms near by pretty easily.. He happens to work at both a farm and a restaurant as well.. So he has access to them all the time... I will be using these in the next step of my grows, and I think you will be able to see why... These bags make 2 each, 3.5 gallon ( approx.) grow vessels that are super durable, and re usable..










.... Here are a couple links to online sales if you are not able to go to local venue to obtain..
..18.9 x 31.9 Mesh Polypropylene Bags - Red

.. This is the best deal I can find, and remember there are Two 4 gallon pots per bag here.. Or you can adjust down to one bag at your size selection..
.. Mesh Cabbage Bags

... As always till we meet again, and green days to all
...Ok so I just checked the seeds that I started about 22 hours ago... I started (2) Mango Haze Regulars ( for the BIL and later study groups ), (6) Devil's Crack Auto's ( basically DDA(x)SSH ), and (5) DDA's. I started a good amount of Auto's because I have Several sets of Photo regulars going in addition to the Mango Hazes. I, as most know also have (2) each Mosca Specials, and GSC regulars as well.. Sunday I will start an additional (6) Colombian Gold regulars as well.. My intention is to start a pair of each regular seeds I have in order to have them sexed by Thanksgiving start of brand new indoor perpetual grow.. I would like to get at least ONE female out of each strain of regulars, but need a male and a female of Mango Haze and Colombian Gold for pollen/breeding purposes later in the year. Possibly beginning of the New Year IDK...
... My reasoning for starting 11 Auto's is exactly what everyone else's reasons are... I need some Meds, and I LOVE Dark Devil, and Devil's Carnival... GOOD MEDS FOR ME.... mmmhmmmm..... And I got them from good " stock " He He.. I should be able to get at least an elbow from all those together, and that will keep me in righteous smoke for quite a while..
... Here are some sneak peak pics of the germing babies.... SHHHHHH, they are sleeping... Eh hMMMM... LOL



That’s a load of new beans! :nomo:
Looks like everyone’s grown the dark devil but me, I’m gonna have to check it out.
Looks like everyone’s grown the dark devil but me, I’m gonna have to check it out.
Ha, well I have grown it many times as a filler, but I really just love the smoke of it... Fruity and dank, cerebral yet relaxing.. Makes ya want to write a book, or just a thread at least LMAO... Green day Irie, and to all
Hiya Madd, just finished reading your thread mate, you’ve had a hell of a year, I’m glad to see you pushing on with the new beans :)
Dark Devil sounds yummy, never grown this as I’m new to all this, but I’m going to look into trying to get some DD to the UK.
All your plants look great mate, you really have the magic touch. Fingers crossed for a heavy harvest for you.

BC. :ganjamon:
Heya Copper, hope all is well.. Yeah it has been a hell of a year, and quite unexpected.. I have been in this industry most of my life, and have never seen cannabis have the type of corruption that legalization has brought... Shame really, but gotta move on, and I NEVER put all my eggs in one basket for sure... On the subject of DD, and specifically the auto's, I have a couple of friends in the UK that grow it consistently in their perpetuals for the specific reason of it's compatibility with your Unique climate.. Your climate is much the same as mine, in that it is quite moist, almost too humid often, and the grow seasons outdoors are extremely limited in time.. They work Extremely well, and thrive in those conditions and environment.. Remember that it is always prudent, almost necessary for the less experienced specifically to grow what is most compatible with their environment.. And as always I encourage all growers to learn every day, but to take each lesson individually with emphasis on not if it works but how well it will work for YOU in YOUR grow.. Everyone's environment, especially indoors, is unique to that person... Green days and to all...
... Hey Hey, good green am to all.. This morning is super busy for me, all those seeds germinated, now into the dirt they go.. I will start off with the Mango Haze regulars, and update the rest as the day progresses.. I have my great niece at the house for the next two days, and she is 11 years old.. Don't have to explain that to anyone I am sure... NOSY .... LOL love her though...
... Here are a few pics of the transplanting of the Mango's...


... Grrrrr. Need a new camera...


... Green days to all
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