Hacker's Back, New Place Same Old Story

.. Good green morning to all.. I made it home, and basically just went right to bed.. Couldn't sleep on the train, I am now starting to remember why I don't do trains that often... First of all it got really packed with people, and thus got all humid and hot ish ( and they ran out of any GOOD beers on a 3 hour ride start to finish.. Pfffft ) .. Secondly, couldn't get comfortable in the cramped seating to which I had a row to myself until about 30 minutes after my last post.. Train actually takes a little time to get used to as it sways quite often, apt to make one sea sick... LMAO IDK..
... When we were harvesting I didn't really put together how much we really did.. Also he uses dehydrators for about 8 to 12 hours for his herb, and I gotta say it really does a decent job on the buds.. He already has them in their storage jars, though he keeps the lids cracked as the humidity is still averaging in the upper 60's low 70's.. He is going to send me some pics as he gets them of his method, and I am not only curious but eager to learn this method.. IF it works out to quality cured buds... I have only experienced a few people in my whole life who even used a dehydrator and they used it only for testers and the like... It smoked ok though, got me high as hell from like three or four hits.. A little harsh, but worth it..
... I also received an email from one of the two people who want me to come down and help with their harvests. SHE said that she wanted to confirm last week of August and told me it would probably take around 5 to 6 days.. I informed her that I was excited, but was also in hopes to schedule the early September trim to run consecutive with hers.. She said that the other person is her brother, and she would work that out even if I had to take a few days off ----- IN BOSTON... No problem LOL. She also informed me that she has ANOTHER friend with similar needs for an Experienced trimmer.. Starting to pile up now... Doesn't really help my current monetary situation, BUT still encouraging.. Knowing that you are skilled enough that others take notice and not only offer you some work, but pass your name on to others they know is a very unique feeling... Uplifting would be another way to describe it..
... Green days to all, hopefully pics to follow...
.. Good green morning to all.. I made it home, and basically just went right to bed.. Couldn't sleep on the train, I am now starting to remember why I don't do trains that often... First of all it got really packed with people, and thus got all humid and hot ish ( and they ran out of any GOOD beers on a 3 hour ride start to finish.. Pfffft ) .. Secondly, couldn't get comfortable in the cramped seating to which I had a row to myself until about 30 minutes after my last post.. Train actually takes a little time to get used to as it sways quite often, apt to make one sea sick... LMAO IDK..
... When we were harvesting I didn't really put together how much we really did.. Also he uses dehydrators for about 8 to 12 hours for his herb, and I gotta say it really does a decent job on the buds.. He already has them in their storage jars, though he keeps the lids cracked as the humidity is still averaging in the upper 60's low 70's.. He is going to send me some pics as he gets them of his method, and I am not only curious but eager to learn this method.. IF it works out to quality cured buds... I have only experienced a few people in my whole life who even used a dehydrator and they used it only for testers and the like... It smoked ok though, got me high as hell from like three or four hits.. A little harsh, but worth it..
... I also received an email from one of the two people who want me to come down and help with their harvests. SHE said that she wanted to confirm last week of August and told me it would probably take around 5 to 6 days.. I informed her that I was excited, but was also in hopes to schedule the early September trim to run consecutive with hers.. She said that the other person is her brother, and she would work that out even if I had to take a few days off ----- IN BOSTON... No problem LOL. She also informed me that she has ANOTHER friend with similar needs for an Experienced trimmer.. Starting to pile up now... Doesn't really help my current monetary situation, BUT still encouraging.. Knowing that you are skilled enough that others take notice and not only offer you some work, but pass your name on to others they know is a very unique feeling... Uplifting would be another way to describe it..
... Green days to all, hopefully pics to follow...
It's nice to be sought after as an expert.

I'm sure you will leave them with no doubt after your first day of work.
Yeah thanks P.. I just kinda feel like being an expert trimmer after all the years I have dedicated to growing cannabis is kinda like being the best ditch digger in the trailer park.. LOL.. Pays good, kinda demoralizing though feel me ?? I will be sending you some pics tomorrow am, if your not too busy with no kids, no work, and such.. LMAO... Green days bro.. and to all
... Good green am to all... Today I planted some regs of WW, and Mosca Special after soaking for 30 hours ish.................... ( two of each ). I had originally switched my germination style to just planting the seed strait up with no soak or anything. But I am in a small teaching role and it is prudent at this juncture to do things the way he does things for easy intake of the knowledge and teaching for the BIL. Before I post the pics and such, I would like to discuss the usage of regular seeds over feminized seeds.. Most of the growers I have come in contact with, both on this site, and around the country and world that I have been or lived do not use anything but feminized seeds.
...There are bonuses to that most of which center around the female certainty that comes with a feminized seed. I myself prefer this type of seed, however there is some excitement that comes along with growing regular seeds. The unknown sex being the biggest part of that excitement. I am not sure what reasons other than the absolution of females, that people don't try regulars. However I have found that I usually get more females than males, and the plants seem to be more vivacious and green. Also the females produce just as much fruit.. There is also the fact that if you are into the botany and breeding aspect of cannabis, which is the direction I am now heading, the collection of male pollen is essential to that process as well. Personally I hope I get a male and female from each though I would rather have all females as opposed to all males...
...Maybe people on a whole don't know how to sex a plant, which is quite easy.. I will be doing that on this thread with detailed analysis, and pics ( that I P-Dub the shit out of ) basically because other than some auto's that I hope to get and start soon, I will only focus on some breeding for this summer.. My summer grow was an entire loss due to unforeseen circumstances, so here I am.. I am taking an online botany course through Kansas State University, however there are many online schools that accept almost anyone's money. The personal, not professional experience is what I seek to achieve. To be used in my personal growth, not for monetary gain.. I Just Love Growing Plants, but a focus on cannabis breeding, grafting, and sexing for the rest of this year. On a side note I will also use this opportunity for a teaching tool for the BIL, if nothing else..
... I will be doing some grafting this week end, and documenting it step by step, then follow the progress through out the grow.. I did some grafting last year, and got a surprising amount of interest from members on just that subject alone.. My BIL has four Amnesia Haze ( Inhouse Genetics ) that he let get way too tall, and a multitude of other no no's. We put them in the same 40+gallon vessel that Alissa was in last year... My intention is to graft them together by two's then graft the two's into a four graft single plant. Should be fun to see the look on the BIL's face when we harvest, I told him it is perfect for Picture of the Month material in the end.. We will see on that, I try not to set too lofty of goals for him, he is easily discouraged...
... Ok enough chit chat for this am, here are some pics of the germination process up to date...


... Here is the soak, mix 4 to 1 water to H2O2 ( peroxide 3% )



....After 30 hours ish, into the starter mix which is 50/50 perlite and pro mix...





... All nestled into the mix, see ya in a couple of days girls...
Green days to all
... Good green am to all... Today I planted some regs of WW, and Mosca Special after soaking for 30 hours ish.................... ( two of each ). I had originally switched my germination style to just planting the seed strait up with no soak or anything. But I am in a small teaching role and it is prudent at this juncture to do things the way he does things for easy intake of the knowledge and teaching for the BIL. Before I post the pics and such, I would like to discuss the usage of regular seeds over feminized seeds.. Most of the growers I have come in contact with, both on this site, and around the country and world that I have been or lived do not use anything but feminized seeds.
...There are bonuses to that most of which center around the female certainty that comes with a feminized seed. I myself prefer this type of seed, however there is some excitement that comes along with growing regular seeds. The unknown sex being the biggest part of that excitement. I am not sure what reasons other than the absolution of females, that people don't try regulars. However I have found that I usually get more females than males, and the plants seem to be more vivacious and green. Also the females produce just as much fruit.. There is also the fact that if you are into the botany and breeding aspect of cannabis, which is the direction I am now heading, the collection of male pollen is essential to that process as well. Personally I hope I get a male and female from each though I would rather have all females as opposed to all males...
...Maybe people on a whole don't know how to sex a plant, which is quite easy.. I will be doing that on this thread with detailed analysis, and pics ( that I P-Dub the shit out of ) basically because other than some auto's that I hope to get and start soon, I will only focus on some breeding for this summer.. My summer grow was an entire loss due to unforeseen circumstances, so here I am.. I am taking an online botany course through Kansas State University, however there are many online schools that accept almost anyone's money. The personal, not professional experience is what I seek to achieve. To be used in my personal growth, not for monetary gain.. I Just Love Growing Plants, but a focus on cannabis breeding, grafting, and sexing for the rest of this year. On a side note I will also use this opportunity for a teaching tool for the BIL, if nothing else..
... I will be doing some grafting this week end, and documenting it step by step, then follow the progress through out the grow.. I did some grafting last year, and got a surprising amount of interest from members on just that subject alone.. My BIL has four Amnesia Haze ( Inhouse Genetics ) that he let get way too tall, and a multitude of other no no's. We put them in the same 40+gallon vessel that Alissa was in last year... My intention is to graft them together by two's then graft the two's into a four graft single plant. Should be fun to see the look on the BIL's face when we harvest, I told him it is perfect for Picture of the Month material in the end.. We will see on that, I try not to set too lofty of goals for him, he is easily discouraged...
... Ok enough chit chat for this am, here are some pics of the germination process up to date...


... Here is the soak, mix 4 to 1 water to H2O2 ( peroxide 3% )



....After 30 hours ish, into the starter mix which is 50/50 perlite and pro mix...





... All nestled into the mix, see ya in a couple of days girls...
Green days to all
Ok so I took the BIL out today, and started our grafting project... I got a shit load of pics, gonna post this afternoon...My sister is on her way over with " Leftovers ". They are allergic to them ( LOL ), but I am single and needy.. I love the surprises she brings me, today is clean out the frig AND freezer day.... So lots of chicken I am sure, BUT who knows what else... Chili ? Spaghetti Sauce?? Pot luck... YEAH>>> green days all
...Alrighty then, Sis is gone after a cup of honey green tea and I can get back to work.. My BIL found a bonus seed in some GSC he bought yesterday so I got that B soaking for a soil planting tomorrow afternoon... Worst case on that seed is the same as most regular seeds, maybe male. If it is I will have some excellent pollen for later breeding projects.. Good shit there.. If it is a female, I will put it into my BIL's perpetual and let it veg out for like 90 days. Then ??? Clone, bud, make it a mother ?? IDK ....

... Here is some quick pics of the goodies from the Sis...

.Pizzas from Wallyworld, Eggs ( she has a friend local like yum ), Fish Sticks and Corn dogs, and a big ass frozen pack of Hamburger ( Thinking Chili and Sloppy Joes )




... Ok SO we started the grafting project this morning, and I think this is gonna turn out really pretty... Now right here I need to correct an earlier mistake.. I had said that we had 4 Super Lemon Hazes in one bucket, but I was mistaken. They are actually Amnesia Hazes.. Still Haze, but not the Supers I thought they were.. Oh well. Any who here is the pic of them before we actually started the project.. Notice the BIL's use of his old mower.. Makes a hella good push cart for this heavy ass B...


.... Now at this point I am gonna have to post another post to finish all the pics for this I think, however I will try to squeeze them all on this post.. I will have to start another post at this point, I only have 8 pics downloaded, but it keeps saying I have ten.. Green day.... NEXT>.....


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Ok post two...



Ok so when grafting two or more plants together it is important to pic the right spots to " meld " together.. Once you figure out where those spots are, then you use a sharp blade to lightly scrape the skin of the area till you reach the light green meaty area of stalk.. Similar to when you prepare a clone for soil planting..
...Once you have the areas scraped and cleaned up, you gently hold the two areas together, and tie tightly, but not choking or cutting into plant.. I use zip ties for serious jobs, but a lot of people use gardening string and tie several loops around the area before tying off.. Within a few weeks you will be able to remove the ties, and the plants should have grown together.. You will be able to tell by the " Knuckling " in the area..
...Once you remove the old ties, apply new ties ( I will demonstrate that in a few weeks ) around the area tightly, but not choking, for a few more weeks.. This second application in solely for insurance purposes as strong winds, and or heavy storms could break or split the young heal..



... Now that I finished the first two, I repeat for the second two over the graft of the first two... Like this...


... As you can see I have also grafted a third spot to connect the first and second grafts to ensure a strong connection.. This is Very Important when grafting multiple plants together.. In the next few days I will graft one more spot and all four will be grafted together and ties will be removed in a few weeks.. Then gardening string to make a cast so to speak, a few weeks after that nothing....
.... Here are a few top side pics, as well as different side views...





... As I previously mentioned, this is an ongoing type project and requires significant care and patience.. Be sure to allow for both in you schedule and be observant... I will post daily advancements as we start LST on all the canopy to ensure a Mushroom top canopy for flip... Green days to all


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....Ok so the Wallyworld Pizzas were not all that good.. Had my next door neighbors come over and we fire roasted them in my pit. I have a old Grill top that I put over it to keep the heat kinda even... Any way was over at the QuadSquad thread, and I love the thread but the people don't seem to be interested in any quading that isn't in bud.. Go figure.. How does it get to bud if it doesn't veg and train first ?? IDK.. It's what ever... I will just dump all the quad pics on here from now on, maybe some people will come by who need some picture tutorials. Or maybe just wanna peep out how to start the whole process, and then see how it ends... I now have all 18 plants quaded out, and they are growing in nicely... Gonna be a HEAVY Harvest come October.....

...'Photo Dump'

Any way was over at the QuadSquad thread, and I love the thread but the people don't seem to be interested in any quading that isn't in bud.. Go figure.. How does it get to bud if it doesn't veg and train first ?? IDK.. It's what ever... I will just dump all the quad pics on here from now on, maybe some people will come by who need some picture tutorials.

I got several good pointers there that can be applied to any of our grows. I agree that every plant, even our clones, start with a seed, and most of our work is done by the end of the stretch. After that we rest on our laurels, anticipating the harvest. IMHO, the time from seed to the end of the stretch is the most important part of the grow. After that it's just a little maintenance work.
... Good Green Morning to all... As promised I took a little time to take pics of a few of my strains this am.. It is a beautiful morning up here, however we are expected to get some heavy thunderstorms later on in the morning through the afternoon... SO I figured I would get this in to be looked over, perused if you will, by all you fine folks..

..... First off let me give a little background on this specific grow that I am at this am.. This grow happens to be the once pathetic grow of my BIL ( Brother In Law ). He is a second year pupil of mine, with lots of agriculture experience. He is also a ADHD candidate so these are truly medication to him.. I find that it is hard to show someone with his attention span the ropes, he continues to make huge mistakes in a rookie manor. Not to mention he is an Asshole most of the time, unless you are growing him some bad ass bud.. But he is my sister's love, :rolleyes: so I will try this one last year to get him kick started... The plants are only outside during the daytime hours, and they are safely put away at night.. This prevents theft, many insect infestations, and damage from overnight storms and etc.. We are at this time working on his perpetual grow area which will measure in the neighborhood of 8x10 and will be insulated, water tight, as well as temperature and climate controlled. Not all super nerded out, just a really good place for an old man to make his own medicine.. Winters are cold up here, and " Summers " are moderate, humid, and short.. By the beginning of the fruiting season up here, which is around the first or second week of August, the plants will be in air tight, light tight, secure environment for the remainder of the cycle.. This allows the plants to completely develop and such, but it also allows for a more controlled environment with equal light, nute, air, and water distribution... Ok enough of that.. One to pictures and descritions..

... First up is a couple of Amnesia Haze plants... These were just about 5 inches tall less than 3 weeks ago... They are now in the neighborhood of 18 inches tall, and not only well maintained, but also well mainlined.. This first one in the biggest of the two and with these pictures, which I have not doctored in any way, you will see that we tied down every new growth from almost it's beginning and are reaching our goal. This one will be topped very soon...


.. As you can see there are around 12 total limbs that will be controlled into having 2 to 3 well spaced nodes that will grow into limbs and thus extra large buds, or colas.. They will continue to be trimmed and manicured throughout the grow so that there are not a lot of significant large growths from secondary nodes. Basically the bottom third of all the limbs will remain growth free...

...Next up is the second Amnesia Haze... Much the same as the first, however it is about two weeks out from being topped....



... Next up are a couple of Truth Bands. Now these are some heavy Indica Bitches so they are prone to bush, and Squat.. This is not easy to overcome, however if you use the plants growth against in by staking aggressively, as well as tying, twisting, manipulating, and overall just tell it what to do, you can get a healthy and abundant harvest..



... Now these, because they are Indicas will have less limbs, so you have to grow them a little longer ( in length ) before allowing the vertical leap. You also need to allow for more nodes, but less spacing between nodes.. End result MORE WORK, every day with no exceptions...



... Now this specific grow is around 20 Plants with an abundance of Hazes and Truth Bands.. They are in different stages of growth, therefore you have to grow for what reality dictates you can get out of them.. Some of the newer plants will stay in the smaller vessels they are in but either way they will be maxed out in the LST department, and all are in their final grow vessel..

These last couple of photos ( OG Deadhead(x)Super Silver Haze(x)Cotton Candy ), should be a little more recognizable to the quadline people in the house.. The later the start the less Mainlining can be done.. Also predictably Indica Heavey so the smaller ones will only get to this point before being topped. In this case we just tied the top over to make the fourth and final limb....It will still have around 10 to 12 total vertical limbs for cola/bud growth, but significantly less productive than the large plants... Enjoy.. I hope this gives those who need it, a better understanding/description of what I have going on.. I will try to get some snap shots of the two other grows I have to visit today, however it is always at the Owner's discretion. I can take some photos, but they may not want them posted in any manner... They are first time growers both, and are still warming to the idea of Legal Recreational Cannabis.. LOL Green days all
... Just finishing up on a Sunday afternoon.. Rained pretty much all day, as predicted. Visited the other two grows, just to basically have lunch with one, but mostly to check in and out.. They are well into their heavy veg states at each, and are only weeks away from flip.. We are boosting up the nute regiment, and beginning the transition from veg nutes to the bloom nutes... Their plants have been on full nute schedule 3 times a week for about a month now.. They water every other day, but almost five times a week... Their grow medium is the 5 to 2 Pro mix/Perlite formula.. You almost can't over water that, however the downside is that it doesn't hold the water and nutes for long either..
....Of course won't use the bloom till a couple of weeks into flip, but I wanted to show them how to mix and steep... I personally like to be prepared so I mix my important nutrients about 3 to 4 weeks in advance and make it into a good steeped tea.. No pictures yet, they don't want any posted on site.. They will loosen up when they see the results and I inform them that EVERYONE on this site helped out in some form or another...

... On to other news, TWO of my four regulars have popped the surface.. :slide: ... One Mosca, and One WW.. So far anyway... I will take photos tomorrow morning, I want to keep them sealed up till then... Gonna have to take my word for it tonight.. LOL.. Other than that, Green evening to all... Hacker OUT
... Good Green Am to all.... Up and at em early, the life of a dirty old pot farmer I guess.. LOL.. So I am gonna make some coffee, and of course my smoothie this am, then head over to the BIL's house... Just a couple of houses away, so I don't have to wait for his lazy ass to get up.. Ha... Anyway, yesterday evening turned out to be a bummer.. After doing some light trimming and plant inspection at my sister's house after dinner, I noticed some odd growth on the AH that we had grafted the other day.. It looked to me like a sprig of balls, so I looked it up. First on here, with not much help, then online in general..


.. Not the greatest picture, but I will find a better one later this am... This is described as Hermie balls, and that is not good.. Only one plant is showing this Stress related abnormality.. Another learning experience for the BIL, but he is pissed off.. So greedy.. He has 20 f in plants, so I told him to just cull the hermie and be done with it... Makes me sad because it is gonna be such a pretty grafting project, but what needs to be needs to be... I have told him from day one, Nature is gonna do what it is gonna do. If you don't follow a routine, be consistent, and follow the rules I taught you, problems will come.. Good visual proof that lazy people don't ALWAYS get everything given to them.. LOL.. And he is LAZY.. Notice the capital letters ..... He has stepped up his game in the last few weeks, mostly because I told him to kiss my ass and I wasn't growing weed for him, I will help him.. And my sister is staying out of it, that helps.. Always makes excuses for his dumb ass, gets old... He always tells me " man you are so good at this " and " You have a crazy great green thumb " and the like.. My only response is a humble, " Why do you think that is bro, think it happened by accident ?" and such... Deaf ears... LOL.. Green morning to all....
Lights just came on a little while ago in the seedling room.. I was a little hasty last night in describing the two that popped the surface as one WW, and one Mosca Special but I was seeing things. LOL. Go figure, Damn GSC's LOL.. Anyway both of the Mosca have popped the surface, and my GSC mystery regular seed has germinated, and is now in the soil... Here are some pics for proof.... Eh hmmmm...




Man they are like 5 feet away from the blurple, and still crappy pics... No P-Dubbing those.. O well...
.. Next up is the Mystery GSC Regular...



.... Good green am to all... Back later ...
.. I finally got a decent picture of the hermie male parts... I had a friend come over to verify, unfortunately I was out bidding a job so I missed him... Don't matter, I am pretty damn sure what it means.... :eek::rolleyes:




.. P-dubbed courtesy of Paint app... Green days..

When ya know; ya know...

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