GDB: Old Dog -- New Tricks

They are nice Tim! You use them for burping your weed?
Been using them for about about three years. After trimming I'll sweat The buds in one of the large Grove bags for a couple days. Then into the velvet 1/4lb soft touch bags for curing and storage. Set it and forget it.

I like that soft touch bag the best. Bud is good for more than a year but then starts to lose humidity From 60-62 to 56-58.
The Fat kid cake looks as if you fed your plant a fat kid who was eating a cake!
Also did you blow the fan leaves off like a dandelion? I wish my plants trimmed themselves
Great job GDB!
Thanks Professor! And thanks for visiting my humble grow! :Rasta:
Hello grow gang!

I've been a little busy lately so I have some old news to report. This past Friday I took down the last of the Phase II plants -- the Fat Kid's Cake#1.

She had reached Flip 100 and crawled to the finish line as if completing a demolition derby! Here's her Obit pic:
FKC1 8-30-24 F100 OBIT.JPG

A silhouette pic:
FKC1 8-30-24 F100 END silhouette.JPG

When released, flopping ensued:
FKC1 8-30-24 F100 END flop.JPG

Here's her array of cleaned up buddage. She came in a 496g wet (with stems).
FKC1 8-30-24 F100 END array 596g.JPG

Just like the first FKC, this one had very little frost to offer. Her big fat, firm buds are mostly frost-free. That doesn't bode well for her quality, IMO. She felt slightly sticky when I was taking her down and had a fairly nice aroma, but I remain skeptical. Time will tell.


At this point I will happily quote @MedScientist and say, "Woo Hoo!"

I am so glad to be done with this grow! The Lemon Bubble & the Hash Lover from Phase I were winners. But the Blue Cindy was a dud. And in Phase II the FKCs may well be duds, as well, with the little Godberry stealing the show from her larger tent mates.

Anyway, live and learn (and continue to burn). :Rasta:

It's time to start gearing up for the next round. Another episode of "Seed to Weed" is coming soon to a screen near you!

Thanks for your time.

Highya GDB,

Have you tried a testor bud yet? Hopefully, she'll redeem herself! Happy Smokin'
Hello grow gang!

I've been a little busy lately so I have some old news to report. This past Friday I took down the last of the Phase II plants -- the Fat Kid's Cake#1.

She had reached Flip 100 and crawled to the finish line as if completing a demolition derby! Here's her Obit pic:
FKC1 8-30-24 F100 OBIT.JPG

A silhouette pic:
FKC1 8-30-24 F100 END silhouette.JPG

When released, flopping ensued:
FKC1 8-30-24 F100 END flop.JPG

Here's her array of cleaned up buddage. She came in a 496g wet (with stems).
FKC1 8-30-24 F100 END array 596g.JPG

Just like the first FKC, this one had very little frost to offer. Her big fat, firm buds are mostly frost-free. That doesn't bode well for her quality, IMO. She felt slightly sticky when I was taking her down and had a fairly nice aroma, but I remain skeptical. Time will tell.


At this point I will happily quote @MedScientist and say, "Woo Hoo!"

I am so glad to be done with this grow! The Lemon Bubble & the Hash Lover from Phase I were winners. But the Blue Cindy was a dud. And in Phase II the FKCs may well be duds, as well, with the little Godberry stealing the show from her larger tent mates.

Anyway, live and learn (and continue to burn). :Rasta:

It's time to start gearing up for the next round. Another episode of "Weed to Seed" is coming soon to a screen near you!

Thanks for your time.


Very nice haul bro!
Congratulations on another successful harvest. :) I know what you mean, questioning a strains potential. :hmmmm: I grew the Golden Tiger last year, and harvested it in November 23. At the usual eight week mark, when most weed already taste good, the GT tasted like dirt.:oops: I didn't notice it tasting much better until the 6 month mark, and it's even better at the nine month mark.:cheesygrinsmiley: In grove bags, the Golden Tiger; Malawi Killer, phantom blanco pheno taste really good and provides a lively head high.:hmmmm::love: It's sticky too.:cheesygrinsmiley:
I guess I'm agreeing with that great SNL actress, Anna Rosanna Danna from the 70's, " You just never know." 🙄:bong:
Congrats on the final take down! 🥳 🎉 You got alot of reporting to do and that means a lot of smoking to do 🤣:lot-o-toke::lot-o-toke: enjoy bro and don't be judging books by their covers. My exodus cheese doesn't look half as sparkly as these new hybrids but she'll rock your damn socks! She's way stronger then all this new thriller, killer and salmonella the youngsters talk about 🤣🤣 I hope after half a Zoot your checking your schedule contemplating whether to pick it back up 🤣🤣

Hello grow gang!

I've been a little busy lately so I have some old news to report. This past Friday I took down the last of the Phase II plants -- the Fat Kid's Cake#1.

She had reached Flip 100 and crawled to the finish line as if completing a demolition derby! Here's her Obit pic:
FKC1 8-30-24 F100 OBIT.JPG

A silhouette pic:
FKC1 8-30-24 F100 END silhouette.JPG

When released, flopping ensued:
FKC1 8-30-24 F100 END flop.JPG

Here's her array of cleaned up buddage. She came in a 496g wet (with stems).
FKC1 8-30-24 F100 END array 596g.JPG

Just like the first FKC, this one had very little frost to offer. Her big fat, firm buds are mostly frost-free. That doesn't bode well for her quality, IMO. She felt slightly sticky when I was taking her down and had a fairly nice aroma, but I remain skeptical. Time will tell.


At this point I will happily quote @MedScientist and say, "Woo Hoo!"

I am so glad to be done with this grow! The Lemon Bubble & the Hash Lover from Phase I were winners. But the Blue Cindy was a dud. And in Phase II the FKCs may well be duds, as well, with the little Godberry stealing the show from her larger tent mates.

Anyway, live and learn (and continue to burn). :Rasta:

It's time to start gearing up for the next round. Another episode of "Seed to Weed" is coming soon to a screen near you!

Thanks for your time.

Beautiful harvest GDB. 🍋
Hello grow gang!

I've been a little busy lately so I have some old news to report. This past Friday I took down the last of the Phase II plants -- the Fat Kid's Cake#1.

She had reached Flip 100 and crawled to the finish line as if completing a demolition derby! Here's her Obit pic:
FKC1 8-30-24 F100 OBIT.JPG

A silhouette pic:
FKC1 8-30-24 F100 END silhouette.JPG

When released, flopping ensued:
FKC1 8-30-24 F100 END flop.JPG

Here's her array of cleaned up buddage. She came in a 496g wet (with stems).
FKC1 8-30-24 F100 END array 596g.JPG

Just like the first FKC, this one had very little frost to offer. Her big fat, firm buds are mostly frost-free. That doesn't bode well for her quality, IMO. She felt slightly sticky when I was taking her down and had a fairly nice aroma, but I remain skeptical. Time will tell.


At this point I will happily quote @MedScientist and say, "Woo Hoo!"

I am so glad to be done with this grow! The Lemon Bubble & the Hash Lover from Phase I were winners. But the Blue Cindy was a dud. And in Phase II the FKCs may well be duds, as well, with the little Godberry stealing the show from her larger tent mates.

Anyway, live and learn (and continue to burn). :Rasta:

It's time to start gearing up for the next round. Another episode of "Weed to Seed" is coming soon to a screen near you!

Thanks for your time.

PEACE and a half
Four and a half oz's of happiness there GDB! Sweet episode!
Hello gang and Happy Humpday!

I checked on the Godberry yesterday. She's been in the fridge for 16 days, a tad longer than it usually takes to get jar-ready.

She's taking longer because of her size at takedown. She was just small enough to be stuffed into a single gift box. But putting her in a single box made for a somewhat tight fit and did not leave sufficient room to move the buds around in the box. That extends the dry time. (I used a single box because space is at a premium in my fridge and I knew that another plant had to fit in there right after this one.)

Anyhow, I took a bunch of buds from the box yesterday and put them in a Mason jar with a hygrometer. After about two hours the RH settled at 70%. I put the buds back into the box/fridge. A 2-3 days more and they should be ready for curing.

GB 9-4-24 16th day fridge.JPG

I made an interesting observation during this process. When buds are packed in a box a bit too tightly, the buds along the edges (where air moves in/out) dry more quickly than those towards the middle of the box. I needed to move the stuff from the center of the box to the edges, and vice versa, prior to putting them back in the fridge.


Looks good GDB! Happy smokin. :)

Have you tried a testor bud yet? Hopefully, she'll redeem herself! Happy Smokin'

She sure looks pretty. Hopefully she has lots of hidden inner frost :)

Congratulations on another successful harvest. :) I know what you mean, questioning a strains potential. :hmmmm: I grew the Golden Tiger last year, and harvested it in November 23. At the usual eight week mark, when most weed already taste good, the GT tasted like dirt.:oops: I didn't notice it tasting much better until the 6 month mark, and it's even better at the nine month mark.:cheesygrinsmiley: In grove bags, the Golden Tiger; Malawi Killer, phantom blanco pheno taste really good and provides a lively head high.:hmmmm::love: It's sticky too.:cheesygrinsmiley:
I guess I'm agreeing with that great SNL actress, Anna Rosanna Danna from the 70's, " You just never know."

Congrats on the final take down! 🥳 🎉 You got alot of reporting to do and that means a lot of smoking to do 🤣:lot-o-toke::lot-o-toke: enjoy bro and don't be judging books by their covers. My exodus cheese doesn't look half as sparkly as these new hybrids but she'll rock your damn socks! She's way stronger then all this new thriller, killer and salmonella the youngsters talk about 🤣🤣 I hope after half a Zoot your checking your schedule contemplating whether to pick it back up 🤣🤣

I hope it finishes up good at the end product for ya ,Congrats on a grow behind you .
Congratulations on the Flop-n-Chop® and the great silhouette pic! I hope it smokes better than it sticks, and if not you could always give dry ice hash a shot.

Thanks for all the encouraging words gang! I was just thinking that based on my prediction record, this weed will likely be some of the best I've ever had. :Rasta:

Very nice haul bro!
Thanks Rasta!
WooHoo is such a Versatile word, and can be utilized in so many scenarios!

I can't think of any better word that Represents this plants Journey!
It does have a nice ring to it MedSci!
Beautiful harvest GDB. 🍋
Thanks Keith! Looking forward to your indoor adventures!
Congrats GD Black :)

Oiii can you play that guitar?
I like to say I play "with" the guitar, Tra! :Rasta:
Four and a half oz's of happiness there GDB! Sweet episode!
Thanks Stone. That is my hope!
Congrats GDB. I'm in awe of the floppage. Nice wet weight.
I was pleased with the flop too, Carmen! :Rasta:
I'm with Shed.... Congrats on the flop and chop!!🪓 Happy Wednesday!! 😎✌️
Thanks so much Scottay!


I've dropped some seeds for my next grow. I'm now debating whether to start the journal now or to wait until I've got sprouts. I'm not keen on explaining how seeds failed to germ and had to be replaced. I much prefer skipping the germination "Soap Opera" and starting a journal once the plants are in play.

I'll flip a coin. You'll know the outcome of the toss based on whether you see me announce a new journal sometime today!

Thanks for stopping by.

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