GDB: Old Dog -- New Tricks

Congrats on a great harvest, GDB!
That 5 minutes in trim jail must've been nice!

I'm still undecided about most of the specifics: which tent I will use,
Do you know what you're growing yet?
If you haven't decided yet, you might want to
hold off on that for a day or 2 ...:cheesygrinsmiley:
Congrats on a great harvest, GDB!
That 5 minutes in trim jail must've been nice!

Do you know what you're growing yet?
If you haven't decided yet, you might want to
hold off on that for a day or 2 ...:cheesygrinsmiley:
Thanks Carcass. It actually took about 40 minutes, including my union breaks! There's an upside to losing lots of fan leaves at the end! :)

Oh! You gonna' send me something I haven't "seed" before?! :Rasta:
Maybe sow...😉
Thanks Tra. I'm a little slow on the uptake and still trying to figure out exactly what it is that you give so "awesomely."
Could you give me a hint, maybe a pic or something? 😁
Ask and you shall receive!

Bread! I give awesome bread!

Hey GDB, just curious if an how often do you have to flip or shake or fiddle with the box of buds once it goes in the fridge
I don't know Chris. I do mine err' now and then. It's not a science, at least my version of it isn't. I don't want to mislead you into thinking I've got a strict regimen I follow when I dry in the fridge. I don't.

What I do largely depends on what the buds do. If it seems they are drying too slowly I may take the buds out and spread them on a table under a ceiling fan for about 10-15 minutes before returning them to the fridge. Sometimes I leave the stems attached. That lengthens the drying process. If things go perfectly, I get to leave enough room in the box to shake/move the buds around without opening the box. I've gotten away with hardly messing with the buds at all, maybe moving them around every 4-5 days and having them ready for curing in about 2 weeks or even slightly less.

Play around with it. That's the best way to see if it's for you!

After they've been in the fridge for 10 days I start taking some buds out and sticking it in a mason jar with a hygrometer. After they've been in there for a few hours I check to see where it is RH-wise. If it's still too high, back in the fridge they go. Once I get it down to around 66 RH using the Mason jar test, I take it out of the fridge and put it in a slow-cooker liner (some use turkey bags) and burp it down all at once by periodically opening the liner bag and letting the weed breath. When I get it down to 62 RH in the liner bag I move it to Grove bags for curing.
I don't know Chris. I do mine err' now and then. It's not a science, at least my version of it isn't. I don't want to mislead you into thinking I've got a strict regimen I follow when I dry in the fridge. I don't.

What I do largely depends on what the buds do. If it seems they are drying too slowly I may take the buds out and spread them on a table under a ceiling fan for about 10-15 minutes before returning them to the fridge. Sometimes I leave the stems attached. That lengthens the drying process. If things go perfectly, I get to leave enough room in the box to shake/move the buds around without opening the box. I've gotten away with hardly messing with the buds at all, maybe moving them around every 4-5 days and having them ready for curing in about 2 weeks or even slightly less.

Play around with it. That's the best way to see if it's for you!

After they've been in the fridge for 10 days I start taking some buds out and sticking it in a mason jar with a hygrometer. After they've been in there for a few hours I check to see where it is RH-wise. If it's still too high, back in the fridge they go. Once I get it down to around 66 RH using the Mason jar test, I take it out of the fridge and put it in a slow-cooker liner (some use turkey bags) and burp it down all at once by periodically opening the liner bag and letting the weed breath. When I get it down to 62 RH in the liner bag I move it to Grove bags for curing.
This is very helpful thanks.
Hello gang!

It's Flip 91 for the Phase II girl, singular. Last night I took down the Fat Kid's Cake #2, so only FKC#1 remains standing.

FKC#2 had done a big flop about 3-4 days ago. She said to hell with my attempts at keeping her upright. Despite all the bamboo stick and tethers I had put in place, she managed to find a way to flop anyway.

Here's her obit pic:
FKC#2 8-21-24 F90 OBIT.JPG

When I released her from the supports not much changed. She was already in full flop prior to their release, so I didn't take a flop pic.

Here is the array of her buds:
FKC#2 8-21-24 F90 END array.JPG

She came in at a larfless 347g wet with the stems removed. I'll likely get about 3 ozs. from her.

Nearly all of her buds were big and hard but not so frosty. (Or I was just unable to depict them in a pic. They do look a little frostier in person.)
FKC#2 8-21-24 F90 END budshot.JPG


The FKC#1 is just about ready to come down too. But first I need to get some more gift boxes to dry her in. I only have one box left and I know she will need 2.


So as I get closer to completing this grow, I'm hyped about the next one. I'm still undecided about most of the specifics: which tent I will use, what nutrients, what light. But I'm certain that whatever I grow will be grown in coco using the swick bases. I've been itching to give that method another go!


Thanks Stinker!

Thank you Tim!

I hope its good GW. I'd hate to have the Mrs. suffering through having to smell some, no-good, shit weed!

Yes, a two-"S"er she is, Smoke! :Rasta:

Thanks Tra. I'm a little slow on the uptake and still trying to figure out exactly what it is that you give so "awesomely."
Could you give me a hint, maybe a pic or something? 😁


Thanks for your interest.

Congrats on another flop chop GDB looks tasty
Hello grow gang and Happy Sunday!

It's Flip 94 for the Fat Kid's Cake #1 and she's still standing. I think she's one of those plants that's not going to get a lot of amber and she's started to foxtail, making amber sightings even more difficult. But she continues to drink about 2L a day and so she stands.

She's burned through all of her fan leaves -- looks a hot mess but will be a breeze of a trim! :Rasta:
FKC1 8-25-24 F94 (1).JPG

I'm guessing sometime during this week I'll lift her pot one morning and it will be nearly as heavy as it was the day before. (I usually water her early in the day and by early the next day her pot is light.) That will be my cue that her time is up!


This is very helpful thanks.
You're welcome Carmen.

So around 3 zips of some fine and extra large bud!! That's the way to do it! And as my super fun, beloved, and moved on co working partner would say... on to the next thing!
Yeah, Stone! On to the next thing (after my union break)! :)

Those Grove bags are awesome. I don't miss the days of burping 30 jars for a few weeks haha.
They are nice Tim! You use them for burping your weed?

Another Fine harvest :welldone:
Thanks so much Smoke! :thanks:

Congrats on another flop chop GDB looks tasty
Thanks con. I'll let you know about the taste when I can! :)


Legit lolling!
Having fun? :)


As always, thanks for visiting!

Having fun? :)
Sorry it’s a side joke with Shed. I accused him of being over zealous when using his exclamation points. I felt he was abusing their power by trying to make a mundane sentence exciting by adding❗

He’s now on exclamation point watch when it comes to me! Turns out I abuse them too‼️

Sorry it’s a side joke with Shed. I accused him of being over zealous when using his exclamation points. I felt he was abusing their power by trying to make a mundane sentence exciting by adding❗

He’s now on exclamation point watch when it comes to me! Turns out I abuse them too‼️

Thanks for explaining!!!!!

She looks ready to Me! ❤️

How tall is she? The Huge Budz are making it hard to guesstimate. ❤️
Thanks MedSci. She's 2 feet 4 inches from the soil to the top.
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