GDB: Old Dog -- New Tricks

The Godberry, who never ate as heartily as the FKCs also got a dose of the booster (each of the plants was given 1L only). However, her leaves have gone into what looks more like a natural fade.
Damn that's a beautiful little plant!
But I'm determined to use some sort of booster in late flower that doesn't result in the decimation of my fan leaves.
A few years back, I won some @Plagron "Green Sensation"(0-8-9)- I used it at the recommended dosage of 1ml./l, and it didn't damage the's pricey, though- and it's one of those "but did it really do anything?" nutes...when you burn the leaves up, you know it did something.... when it doesn't burn anything up, you wonder what it did do... :hmmmm:

So, those FKC buds aren't big enough for you?😁
Damn that's a beautiful little plant!

A few years back, I won some @Plagron "Green Sensation"(0-8-9)- I used it at the recommended dosage of 1ml./l, and it didn't damage the's pricey, though- and it's one of those "but did it really do anything?" nutes...when you burn the leaves up, you know it did something.... when it doesn't burn anything up, you wonder what it did do... :hmmmm:

So, those FKC buds aren't big enough for you?😁
Thanks so much Carcass!

That's an interesting slant that you offer on boosters. I like that a lot! :)
Hello all.

It's Flip 85 for the Phase II group and surprisingly, they're all still standing!
NT P2 8-16-24 F85 tent.JPG

Fat Kid's Cake#1 left. FKC#2 right. Godberry rear.

After seeing that initial small, splash of amber on the FKC#2, I haven't seen much more (hardly any more, actually). So I wait. I doubt that I'll be waiting much longer. The FKC2 and the GB have started to foxtail. Getting a read for when they're ready by examining the trichs will get more difficult. I'll mostly rely on their drinking habits to steer me now.

A while back I, after adjusting the lights, I said I was gonna' let these plants finish at 38 DLI. I changed my mind about that and have been steadily lowering the DLI (by raising the lights) over the past 10 days or so. They're now sitting at 32 and that's where I will let them finish, for real this time!

The @ViparSpectra lights are doing their usual bang-up job!
NT P2 8-16-24 F85 above lites.JPG

Thanks for having a look.

Highya GDB,

More buds than leaves and stalks!! I didn't know that was even possible! So good looking at such fat buds!! They must smell amazing!! Happy Smokin'
Hello all.

It's Flip 85 for the Phase II group and surprisingly, they're all still standing!
NT P2 8-16-24 F85 tent.JPG

Fat Kid's Cake#1 left. FKC#2 right. Godberry rear.

After seeing that initial small, splash of amber on the FKC#2, I haven't seen much more (hardly any more, actually). So I wait. I doubt that I'll be waiting much longer. The FKC2 and the GB have started to foxtail. Getting a read for when they're ready by examining the trichs will get more difficult. I'll mostly rely on their drinking habits to steer me now.

A while back I, after adjusting the lights, I said I was gonna' let these plants finish at 38 DLI. I changed my mind about that and have been steadily lowering the DLI (by raising the lights) over the past 10 days or so. They're now sitting at 32 and that's where I will let them finish, for real this time!

The @ViparSpectra lights are doing their usual bang-up job!
NT P2 8-16-24 F85 above lites.JPG

Thanks for having a look.

Don't drop any of those buds on your foot when you trim GDB! Could break a toe!
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