GDB: Old Dog -- New Tricks

July was your month, GDB- and I don't think anyone here deserves it more than you do.👍💚
We don't get many trifectas around here...there should be a prize for that, too..😁

Now, how about that joke?
It was Carcass. Man, talk about the stars aligning! :rolleyes:

Just for you (I think I know what you like):

I once submitted 10 puns to a joke competition. I really thought with that many, one was sure to win. Sadly, no pun in ten did. (bada bing!)
GDB, and :adore:
Good morning all!

It's Flip 72 for the Phase II girls and I sense there's a conspiracy afoot. I think weed plants get sneaky at this stage. Take your eye off of them for too many days and, Wham, "Where the hell did all that amber come from?"

So all three girls got scoped this morning.

My initial prediction was that the Godberry would go first, followed by the Fat Kid's Cake#1 and the FKC#2 last. I later "amended" that prediction, having GB still first but moving the FKC#2 to the second to finish with the FKC#1 being last.

Ha! Wrong and Wrong Again!

Look at these scope shots:

FKC1 8-3-24  F72 trichs (3).jpg
FKC1 8-3-24  F72 trichs (2).jpg

FKC1 8-3-24  F72 trichs (4).jpg

GB 8-3-24 F72 trichs (2).jpg

GB 8-3-24 F72 trichs (3).jpg

GB 8-3-24 F72 trichs (5).jpg

FKC2 8-3-24 F72 trichs (1).jpg

FKC2 8-3-24 F72 trichs (2).jpg

FKC2 8-3-24 F72 trichs (3).jpg

So the FKC#2 is ready for the taking, IMO. And it's up in the air as to which one of the others will be the next to go. And I remain consistent with regard to my predictions. I'm 0 for however many I've made. 😁

Here's a tent shot from yesterday. FKC#1 left, FKC#2 right and GB rear.
NT P2 8-2-24 F71 tent.JPG

BTW, I found another cluster of critters on the FKC#1 yesterday. They were on a small section of the plant. About 3 leaves had the tell-tale spotting. They were sprayed with Safers Insect Soap and then removed. Scoping confirmed critters were present. I also sprayed Safers all around the general area where they were spotted.

I kinda' knew that they were still around but I didn't just want to keep arbitrarily spraying the plant, so I stopped spraying her and waited for more clear evidence. Well, that worked. :straightface: (Hmm, can I count that as a correct prediction?)

At this point the critters are of little concern. But I'll have to give the tent a super sterilization when I'm done with these plants. At the end of this grow, Bombs Away! 💣


Thanks for taking a minute.

Highya GDB,

Predictions may not be working, but your ladies are working overtime!! FKC#2 looks ripe! The only losing you're doing is making predictions. All else is winning!! Happy Smokin'
Good morning all!

It's Flip 72 for the Phase II girls and I sense there's a conspiracy afoot. I think weed plants get sneaky at this stage. Take your eye off of them for too many days and, Wham, "Where the hell did all that amber come from?"

So all three girls got scoped this morning.

My initial prediction was that the Godberry would go first, followed by the Fat Kid's Cake#1 and the FKC#2 last. I later "amended" that prediction, having GB still first but moving the FKC#2 to the second to finish with the FKC#1 being last.

Ha! Wrong and Wrong Again!

Look at these scope shots:

FKC1 8-3-24  F72 trichs (3).jpg
FKC1 8-3-24  F72 trichs (2).jpg

FKC1 8-3-24  F72 trichs (4).jpg

GB 8-3-24 F72 trichs (2).jpg

GB 8-3-24 F72 trichs (3).jpg

GB 8-3-24 F72 trichs (5).jpg

FKC2 8-3-24 F72 trichs (1).jpg

FKC2 8-3-24 F72 trichs (2).jpg

FKC2 8-3-24 F72 trichs (3).jpg

So the FKC#2 is ready for the taking, IMO. And it's up in the air as to which one of the others will be the next to go. And I remain consistent with regard to my predictions. I'm 0 for however many I've made. 😁

Here's a tent shot from yesterday. FKC#1 left, FKC#2 right and GB rear.
NT P2 8-2-24 F71 tent.JPG

BTW, I found another cluster of critters on the FKC#1 yesterday. They were on a small section of the plant. About 3 leaves had the tell-tale spotting. They were sprayed with Safers Insect Soap and then removed. Scoping confirmed critters were present. I also sprayed Safers all around the general area where they were spotted.

I kinda' knew that they were still around but I didn't just want to keep arbitrarily spraying the plant, so I stopped spraying her and waited for more clear evidence. Well, that worked. :straightface: (Hmm, can I count that as a correct prediction?)

At this point the critters are of little concern. But I'll have to give the tent a super sterilization when I'm done with these plants. At the end of this grow, Bombs Away! 💣


Thanks for taking a minute.

Nice job GDB let's see some flop pics
Highya GDB,

Predictions may not be working, but your ladies are working overtime!! FKC#2 looks ripe! The only losing you're doing is making predictions. All else is winning!! Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode. Your positive comments are easily predictable! :Rasta:
Take your eye off of them for too many days and, Wham, "Where the hell did all that amber come from?"
That one would of snuck right past me- with all those white pistils, I probably wouldn't have scoped them for another week or so..😬

Happy Harvesting, GDB👍
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