GDB: Old Dog -- New Tricks

Good morning and Happy Sunday!

It's Flip 59 for the Phase II group and I now have a tent full of floppers.

The Fat Kid's Cake#1 greeted me with this Sunday morning surprise!
FKC1 7-21-24 F59 flop day.JPG

Nearly half of the plant decided to see if there is anything of interest on the tent floor. 👀

Getting her sorta' back upright was no picnic and now my hands are sticky icky.
FKC1 7-21-24 F59 flop fix.JPG

As I lifted those branches I was really impressed by their individual weights. I certainly ain't gonna' complain about some heavy buds! :Rasta:

Introducing The Floppettes!
NT P2 7-21-24 F59 tent.JPG


I put a piece of the FKC1 under the scope to check where she is. She seems mostly cloudy but a lot of clears remain.

FKC1 7-21-24 F59 trich (3).jpg
FKC1 7-21-24 F59 trich (1).jpg

FKC1 7-21-24 F59 trich (2).jpg

Best of all, I didn't see anything crawling around when I scoped her! :yahoo:


I've had much more experience dealing with those pests than I would have liked Tra. :straightface:

I'm gonna keep it and use it on Stella for a while!


Thanks for visiting and have yourself a pleasant, relaxing Sunday!

Plants are looking great GDB hopefully you get rid of the buggers, those buds look awesome 👌
Highya GDB,

Those buds are still packing on the weight! They're so gorgeous! The last one finally got the flop. Yeah, no complaints on fat buds!! I'll bet you're proud of those huge nugs!! Have you visited the plant your bud is growing? Just curious! Happy Smokin'
Hello all.

It's Flip 61 for the Phase II group and the Flopettes just keep flop, flop, flopping along.
NT P2 7-26-24 F61 tent.JPG

I know at some point the buds on those FKCs will have to stop growing and just ripen but they don't seem ready to do that just yet. So I wait.

I think the Godberry is nearly done.
GB 7-23-24 F61 bud.JPG

The FKC#1 will likely be next.
FKC1 7-23-24 F61 bud.JPG

And the FKC#2 will be this grow's finale.
FKC2 7-23-24 F61 bud.JPG

This the stage of a grow when I would consider adding bud boosters if I were going to use them. I'm not.

I really don't want to screw up a bunch of leaves on the GB because I think she's pretty and I want to remember her that way. And the FKCs, well their buds don't look like they need any boosting! :Rasta:


Mean ole overweight Buds ! LOL Thats going to be impressing to see at the end , hell it already is
Thanks Smoke. They're like a plant I grew not too long ago, "fat bastards." :)
I like it when I lift em and they lift back like that! Way to go!
Thanks Stone. I prolly should have done something to prevent that last major collapse, but I wanted to give her the chance to remain self-supporting to the end. I was lucky that nothing snapped when she took her dive!
Plants are looking great GDB hopefully you get rid of the buggers, those buds look awesome 👌
Thanks so much con.
Those buds are still packing on the weight! They're so gorgeous! The last one finally got the flop. Yeah, no complaints on fat buds!! I'll bet you're proud of those huge nugs!! Have you visited the plant your bud is growing? Just curious! Happy Smokin'
Still packing it on Bode, looking like Sumo buds to me!

I wanted to visit LB today but he had some stuff to do. Maybe tomorrow!


That's today's news.

As always, thank you for stopping by.

the buds on those FKCs will have to stop growing and just ripen
The longer it takes, the heavier they get..👍

Great looking buds, too- that's what you'd want backbuilding to do for them, but they did it on their own...nice!
The longer it takes, the heavier they get..👍
Kinda' like pooping! :)
Great looking buds, too- that's what you'd want backbuilding to do for them, but they did it on their own...nice!
Thanks Carcass. They're so hefty that I turned my second fan back on so they're getting plenty of air blown on them.
Hello all.

It's Flip 64 for the Phase II group and all of the plants are getting close.

Front: Fat Kid's Cake#2 then FKC#1. Godberry in the rear.
NT P2 7-26-24 F64 tent.JPG

This is a fun time for me because I like using my scope. I know from past experience that it is at this stage where weed plants can get quite sneaky. You've got to keep a close eye on them of they may ripen more than you had intended. 👀

The FKC#2 is a good example. She's been the one looking like she would be the last of this group to finish. She's had the most white pistils remaining until just this morning. But when I checked her today it appeared that many of the white pistils that were present in recent days were no longer there.
FKC2 7-26-24 F64 bud.JPG

Yeah, she still has plenty white hairs but not nearly as many as she had a few days ago.

She's the only one I had yet to scope so today was her day.
FKC2 7-26-24 F64 trichs (1).jpg
FKC2 7-26-24 F64 trichs (2).jpg
FKC2 7-26-24 F64 trichs (3).jpg
FKC2 7-26-24 F64 trichs (4).jpg

Now she is the first of the group to show a trace of amber!

So my prediction that she would be the last one to go -- like most of my predictions -- is probably wrong. I'm still certain the GB is going first but the FKC#2 may be the second instead of last.

The order in which they get chopped matters not. I just want them all out of the way. There's a waiting list for the tent space! :Rasta:


Thanks for you visit.

Highya GDB,

Gorgeous bud shots!! Very pleasing! FKC#2 looks almost ready! Lots of cloudy trichomes, and a trace of amber, like you said! So fat!! So gorgeous!! Happy Smokin'
Highya GDB,

Gorgeous bud shots!! Very pleasing! FKC#2 looks almost ready! Lots of cloudy trichomes, and a trace of amber, like you said! So fat!! So gorgeous!! Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode. tick tock!
These all have the best buds on them! Getting close!
Thanks Stone.

This morning I notched down the lights from 100% to 80% and lowered them a few inches. That took my DLI from 40 down to 37-38ish. That's where I'm going to let them finish. 🧐
Hello all.

It's Flip 64 for the Phase II group and all of the plants are getting close.

Front: Fat Kid's Cake#2 then FKC#1. Godberry in the rear.
NT P2 7-26-24 F64 tent.JPG

This is a fun time for me because I like using my scope. I know from past experience that it is at this stage where weed plants can get quite sneaky. You've got to keep a close eye on them of they may ripen more than you had intended. 👀

The FKC#2 is a good example. She's been the one looking like she would be the last of this group to finish. She's had the most white pistils remaining until just this morning. But when I checked her today it appeared that many of the white pistils that were present in recent days were no longer there.
FKC2 7-26-24 F64 bud.JPG

Yeah, she still has plenty white hairs but not nearly as many as she had a few days ago.

She's the only one I had yet to scope so today was her day.
FKC2 7-26-24 F64 trichs (1).jpg
FKC2 7-26-24 F64 trichs (2).jpg
FKC2 7-26-24 F64 trichs (3).jpg
FKC2 7-26-24 F64 trichs (4).jpg

Now she is the first of the group to show a trace of amber!

So my prediction that she would be the last one to go -- like most of my predictions -- is probably wrong. I'm still certain the GB is going first but the FKC#2 may be the second instead of last.

The order in which they get chopped matters not. I just want them all out of the way. There's a waiting list for the tent space! :Rasta:


Thanks for you visit.


Outstanding bud formation just huge. 🥰 :yummy:
What they said ^^^
Thanks Stone.

This morning I notched down the lights from 100% to 80% and lowered them a few inches. That took my DLI from 40 down to 37-38ish. That's where I'm going to let them finish. 🧐
Nice! That DLI thing is real! The terps on PGC are off the chart! She's the first one I can say I was able to really keep to the DLI chart. Maybe a fluke? Maybe not! I choose to think not.
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