Miracle Harvest Chronicles

Dutch Passion
(Durban Poison)


"Durban Poison is a Sativa dominant strain with a unique, appealing aroma. It is known for its spicy, hazy taste with hints of aniseed, liquorice, lemon and cloves. This complex aroma is one of the reasons why Durban Poison has such a large following of repeat growers."

Beta-myrcene, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, limonene, beta-Caryophyllene​


Foxfarm Ocean Forrest


Pot Sizes
Autos - 3Gals
Regs 5Gals
3 select females 10Gals

Anyone got any advice on that megacrop tho? I looked up the calculator and it's talking about 0.02 of the included scoop, that sounds like a spec of dust lmfao!
Or other miniscule amounts such as a few grams. In a gallon of water? That doesn't make much sense

Also what scoop??? I looked as best I could and didn't find a scoop lol
The MC online calculator will help you out there, but I usually just mix a batch at 4.5g/gallon and dilute it for the early growth. Second set of true leaves gets 1.125g/gallon (or a 1:3 dilution with plain water) and so on as they grow.
Only issue I have is I don't have a gram scale, how unstoner of me I know xD
Also what scoop??? I looked as best I could and didn't find a scoop lol
Lol, yeah. I never found one either.
I got a cheap scale with tenth of a gram accuracy. In theory it was for weed, but I've really only used it for MC.
Use grams, not scoops. The MC online calculator will help you out there, but I usually just mix a batch at 4.5g/gallon and dilute it for the early growth. Second set of true leaves gets 1.125g/gallon (or a 1:3 dilution with plain water) and so on as they grow.
9 are starting to work on their second leaf set and seen on that calculator they have calculations for babies so I was tryna jump on it. I'll have to get a scale and a prime subscription (shivers)
I got the weirdest of ideas, if that gram fits on a spoon, you could theoretically take a picture of how the megacrop looks on the spoon. The only thing we'll have to make sure is we're using the same sized spoons lmfao!

It'll be a lil before I can get the spare cash, I just got rent paid but now onto a small late fee, and some other stuff like soil, more 1g pots for upsizing since doing it from peat pot > solo cup > 1g is better for the roots than say going from a solo cup straight into a 3 or 5.

and I've been looking into getting a home server, so that's taking a up a good chunk of expense but much worth it. Lol
Does your MC have the balls in it or is it just powder? I can measure a level teaspoon of mine but it has the white balls in it from the old days.

Not even a digital kitchen scale? That would do whole grams.
Gray balls, and powder, and sadly nothing at all lol.
It's hard when mixing small quantities because there may be a different powder-to-ball ratio in each batch (I mix 4 gallons at a time - using a cough syrup measuring cup - which makes it a bit easier to be consistent), but maybe this will help with a rough estimate:

20240621_120802 1 tsp MC.jpg
Weather was mid 90s yesterday, supposed to be getting to 100 today. I lost one Sour g, she shriveled shortly after I was able to do surgery, might very been my fault as that root looked like it was never that deep tbh. And one wedding cake that shriveled up in the heat yesterday, along with being too dry.

Gave her loads of water to see if I could save her but she hasn't budged since last night, and poor baby is all shriveled lol

To be fair this wedding cake was already being temperamental, she would lean over any time her dirt was even slightly dry.
Drop another Sour G...there should be a few left!
I got 2 going pretty strongly, and I'm not gonna lie the wife isn't too happy finding just how many plants are going be going at once hehe. She helps take care of the garden so she'd 1000% notice a new one pop up lmfao

ALSO, last night made the first complete 24 hour cycle outdoors! They're no longer coming in the house. Lmfao. Ik ik horrible plant father, how ruinous!
My Candida germination test plants have been outside since they were a few days old because I forgot to bring them in one night! We get down to about 60 and they look fine. 😁
Yeah 66 at night, which is a dramatic drop but tbh most of the night is actually warm it's not 66 until right before that sun is up lol
More and more webs theyre very thin, and almost hard to spot, no visible spider? Think I saw a black lace wing on the underside of the plant, which at the time I thought was some gnat and tried to swat it away but it kept coming back.
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