Miracle Harvest Chronicles

On the new plants already? What do you have on hand for pest control?
Nothing, I mean it really could just be a spider. I keep seeing brown recluse eggs popping up left and right, and webs going from bushes to my house and stuff. It could legit just ve some spiders having a field day. Idk lol

Something I did notice was this..

I don't know if it's because the temp got to 102 yesterday. My girl swear she didn't get no water on the leaves, but that's almost the only only 2 things I can think of happening. Accidental drops of water or the sun was just baking the plants but the weird thing is only 3 are like this while the rest are entirely fine.

Pull them in at this age when it's over 90º. Once they get bigger they'll be better able to deal with the heat, and @Agemon in Palm Springs would water at least once or twice a day when they were bigger in summer.
Watering them 2 almost 3 times a day, they've been praying, and looking good then got off work and came back to that. Definitely will be bringing them in was just worried about them not getting enough sunlight in that window seal again. And the issue also is

should also be easier to water once they get bigger too then I can actually just grab the hose and soak them all nicely lol.
Rock and Roll buddy I'm so happy for you. :woohoo:
Was almost a ruff summer.
Have you figured out a protection system?
Maby a playpen. 😅
Nothing but fems and happy days till harvest :thumb:
Tough ones can be happy too.;)

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I'd move them out of the those little squares and at least into solo cups. More room for roots and more thermal mass to resist some of the heat.
I just wanted to give them enough time so I can make transplanting as easy as possible, I have alot of experience with the soil just falling apart during the transplant
Start them in solo cups instead! One less time to transplant. :)
Typically do, but the shop I bought the soil from was giving those squares out for free so I was like hell yeahhb
Looks like a spider to me: friend.

8 legs = spiders (and spider mites, but there is a huge size difference!)
6 legs = insects
Maybe we'll keep him around to eat some foes. Amigo wey!
Looks like a spider to me: friend.

8 legs = spiders (and spider mites, but there is a huge size difference!)
6 legs = insects
100 percent confirmed friend, I found the "dad" so to speak. XD


How my friday is going, how is yalls?
Update in the garden...we've lost another bean, I sadly work 10.5 hour shifts at Amazon, and sometimes my girl forgets to check on the plants as often.

Durban Poison finally keeled over for her last time. Dehydrated.

I'm gonna be honest, this wouldn't be happening if these plants were started way earlier.
They're not mature enough to hand all the environmental fluctuations my 9b environment has to offer. Starting to believe some of these beans also just in general were never meant to grow in my biome (due to their Genetics)

Dr. Wookies is thriving.

Miracle Apple Custard, putting in work. The rest look to be slowly dwindling out.
Those free planter trays are getting more and more costly. ;)
Live and you learn. I'm also very frugal, as cali is pretty expensive to live especially with 3 kiddos. I have to work nearly 60 hours a week, and I'd work more but the california state law won't let me.

I work at Amazon for 18.75 slave money, for the amount of work being asked. I'm a picker so I'm picking yalls orders outta pods they come on giant roomba robots lol but they want is to pick 300 units per hours.


What I pick on called Arsaw (amazon robotic semi automated workstation)

P.S these FCs are super hot, as if they have no air conditioning, and only a small 12 Inch metal fan that honestly blows nothing but profusely hot air. They lie on the temperatures they say it's only 74° at the stations but has to be 80+, what's worse is we just got something saying someone died in Chicago at DCM5.
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