Miracle Harvest Chronicles

If I'd known I would have sent some solo cups as well!
Oh buddy I got the cups, just not the soil, I'm probably wording everything wrongly. At the time I didn't have the cups but had those squares and at that time did have the soil. Just bad timing on all fronts and me thinking it would be enough — forgetting the 100° weather the I.E gets lmfao.

I now have both the soil and the cups should be doing the transplants right now actually.
Yo plant peeps!

Today's adventure: transplanting my precious babies (4 Miracle Apple Custard, 2 Wedding Cake, and 1 Sour G) into solo cups. This may seem simple, but let me tell you, it's a delicate operation, especially when your significant other has a zero-tolerance policy for soil spillage.

  • Solo cups (innocent bystanders in the mess to come)
  • Pointy nail file (weapon of choice for creating drainage holes)
  • Fox Farm Ocean Forrest soil (or your preferred brand, just keep it wife-approved)
  • Dynomyco (fungal magic for happy plants)
  • Bamboo skewer (for mixing the good stuff)
  • A sincere apology (for the inevitable mess)

Step 1: Drainage Holes - A Must for Plant Survival (and Marital Bliss)

First things first, drainage! We don't want any drowned roots or a disappointed spouse. Grab your solo cups and that pointy nail file (seriously, don't use your wife's nail scissors, that's just asking for trouble). Poke 4-5 holes in the bottom of each cup. Think of it as creating a little escape route for excess water, and maybe saving your plants lives in the process.


Step 2: The Soil & Mycorrhizal Magic (Hopefully Not the Cause of Tragic Magic)

Now for the good stuff! Fill your solo cups about halfway with your chosen soil. Next, sprinkle in a little bit of @DYNOMYCO - that's the mycorrhizal fungi that helps your plants eat better. Just be careful not to overdo it, or you might have a different kind of "magic" happening (one that involves scrubbing floors on hands and knees).


Step 3: Mixing it Up (Without Getting in Trouble)

Grab your trusty bamboo skewer and gently stir the Dynomyco into the soil. Imagine you're creating a happy fungal network for your plant roots to explore, not a reason for your wife to say, "Honey, did you really have to get soil everywhere?"


Step 4: Filling Up and Making a Moat (Because Apparently Plants Need Trenches Too)

Fill the cups with soil, leaving about an inch from the rim. Make a little crater in the center and add a sprinkle of Dynomyco there as well. Now, here's the secret weapon (courtesy of the @Bill284 method): create a moat around the stem by pushing down the soil. This way, when you water, the water goes straight to the roots, not everywhere else (including the counter, the floor, and possibly the dog). Trust me, a happy wife is a happy life, and a clean kitchen is key to achieving that happiness.

Step 5: Moving Day for Your Plants (and Maybe a Mop and Bucket)

Gently remove your plants from their trays and carefully place them in the craters. Fill in any gaps with extra soil, making sure the leaves sit comfortably above the cup's edge.

Step 6: The Cleaning Up Part (Mandatory Unless You Want to Sleep on the Couch)

Take a look around and admire your handiwork... then comes the part that separates the transplanting heroes from the floor-scrubbing villains. Grab a paper towel, a broom, or maybe even a hazmat suit (just kidding... mostly) and get ready to tame the soil storm. Remember, a clean workspace is a happy workspace, and a happy workspace leads to a happy wife.


Step 7: Happy Transplanted Babies (and Hopefully an Un-Furious Spouse)!

With a little work, a lot of caution, and maybe a light cleaning, your plants are now settled in their new solo cup homes. Now comes the fun part: watching them thrive without any spousal homicide attempts (allegedly).




Feel free to ask any questions below. Happy (and safe) transplanting!
Hey Buddy :ciao: Good morning.
Have you figured a way to keep the girls safe?
No more Godzila wrecks Tokyo. :rolleyes:
They look great, hopefully everything is smooth sailing for you. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hey Buddy :ciao: Good morning.
Have you figured a way to keep the girls safe?
No more Godzila wrecks Tokyo. :rolleyes:
They look great, hopefully everything is smooth sailing for you. :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
A chain link fence and a gate, until around August, when I can get my backyard stuff going with all the fancy stuff.

For now I'm just bootlegging it, hoping to make it to Harvest, hell or even flower at this rate.

Godzilla will no longer be in Tokyo, as they're banned without further notice!!
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