MAC (Miracle Alien Cookies) - Herbie's Seeds USA, By Gwhunran In Hydro

Dang! I don't know, but is anyone else on this forum getting results like this from hydro?


Thanks CBD. :) I'm hoping it smokes and hits as good as it smells.:cheesygrinsmiley:
Fantastic grow! Happy chopping!
Thanks Stone, :)The chop is finished.🤠 I started on Friday. Continued on Saturday. Started cleanup yesterday and finished this morning. :cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Looks great!!
Thanks, Ke0ncp,:) I think it will be good. :hmmmm:🤠 The buds are dense.:cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Well the harvest is finished as well as the cleanup. :cheer:

I started the harvest four days ago.:)

Each of the four was chopped individually, then trimmed on the spot, and hung for drying. 🤠 I have kept the stalks separate. Mainly just for comparison. The two biggest producers were the front and left plants. The right plant was the smallest producer and the the back plant while kind of small, had the prettiest buds.:love::)

There were times in the evening, after I was kicking back for the day, that I smelled the MAC.:oops: I have been breathing so much of their fragrance that it's stuck in my sinuses. :cheesygrinsmiley::rofl:

MAC flip +74 (1).JPG

MAC (miracle alien cookies), flip +74. Harvest started after photo.

MAC flip +74 (17).JPG

MAC (miracle alien cookies), plant in the front harvested.

MAC flip +74 (18).JPG

MAC (miracle alien cookies). Front plant chopped, trimmed, and hung.

MAC flip +74 (19).JPG

MAC (miracle alien cookies), Smaller stuff from front plant.

MAC flip +74 (14).JPG

MAC (miracle alien cookies), Front plant stalk.

MAC flip +74 (15).JPG

MAC (miracle alien cookies), A little closer view. :)

MAC flip +74 (20).JPG

MAC (miracle alien cookies), Front and right plant harvested.

MAC flip +74 (23).JPG

MAC (miracle alien cookies), Front and right plants, chopped, trimmed, and hung. End of day one of harvest.🤠:bong:
MAC (miracle alien cookies)
Flip +75
Sue grow area

2nd day of harvest.:)

MAC flip +75 (10).JPG

MAC (miracle alien cookies), flip +75. Left plant harvested. The biggest yielder. :cheesygrinsmiley:

MAC flip +75 (11).JPG

MAC (miracle alien cookies), Back plant, last one standing. Very pretty buds.:)

MAC flip +75 (14).JPG

MAC (miracle alien cookies), All four harvested, trimmed, and hung. :)

MAC flip +74 (23).JPG

MAC (miracle alien cookies), Three plants hung.

MAC flip +75 (12).JPG

MAC (miracle alien cookies), All four harvested, trimmed and hung.

MAC flip +75 (15).JPG

MAC (miracle alien cookies), All four hanging.:cheesygrinsmiley::bong:

MAC flip +75 (17).JPG

MAC (miracle alien cookies), Looking up from the floor. :)

MAC flip +75 (2).JPG

MAC (miracle alien cookies),

MAC flip +75 (3).JPG

MAC (miracle alien cookies),

MAC flip +75 (6).JPG

MAC (miracle alien cookies), :cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Such a bountiful harvest, GW. Well done on those frosty ladies! :green_heart:
Great job @gwhunran :yummy:

Looks realy nice! Will study your journal later, just stumbled opon it...
I will try dwc on my next run too agian. I hope I will have at least a third of your success then 😂:ganjamon:

Congrats on the harvest gwhunran! That looks amazing that haul. I'm hoping the my teeny little MAC #1 auto will get chunky like that! 😀
Such a bountiful harvest, GW. Well done on those frosty ladies! :green_heart:
Thanks GDB, :) The grow went well for sure.:hmmmm::) Thinking about the grow, it may have been the easiest one yet.:love: I had the problem of the PH dropping too much for a few weeks, but staying on top of it with the PH up seemed to have solved it.:) The problem with the water pump hose and fitting getting partially clogged with roots, is not really a problem, just a result of healthy growing plants. :hmmmm:🤠
I see you're on track to win another contest, good job. :cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Nice hearts
Thanks SmokinRasta,:) Kinda like doodling on paper while while on the phone. :) Using the long pipe cleaners to hold the screen down and having extra length.:hmmmm: Loving the plants and making a heart for them. They don't talk back much, it's just a one way communication, but they do give me smiles for the year after cured.:love::bong:
Great job @gwhunran :yummy:

Looks realy nice! Will study your journal later, just stumbled opon it...
I will try dwc on my next run too agian. I hope I will have at least a third of your success then 😂:ganjamon:

I've been running a Flood and Drain for quite a few years now.:hmmmm: :) It's a little different, in that the roots don't stay in the water all the time.:hmmmm: I run the water pump every two hours for 15 minutes and the other hour and forty-five minutes the wet roots lay in the air. Reservoir temperature becomes less critical.:) I just keep a lot of aeration going.:bong:
Congrats on the harvest gwhunran! That looks amazing that haul. I'm hoping the my teeny little MAC #1 auto will get chunky like that! 😀
Thanks Carmen,:love: It's been one of the most trouble free grows yet.:hmmmm: The runt ended up being the star of the grow. :cheesygrinsmiley: The most buds, and long strong stems to hold the weight.:) I was smelling the flowers for many hours after retiring for the day.:oops: Luckily it was a good smell. :cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Nice harvest Gwhunran. :green_heart: 🍋
Thanks Keith,:) I thought it would be a good one, but I cannot be sure until it's done and they're hung.:hmmmm::cheesygrinsmiley: I will be commenting further on the MAC. The buds are dense. I think the Purple Ghost Candy next door will be a little fluffier.:hmmmm::):bong:
Congrats on the harvest 🎉 looks delicious 🤤
...crazy how the room looks empty an naked after the plant take down.
Thanks Jiggi, :) It feels weird to me. One day I'm tending a room full of plants and then a couple days later it's an empty space😢 I've got a few things to do to the room before the next grow.:hmmmm: Putting another fan on the wall. The top fan doesn't do much, but blow on the light, when it's at its max height. 🙄

The MAC is gonna be good.:cheesygrinsmiley: Somehow a fairly large bud fell on the floor and didn't get noticed until I'd put everything up. I put it on the mantle in the basement and forgot about it. Well, when I found it again, It was dry, I have been breaking off pieces and smoking them in a bong. Not much taste but not bad, and it is a very strong and relaxing peaceful buzz.🤠
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