MAC (Miracle Alien Cookies) - Herbie's Seeds USA, By Gwhunran In Hydro

Big fat hangers! Yes! That's the way to grow em! Now you have empty tent syndrome for a short time!
Thanks Stone. :) And the PGC next door, is gone now too.😢 I do get the syndrome.🙄 Luckily I have the Panama Incident outside to gaze upon.:cheesygrinsmiley: The PGC has what some call on 420 Magazine, grenades.:oops: Big fat roundish fist sized buds.:cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Congratulations on your awesome grows and harvests gwhunran. I'm excited to hear that the MAC is that good for relaxation. I'm hoping the anti-inflammatory properties are evident too.
Congratulations on your awesome grows and harvests gwhunran. I'm excited to hear that the MAC is that good for relaxation. I'm hoping the anti-inflammatory properties are evident too.
Thanks Carmen. :) I'm always smoking some of the grow before it's been properly cured.🙄 I can't wait to find out the final smell and taste. :cheesygrinsmiley: I'm already comfortable with it's effects and it only gets better if I cure it properly.:bong:
MAC flip +20 (4).JPG

Gotta have a picture on a new page. :cheesygrinsmiley: MAC flip +20:bong:
Wow, fantastic job on these grows GW. I can't believe all this was done during surgery & recovery! Props to the Mrs. for the help and have fun on your break.
Wow, fantastic job on these grows GW. I can't believe all this was done during surgery & recovery! Props to the Mrs. for the help and have fun on your break.
Thanks LKA, :)
She's been a good sport about the grows, but didn't offer to help trim the flowers.:oops::cheesygrinsmiley:
The plants were almost trouble free. 🙄 Just have to keep a close eye on the ph going too low in flower.:) Watching the CO2 monitors, it became clear that big plants need air exchange. :hmmmm: When the CO2 bottles emptied, the monitors showed less than ambient CO2 levels.:oops: My room is sealed pretty well so it's a concern.:) I just put my two 6"exhaust on timers to bring in outside air, after stopping the CO2.:bong:
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