Miracle Harvest Chronicles

Are the MAC and mystery plants autos or photos?

That's a question for @Justin Goody!
The Dr Wookiees looks great. Outdoor plants are weird and sometimes they do dry up the pistils a bit early and sometimes they grow more. Could be from other factors like spray getting on them or pollen.
Do you know how old she is exactly?
Thanks! Do you think you'll see anything from them without being able to move them into a tent? The days are getting shorter so they'll flower as soon as they're able.
Been saying that...I didn't even want to waste the beans but everyone was like just do it.
I don't own a tent anymore, and definitely don't have the money right now to go out and get one.

My garden is free from anything but SNS 209, and that was just added today! There's no male plants anywhere, so unless the it pollinated with opium lettuce (which is impossible) I have no idea lol. Maybe it being too hot out, a long with the humidity being lower. I'd have to go back in the journal.
I made the difficult but necessary decision to cull the 4 plants inside the solo cups as they were all pretty much having issues and like everyone is saying flowering is right around the corner. I kept one Miracle Apple Custard, the Ruby Tuesday Auto, and obviously I kept the Dr. Wookies Auto.
Another thing is I'm going be moving states again soon – no issues in my relationship this time. Just issues in general with life and finances, I was able to make more money while I was away, and I was able to buy the things I enjoyed etc. I might be in Utah...so that might be a good thing, might be able to go on that tolerance break, upon investigation they don't even allow delta 8 there. Only medical, and even medical cannot grow.
So you'll give up growing if you end up in Utah?

Do you have a timetable for moving?
Probably not, depends if I end up with extra funds, there id need to be using a grow tent and be stealth as possible.

In about 2 and half weeks. The current plants will still be taken care of, I would take them with me but I don't think there'd be enough room and I don't wanna get pulled over with a plant in Utah lol
Probably not, depends if I end up with extra funds, there id need to be using a grow tent and be stealth as possible.

In about 2 and half weeks. The current plants will still be taken care of, I would take them with me but I don't think there'd be enough room and I don't wanna get pulled over with a plant in Utah lol
I didn't understand :Namaste:
What is the purpose of moving?
Cheaper to live there?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Another thing is I'm going be moving states again soon – no issues in my relationship this time. Just issues in general with life and finances, I was able to make more money while I was away, and I was able to buy the things I enjoyed etc. I might be in Utah...so that might be a good thing, might be able to go on that tolerance break, upon investigation they don't even allow delta 8 there. Only medical, and even medical cannot grow.
Hope is goes well for you bro in Utah.
I feel you on not being able to grow due to states laws. Deal with that shit daily! Hope you can sneak in a plant safely to keep medicated in the new spot.
Keep in touch no matter what happens bro:rollit:
I didn't understand :Namaste:
What is the purpose of moving?
Cheaper to live there?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I most likely will still try to sneak in a small grow. The main reason for moving is so I'm not spending excess money I don't need to spend. I'm going to go work for my mom, only if I get the job am I going to Utah. She has to find out through hr and all of that fun stuff to see if I'm cleared to work again.

Basically me and my girl aren't breaking up but splitting up to our respective parents homes, to be able to save as much money as possible. By next summer we want to be in a tow RV, or a normal RV. And go RV living and explore the U.S/ parts of Canada throughout the next 2 years. We're tired of sinking money into rent and having to stay in one place, always in debt somewhere. This way we can see the world owe nobody rent, except for some yearly passes.

She's also currently pregnant with our 4th, and her health this time isn't so great. She had a miscarriage about a year back and hemorrhaged she almost died, because she also had the bypass surgery her iron is excessively low, and has been for the last year now. Fast forward to now, she's pregnant but her iron is now dropping in order to provide for the baby. Making her a high risk. As much as I'd love for her to come with me, she wants to be with her mom during this. As it's a sensitive time, and I fully understand – there's a chance that during birth she could hemorrhage again but this time it would be uncontrolable, and might lose more than they can replace due to the low iron. ( I will still be there in the weeks before the she gives birth)

I just as much as I'd love to also stay with her there's already way too many people in the house, and a few I don't get along with too well. So for her sake and less stress overall I decided I'd leave, again tho this is for a reason. Just really hope life doesn't keep sucker punching us tho.
I most likely will still try to sneak in a small grow. The main reason for moving is so I'm not spending excess money I don't need to spend. I'm going to go work for my mom, only if I get the job am I going to Utah. She has to find out through hr and all of that fun stuff to see if I'm cleared to work again.

Basically me and my girl aren't breaking up but splitting up to our respective parents homes, to be able to save as much money as possible. By next summer we want to be in a tow RV, or a normal RV. And go RV living and explore the U.S/ parts of Canada throughout the next 2 years. We're tired of sinking money into rent and having to stay in one place, always in debt somewhere. This way we can see the world owe nobody rent, except for some yearly passes.

She's also currently pregnant with our 4th, and her health this time isn't so great. She had a miscarriage about a year back and hemorrhaged she almost died, because she also had the bypass surgery her iron is excessively low, and has been for the last year now. Fast forward to now, she's pregnant but her iron is now dropping in order to provide for the baby. Making her a high risk. As much as I'd love for her to come with me, she wants to be with her mom during this. As it's a sensitive time, and I fully understand – there's a chance that during birth she could hemorrhage again but this time it would be uncontrolable, and might lose more than they can replace due to the low iron. ( I will still be there in the weeks before the she gives birth)

I just as much as I'd love to also stay with her there's already way too many people in the house, and a few I don't get along with too well. So for her sake and less stress overall I decided I'd leave, again tho this is for a reason. Just really hope life doesn't keep sucker punching us tho.
If you get north of the boarder please drop by. :Namaste: I'm in Northern Ontario.
Lots of room here.
We can work it out once you have your RV.:thumb:
Hope everything goes well with your lovely wife and the baby my friend. :love::hug:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
My mom would obviously know of the grow, as she knows I'm a grower and it's my hobby and my passion something I won't just drop as it drives me. So she wouldn't care about it being in her home, she also knows not to say nothing to nobody. I'm pretty safe in that regard as I don't even tell anybody about the grow I have now and I'm in Cali 😂

It's just is it worth the time/effort when in the long run I have some stuff to do. Lol so it's that last thing I'll probably do, if I have any extra funds after putting some money away into savings.

Another idea I was having is why can't you buy a decent sized utility trailer, and build that into a camper trailer. Maybe I'm off base here and maybe thats not legal. Idk. But sounds like an awesome project tbh
She is very beautiful, and smelly.

I decided to top ruby Tuesday, and will be noting the difference.

Still no signs of sex in that MAC.
Eventually it will be!
I'm hoping so, cause that's a regular bean. And where I have it a security light comes on occasionally, I'm hoping that doesn't really effect the plant as no one really sets it off except for some cats seldomly.
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