Miracle Harvest Chronicles

The real questions are how close, how often, and for how long! Security lights have messed up more than one outside grow.
20-30 seconds most was a minute or so. But even then it usually clicks back off pretty fast even if something is standing in front of it. It's about 10 feet or so maybe more but also elevated. It's blue spectrum if that makes a difference.
I'm hoping so, cause that's a regular bean. And where I have it a security light comes on occasionally, I'm hoping that doesn't really effect the plant as no one really sets it off except for some cats seldomly.
When I lived further south there where street lights a porch lights on all night.
Everything seemed ok despite the light.
Hopefully yours won’t mind.
Hope your doing well today Amigo :passitleft:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Unless you gotta have them I'd unscrew the bulbs until you move. If you absolutely need them to come on I would drop a cardboard shade over them to keep them from hitting the plants, or put the plants in a cardboard box open on the side away from the light. Nothing good comes from dark interruption.
Landlord doesn't want their precious cameras or security lights touched. (Honestly these landlords suck ass) Only thing I can do is card board maybe the one plant as the other 2 are autos and doesn't really matter either way. Oh and a quick update about moving in just biting the bullet and moving to the house right next door with her parents. Just sucks giving up our ADU. I loved having our own house.
When I lived further south there where street lights a porch lights on all night.
Everything seemed ok despite the light.
Hopefully yours won’t mind.
Hope your doing well today Amigo :passitleft:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I've noticed this with one grow I had done awhile back, it's like they become use to the light pollution, since theres natural moonlight, streetlights, and a ton of other random things that can make that night sky brighter lol
Next door is a lot closer than Utah and you can still grow, so that's the upside!

Constant low light is something the plants get used to but intermittent light is more likely to disrupt the flowering hormones during the dark period.
That does make sense, I just hope it's low enough light that it doesn't matter either way. In reality I hoped I'd of had the pool area back, but the landlords also destroyed the whole area when they came to take down a ivy plant/tree (which was acting as a barrier, and they killed the whole damn thing...) they just left the entire mess of the branch leaves and stumps all over my grow area and I was forced to move out of it. They're blaming a company that has nothing to do with what they did to that ivy and they want them to clean it up...all because they're landscapers of a certain ethnicity so they think they can get away with that crap.

They killed roses, bamboo plants, ivy trees. Everything in that aread decimated.
On the plus side, more sunlight and fewer place to house unwanted pests and mold. :thumb:
It was only in the area where the brick was and you can kinda see the stump behind the telephone poll it may have been a bit taller but it was acting as a 'fence' to stop our neighbors from looking in to our yard.

We never had a single problem with the ivy. The rest of the plants were growing alongside the back part of the pool and nowhere near anything. The problems only came when they tore it all up and now refuse to clean it.

I'd love for there to be a silver lining here but there just isn't lol. I wish I had a before picture for you to understand.
How about the fact that you're not going to live there much longer?

Dark green square is the ADU I'm set to move out of this month – the dark blue area is the pool. The light blue area, well that is the house I'm set to move back into, the area between the pool and light blue is the backyard where you see all those branches and such.
I'm moving into the house with the backyard that looks like that lol

Oh wait I do have a before of the poor tree xD

Sorry if I'm sounding like a pessimist totally not meaning to, I get what you were meaning lol. Just not moving away from the landlord at all, and barely moving houses on the same property.
Still better than Utah?
Truth! I just found out one of the lower colas on DR. Wookies has bud rot. I took it off as soon as I seen it was all grey and dry. It was only at the top on that cola none of the lower ones on the stem were affected but there's dead ants and ton and tons of bug droppings.
Can you put a circle of something around the base of the pot? I use diatomaceous earth but I hear cinnamon works too.
That will only help with the ants. My biggest issue are these worms.
I use BT spray for pests like that, though Spinosad works on those along with aphids, thrips, and mites.
This late into flower those are safe?
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