So you never use plain water? Always water with nutrients crom the second set of true leaves? That is most definitely what I've been messing up on if that's the case. I thought you alternate between plain water and nutrients water lol
Brothers – my biggest problem is I'm addicted to vapes.. I can't get off of them without getting cannabis hypermesis syndrome and a bunch of other issues, like not being able to eat, irregular bowel movements, etc. These vapes are not too bad in price, but the problem is the taxes on them a 29.99$ vape ends up being 42$..I'm in the negative cause of these vapes. My end goal with growing was always to smoke my own supply – however I quickly noticed weed in flower form does nothing to me, even in the highest THC %age...these vapes also don't get me high, they just make me feel normal, as in it's the only thing keeping me from being nauseous 24/7.
I'm always having to borrow money just to make rent because even with the overtime hours I put in I end up always needing to buy another vape in the end.. I hate these vapes. But I don't know a real solution to get off of them.