Miracle Harvest Chronicles

I will cross post from Instagram – but as far as that sometimes I just wanna put the images in, no extra effort. lol

I post a few other places (nonforums) too so by then it all just becomes redundant.
So you never use plain water? Always water with nutrients crom the second set of true leaves? That is most definitely what I've been messing up on if that's the case. I thought you alternate between plain water and nutrients water lol

Brothers – my biggest problem is I'm addicted to vapes.. I can't get off of them without getting cannabis hypermesis syndrome and a bunch of other issues, like not being able to eat, irregular bowel movements, etc. These vapes are not too bad in price, but the problem is the taxes on them a 29.99$ vape ends up being 42$..I'm in the negative cause of these vapes. My end goal with growing was always to smoke my own supply – however I quickly noticed weed in flower form does nothing to me, even in the highest THC %age...these vapes also don't get me high, they just make me feel normal, as in it's the only thing keeping me from being nauseous 24/7.

I'm always having to borrow money just to make rent because even with the overtime hours I put in I end up always needing to buy another vape in the end.. I hate these vapes. But I don't know a real solution to get off of them.
Maybe take a tolerance break to reset your system. 😎✌️
Maybe take a tolerance break to reset your system. 😎✌️
If only – I down 1g in 3 days (one vape cartridge). If I don't get anything for about 24-48 hours the listed symptoms come up, and I cant make it out of that part, atleast not for the long term. I would have to want to quit more than I want to feel normal. At this point my entire body is actually depending on the amount of thc I'm ingesting to even maintain homeostasis. The dopamine drop when I don't is crazy.
Dr. Wookies
I hope she's ok! Lesson learned pruning sheers!!!

We didn't have spider mites before....we do now..

Caught another glimpse of one of those friggin worm thing! Sent him flying to the Netherlands – fucker was eating my bud.

@Sierra Natural Science 209 is on its way from the zon tomorrow! We're going to warrr​
Ruby Tuesday

Been giving her 0.5-08 ec in mega crop once her true leaves got big enough, and she was working on second set. She's been loving every minute of it!

The 3 older ones are Miracle Apple Custard and Im sorry but ever since the mix up I still don't know what is what. Lol
That dent don't mean a thing, and I'd be using Safers soap spray (not 3 in 1) or Dr Bronner's on those bugs since the plant is in flower.
Sns is safe up to the day of harvest if used correctly!
Hey at least you know what some of them are! RTa is off to a good start. :thumb:

I try to stay away from oil sprays once I see pistils. Either way wash your harvests!
I figure rosemary ain't the worse thing you can muster lol! I also was planning to fresh freeze all of these plants and as we discussed – make some killer dry ice water bubble hash 👌🔥 oil should just float to the top, and or get drain out when filtering no?
With the bubble hash I guess you could skim it off the top of it was obvious. I was all my harvests no matter what's to become of them...even if they're going straight into oil!

I try to stay clear of oil because it browns the pistils which makes it harder to gauge the progress of the plant, besides that it's more difficult to wash off.
I guess I'll ask you when that time comes how I should wash it off, have a feeling it might be something like dunking it in a bucket of water but I could be off base here lol. I accidently took a couple pistils off when getting the worm outta there, do they grow back, is that something that can affect the buds?
:thanks: for the labels!
They're cross-posted, but no problemo. These are edited, and added with the 420 watermark for everyone to know. I hope adjusting exposure and all of that is accepted.
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