Miracle Harvest Chronicles


Well-Known Member
Outdoor grow
megacrop nutrients
Ocean Forrest

Miracle Apple Frosting
Garlic Pancakes


Tags: @Bill284 @InTheShed memory is blanking will add more people as I remember.
4 Garlic Pancakes, 5 Miracle Apple Frosting, it's been 3 days since I planted them giving them a few more but just in case I decided to pop 7 more Garlic Pancakes seeds into a glass of water
Hey Buddy :ciao:
Thanks for the tag.:thanks:
You have a good location with privacy and lots of sun?
How are things going lately my friend?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Hey Buddy :ciao:
Thanks for the tag.:thanks:
You have a good location with privacy and lots of sun?
How are things going lately my friend?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
No need for privacy and sun is no problem, I'm back in the sunny California!

Been awhile brother, but ofc you get first tag lol.

So far I got my job at Amazon again, and a new pad, and I'm back with my kiddos, so there's all that man. Life is looking up bro.
No need for privacy and sun is no problem, I'm back in the sunny California!

Been awhile brother, but ofc you get first tag lol.

So far I got my job at Amazon again, and a new pad, and I'm back with my kiddos, so there's all that man. Life is looking up bro.
I do love:love: to hear good news.:cheer:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Got 3 Miracle Apple Frostings that came up. I decided to put 7 more Garlic Pancakes into a shot glass of water for 48 hours, and now they're in the seedling trays hoping to get some poppers soon.
Nice signs of life!
Sadly I'm thinking these seeds are pretty old to be popping, which is why I got 3/4 of the MAF ( I just bought those seeds this year) the others are 1 almost 2 years out and weren't kept in a freezer or anything but were kept in the dark. I'm gonna try the paper towel method this go around, I put about 10-15 seeds in some water, gonna wait a max of 24 hours, and then move them to a damp paper tower and a sandwich baggy.
I've got some 30 year old seeds I'm going to try the ripe banana trick with, probably late fall.
I can't wait to see that, sounds interesting af.
Bunches of tails, waiting one more day to pop them babies in the soil, so that their tails are a bit more developed.
Def gonna need it, just had to save one of the babies, lol...was keeling over needing some water baddd lol, I knew I should of watered but I was like nahh I'll do it later. For shame
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