Herbies Desserts to Sweeten Your Day @ Otters


Hey everyone! Feed day today! They both got 6 heaping cups of @GeoFlora Nutrients flower! Muffy's last meal!

I found good things happening under my mulch on both!

Beautiful top feeding roots! That's what I'm talking about! I covered them with Geoflora and very gently raked it around and then a good water.

Up top is having some purpling! I like pretty things!

Did I mention I like watching buds?

Today's the 26th, it's crunch time! I'm ready to chop this one down any day she is! I hope for more time because there's lots of new pistils coming. It's the last hurrah for her! Main buds are probably ok today but looking at bud a foot away down the branch I see a week or more. What do you see?
Today's the 26th, it's crunch time! I'm ready to chop this one down any day she is! I hope for more time because there's lots of new pistils coming. It's the last hurrah for her! Main buds are probably ok today but looking at bud a foot away down the branch I see a week or more. What do you see?
Probably more weather related? Or a staggered harvest before rot sets in?
Probably more weather related? Or a staggered harvest before rot sets in?
Hi Azi. October growing here is like October baseball. By then only the strongest have made it and there will be rot. So yes, time is the enemy! I've cut having to wear my winter parka and long johns freezing my ass off in the mist. Other times it can be shirt weather. Staggering is ok but I don't think I have time for that.
Muffy is turning more lovely Stone! How's that even possible? :Rasta:

These worms have been living in a 5 gallon pail of llama poop covered tightly for 2 years!
Geez. I thought I was a pack rat. 😁
Highya SO,

Your Ladies look gorgeous and big! Great job! I was looking at your mixing area, and thinking that would be a good job for a home sized cement mixer. I used to do that with sheep feed, mixing a barrel at a time (in batches). Just a thought. Sunny here today, with huge buds blooming like crazy. Weighing down the branches a little more than I'd like. Like KL says, I hope they make it to harvest!! Oh, I shook all my ladies and a lot of dewdrops came out. Just guarding against bud rot. Hope you and all who pass through to have a great week! Happy Smokin'
I bought a cement mixer for soil last year. It's freakin' AWESOME!
Hi Azi. October growing here is like October baseball. By then only the strongest have made it and there will be rot. So yes, time is the enemy! I've cut having to wear my winter parka and long johns freezing my ass off in the mist. Other times it can be shirt weather. Staggering is ok but I don't think I have time for that.
Whatever route you choose Stone, you should leave some and see if the BB fends off the rot.
no, It's all a home made mix that's pretty fine already. No need for sifting as the perlite is the biggest pieces. It sure saves my back. I love mixing soil now😊
What about compost or reused dirt great for cleaning out those roots & sticks
Highya SO,

Top rooting area looks great! Now you know where to feed them! Buds are stacking furiously!! Love this stage in the grow!! With the pistils white like that, I'd hold off a little longer, to see if bud rot will be a factor. They're still stacking! I've harvested before because the conditions became to miserable!! Rain day here today! 1.75 inches forecast for today and tonight. I sprayed all the ladies with full strength microbe solution. Had one small bud rot bud, but haven't seen any since then. Hope tomorrow is the same. Less than 3 weeks left!! I have so much purple up here (had several nights in the 40's) that looking for bud rot is difficult. Happy Smokin'
The buds are getting purple too looks like . Have you ever thought about seeing if the trunk can make it through the winter to next season ? Those are tree roots a couple years and you would be tripping over them LOL
My ground will be solid ice maybe for 2 feet or more. Only if she spits a seed will she keep.
Muffy is turning more lovely Stone! How's that even possible? :Rasta:

Geez. I thought I was a pack rat. 😁
I checked the new soil and found after all this time in the bucket some that survived my mincing in of the poo are committing wormicide trying to leave the barrel! The humanity!
Wow those buds are pretty with the colours coming in!
Purps are my fav!
I bought a cement mixer for soil last year. It's freakin' AWESOME!
I jealously remember.
Whatever route you choose Stone, you should leave some and see if the BB fends off the rot.
Good idea! Apple Betty is looking like last season's IKLWA that went well into October. She needs at least a month. My first frost can be on the 11th. 0 rot so far on her. 2 small nugs on Muffy, she's dense! I wouldn't want to get hit with a soc of her buds!I
Highya SO,

Top rooting area looks great! Now you know where to feed them! Buds are stacking furiously!! Love this stage in the grow!! With the pistils white like that, I'd hold off a little longer, to see if bud rot will be a factor. They're still stacking! I've harvested before because the conditions became to miserable!! Rain day here today! 1.75 inches forecast for today and tonight. I sprayed all the ladies with full strength microbe solution. Had one small bud rot bud, but haven't seen any since then. Hope tomorrow is the same. Less than 3 weeks left!! I have so much purple up here (had several nights in the 40's) that looking for bud rot is difficult. Happy Smokin'
I get all happy when I see that! They love the next layer of compost or castings! Man the buds are nice on this one! She has so much more potential I'm waiting the week I think it'll take, I'm not in a hurry two it that's what it takes. Rot depending.
It's a rain day here too, off and on not heavy. Sun's in the forecast for the weekend! Go purple!
Those buds are really starting to fatten up now, and I'd wait as long as possible given the number of white pistils. I'd say 10 days but I'm really thinking 2 weeks!
I'm with you Shed! I think we can make it! Buds are having a round of fattening now. A little ripening and ready to go!
Those buds are really starting to fatten up now, and I'd wait as long as possible given the number of white pistils. I'd say 10 days but I'm really thinking 2 weeks!
Oh snap!

Stone, in light of what Shed said, I'll say 10 days! The opportunity to make that suggestion is rare. 😁
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