Ganesha's Evolution

For what size pot? this is 7g

I'm gonna go look at the plant once more, turn the exhaust back on and go to sleep.. daylight is not far anymore.
Don’t worry about that so much, lif you put too many they know enough not to reproduce. 7 ga can handle 40 easily and if not as they die they make great food for the other worms and plant as well.
I did pierce this one straight through the heart of the pot and left it there. And it's already down again.. when I just watered it got up to 4 or just starting green moist.. and we're just a couple hours later.
Is it a 4 all the way at the bottom near the side?
I don't find the pH and light settings all that accurate on those moisture meters.

If you only get to slightly moist when you water to run-off, are you watering too quickly? And how much water do you give it relative to pot size?
I just have it set on moisture, but yeah is that accurate?
I'll probe the bottom later.
5 litres at the moment which I divide into litres and pour in slowly with pauzes in between. If I had to put a time on it a 2 min pour and a 8-10 min rest? I'm not spending a full hour with the plant. so yeah 50 minutes seems about right.
Not fast, but also not as slow as I could should I try to saturate very slowly with like 20-30minutes intervals?

As according to old trusty web source, if plant has more than 20% run off or droop after watering one should give less water a time (although I also think droop is caused by cold water in a hot tent.) but if the plant droops before watering one should be giving more or water more often.

At 5l it's not a 20% run off though it just starts to dribble through here and there. But at that point I'm not pouring in another bottle as well that will just go through.
And today she's all up again.
I probed the meter down the sides to the bottom of the pot, and yeah as soon as I stick it in the side moisture goes up. If I prick it in the rootmass it goes to dry again.
The rootmass is like a smaller pot within the pot, there's a 1" ring around that still has soil and where you can poke down and encounter no roots. So that outer shell stays wetter longer.. I think I needed an extra few weeks of vegging to fill out the entire pot.

I just have it set on moisture, but yeah is that accurate?
Yes. Just make sure the selection knob doesn't get bumped over. Those are actually pretty good for a general idea. You can have different moisture levels around the pot so a good average is what I go for. I used to use the two probe meter but went to single probe because my soil has hydroton in it and it's hard enough to slide it in with one probe rather than two.

I'll bet if you used it on your next grow and only watered when the lower portion of the pot dried out you'd see a difference.

although I also think droop is caused by cold water in a hot tent
No way you can plan ahead and fill your water bucket right after you're done so the temperature can acclimate to your environment over 24 hours?

At 5l it's not a 20% run off though it just starts to dribble through here and there. But at that point I'm not pouring in another bottle as well that will just go through.
5L and your pot is 7 gallons? If so, that should be a pretty good ratio. So yeah, if the lower roots are not an issue, maybe more slowly or more often

I probed the meter down the sides to the bottom of the pot, and yeah as soon as I stick it in the side moisture goes up.
Goes up to what, moist or wet/very wet?
Goes up to what, moist or wet/very wet?
Just moist, again 4 like the level of the roots were just after watering.
I pulled it out of the centre, and as soon as I hit the soil on the side it jumped to that, depth doesn't really matter as I probed shallow and deep.
It's just the soil on the sides is still moist, if I pricked it towards the roots again it went dry.
So yeah that is a bit of an annoying situation. Got a dry root system and a moist pot.
If I water too quick in succession I'm still in danger of overwatering yet the plant roots are already thirsty.
I'm going to try tomorrow to only water the roots part very slowly and not get that side ring saturated again.
As now I was mainly making sure that everything got soaked.
Sounds like your lower roots are mostly dormant but not dead. If you're watering 5 liters every other day, maybe try 3 liters every day? Less each time but more often and a slight increase in overall water.

Just as a test for a week maybe and then reassess.

I still think your lower roots are compromised and that's why the lower area of the pot doesn't get used, but you're far enough in flower that it's too late to try to fix, and maybe the upper roots are carrying the whole load.

Just tip the container after you're done to drain as much of the perched water table as you can to at least minimize the issue.
When I feed small amounts she stays normal, no ups and downs.
What would wake up the roots? as well I still got some weeks to go.
Give a bottom peroxide soak? Get those worms in there? as well I should have gone look that night when it was raining as the past two days no luck.. it's super dry and hot.
But the tent is performing nicely.. only a heatwave will be problematic but normal hot Summer days the grow can continue.
When I feed small amounts she stays normal, no ups and downs.
Well then, maybe that's how you're going to finish.

What would wake up the roots? as well I still got some weeks to go.
Now you're into monkeying around which I'm not sure I'd take very far. You've got a routine that seems to be working fine and roots don't grow as well after hitting flower so anything different you try now is very late in the game .
Hey @OG Sinse I'd stay with the mainlining.. I opened this plant and looked inside and it's a frickin' jungle in there.. there's I don't know how many smaller buds in there.
I'm thinking the Side/Under lighting made it worse.. I was kinda hoping that would help keep things stay put since they wouldn't need to go look for light but I feel it kinda encouraged way more growth down there. And probably because I rotated I fed them light and then starved them from it for half the time, that's not going to keep them put I need light from all angles.
I feel a staggered harvest coming up where I first shear the tops off and then let the rest cook for a couple weeks longer.
Depending on how big and how heavy the nugs get this plant's yield looks like it's going to be nice though.
Hey @OG Sinse I'd stay with the mainlining.. I opened this plant and looked inside and it's a frickin' jungle in there.. there's I don't know how many smaller buds in there.
I'm thinking the Side/Under lighting made it worse.. I was kinda hoping that would help keep things stay put since they wouldn't need to go look for light but I feel it kinda encouraged way more growth down there. And probably because I rotated I fed them light and then starved them from it for half the time, that's not going to keep them put I need light from all angles.
I feel a staggered harvest coming up where I first shear the tops off and then let the rest cook for a couple weeks longer.
Depending on how big and how heavy the nugs get this plant's yield looks like it's going to be nice though.

So, I've been down both roads and am totally with you. I had a very similar grow, using a trellis and around 30 tops.. It was a mess but my harvest was massive. A lot of resources waisted on the lower buds, but all and all it came out very well.

When moving to a mainline, my harvest suffered greatly, but the quality of my colas were amazing. 8 massive colas in a circle that looked almost identical. So, I got some quality over quantity and a very symetrical grow out of a mainline.

So now, I'm thinking of trying a 16 cola mainline heavily chopping all of the lower buds (lollipopping)... This way, I'll only be concentrating on the tops-- Seems to me the tops of the tops are the best a bud can get, but hey what do I know, I'm a newbie.

Here is Durban Poison out of control... 1.5 x 1.5 x 3 ft...


I over did it just a bit ! Shoulda chopped the lower growth heavily...

week 10 F5.JPG
Weird, I'm seeing my pics on your thread. All good though, I did'nt want to flood your thread with my pics anyway.

Your plant is looking great !
Ah today I'm seeing them as well, yesterday I saw only a link and when I clicked it I got a 404type situation.

Just focussing on the main event is preferable, then one also doesn't need worry about if things are getting enough light as you can park all of the bud in the ideal zone.. usually I stay in the bottom third of the tent with all of my growth.
Although the extra space and the new light is causing the plants to grow a lot bigger, as I've done three grows now with the new gear and plants are double the size than before.
Next time I'm quadlining again and then I'll make sure to keep the wrestling the plant down to the ground.
So, I've been down both roads and am totally with you. I had a very similar grow, using a trellis and around 30 tops.. It was a mess but my harvest was massive. A lot of resources waisted on the lower buds, but all and all it came out very well.

When moving to a mainline, my harvest suffered greatly, but the quality of my colas were amazing. 8 massive colas in a circle that looked almost identical. So, I got some quality over quantity and a very symetrical grow out of a mainline.

So now, I'm thinking of trying a 16 cola mainline heavily chopping all of the lower buds (lollipopping)... This way, I'll only be concentrating on the tops-- Seems to me the tops of the tops are the best a bud can get, but hey what do I know, I'm a newbie.

Here is Durban Poison out of control... 1.5 x 1.5 x 3 ft...


I over did it just a bit ! Shoulda chopped the lower growth heavily...

week 10 F5.JPG
She is chugging right along!! Getting chunky as well!! Happy Friday!! 😎✌️
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