Seedsman Comparo Purple Ghost Candy By Schnookie

Either leave them outside and let nature take its course, or put them in 12 hours of darkness every night from now until Sept 22nd.
What do you think about solar lights keeping them vegging? Very dim for the most part, but they're out there... maybe I should move those to the front yard?
I've seen people roll tarps over their chicken wire cages to dark them out. They also use it when it starts getting really chilly out. Seems to help. Your plants are looking nice 👍 Happy Thursday. 😎✌️
Just found 2 yucky worm/caterpillars on my most mature PGC outside! The largest bud looked like it was moldy/mushy, but it was because the sllimy critter was eating and dissolving the bud from within! Stomp! Found another bud like that too. Pinched out the affected areas but I think these 2 buds are gonna need to be removed entirely although I hope not...
Just found 2 yucky worm/caterpillars on my most mature PGC outside! The largest bud looked like it was moldy/mushy, but it was because the sllimy critter was eating and dissolving the bud from within! Stomp! Found another bud like that too. Pinched out the affected areas but I think these 2 buds are gonna need to be removed entirely although I hope not...
Yeah, I especially hate the caterpillars eating my outside buds. :( I just inspect and pick them off. 🤠 Not too many things I want to spay on my flowers. :hmmmm::):bong:
Yeah, I especially hate the caterpillars eating my outside buds. :( I just inspect and pick them off. 🤠 Not too many things I want to spay on my flowers. :hmmmm::):bong:
Indeed I really don't want to spray anything but I guess BT should work too... I think I mighta just ordered some lol.
The two buds that were infected with worm ended up having to be cut off, but the top portions were still salvagable imo.


And my first dahlia here in the new house also...
I have a pineapple chunk put outside in May that started flowering before solstice and then stalled, hoping it gets back on track when it gets enough dark, probably a few weeks before equinox. The main issue this summer has been heat. Luckily I can keep an eye on them and water when they wilt. Last year I set them out in April figuring they’d have a longer veg season, but all but one sativa flowered after a few weeks and finished fine with no stall. The sativa was a huge beast and all of them were excellent.
The worms are devouring my tobacco!! I've got some spray (that Jacks's dead bug stuff) but I didn't put it on the one that got devastated last night. Gonna have to spray when it gets dark, plus I bought some more plus some BT which I hope will keep them at bay. Why don't bugs eat weeds?!

Anyhooo, got some pics and height mesurements of the girls today. I _think_ we're into blooming again...lots more pistils now on PGC, although my BBCBD cross continues to grow upwards with just a pair of pistils per node right now/still/again.

This one shares the 10g grow bag with BBCBDx

Gonna need to get some better pix. I was in a hurry. This girl started flowering first when I put her into the 10g. This is also the one that was attacked unprovoked by the caterpillars. Gonna have to check trichs...she might be ready - been blooming for over 2 months now...and I need to clear out any more bud rot if there is any. Since it's 90F outside it's difficult to do anything.

And the last PGC is looking to be budding again I think. Lots of pistils forming what looks like clusters of buds, but I was fooled before...


Luckily this little guy didn't get into the backyard. He and his sibling were playing in my mulch whilst mama looked on from down the road. o_Oo_O Mama got into my trashcan the previous day so that went into the garage finally.

They're just as anxious to get into the garden as you are!
I think if I had been able to put them into the garden/ground at that point I would be in serious trouble right now...They would likely be 8 feet tall and I'm just not ready for that!
Whelp, PGC3 came down this morning as I didn't want to continue having to pinch out budrot and despite still pushing out new pistils slowly, the trichombs are mostly all cloudy. Not really much amber, but what the hell, I've got 2 more still growing that I can monitor while trying better to prevent caterpillar and rot damage.


She's only about 2+ feet tall but the buds aren't too bad, not a huge harvest obviously. Gonna need a good washing to get the outside dirt, mud, caterpillar crap and other nasties off. Also gonna have to do some closeup surgery on a few buds to remove the budrot if possible. If not, I'll prolly toss 'em since I got more. LOL
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