Seedsman Comparo Purple Ghost Candy By Schnookie

So these girls have been outside for a couple days now, they seem to like it. No direct sunlight quite yet but pretty close. I was hoping to plant them in the ground this week but my whole body is sore from living on a mountain and have been trying to make progress. Still got a couple dozen plants to put the ground on top of the garden getting started. I have to decide soon what to do with them before I go out of town tursday. Tobacco is at the bottom of the photo. 7 varieties of at least a dozen plants which I need to cull down to 5 of each or less. Where are these all gonna live in my yard?!!

Especially if you're tossing seeds all over the place!
Their growth is assuming that there's nothing eating them. The fence still isn't done and I have to put up cages around the fruit trees now since the deer will practically strip everything green they can reach from plants they'll eat. They don't like poppies or irises though.
Ok, with no direct sun, they're not getting as much light as they were in the tent so they're stretching. I've put them in direct sun now on the deck where they'll see at least 3-5 direct hours until I get them in the ground. Fingers crossed I can till the garden area, build the raised bed and fill with enough matter for them to grow in. The bed will be almost 4x8 ft so I may add both these 3 and the BBCBD X CS plants also. Of course, those 3 could all be male so I won't know until at least 5-6 weeks. By then I hope they are like 5 feet tall. :)

Apparently I can't see the top right corner of my phone screen...




So I acted like a total ass over the weekend and my kids decided not to come visit. That wasn't the only reason, but I've got a big enough ego to believe it's all my fault. The youngest will be around this summer but I'm bummed about my oldest who'll be seeing a couple more places (@InTheShed he'll be out in LA in 2 weeks I think...) then heading back to SK. Guess it's time to figure out how to get over there maybe this fall.
Can't say for certain about the top right corners but the rest of the plants are looking great out there!

Sorry to hear about the dust-up this weekend but I hope you had a chance to let your oldest know that it was on you (I've learned that kids love to hear their parents take responsibility!). Either way, I hope your oldest has a great time in Los Angeles even if it's not as sunny here in May as it is where you are. ☀️

Are you in Saskatchewan?
Can't say for certain about the top right corners but the rest of the plants are looking great out there!

Sorry to hear about the dust-up this weekend but I hope you had a chance to let your oldest know that it was on you (I've learned that kids love to hear their parents take responsibility!). Either way, I hope your oldest has a great time in Los Angeles even if it's not as sunny here in May as it is where you are. ☀️

Are you in Saskatchewan?
And yeah, I apologized pretty soon after I fucked up and then the next morning before coming home. I'm just not sure I'm good company at this point in my life/grieving/solitude...
Almost 9 week mark now. The limit on me putting them in the garden is waiting for the guys to finish the garage which has a perfect view of the garden and I'd rather they not

Latest photo above from the upper deck. PGC top 3. They've been topped at every growing tip now at least once so they are compact until they explode in the garden.

Anxious is right. Been trying to plant tall things around the garden like sunflowers and jerusalem artichoke to block the view from the neighbors and the road (not that we get that much traffic here anyway). And I nailed a deer in the leg with a rock the other day while it was eating in my yard. It's a smorgasbord for them and I'm just too damn tired to get the fence finished. Anti-deer spray and cayenne pepper etc...which is also getting tiresome...thus the rocks.
Ok, what's going on here? (In my most nasally voice)




They've been outside for like a month now and the days are still getting longer, far as I can tell...why the pistils all over? It's only 2 of the 3 PGC so far...
Ok, what's going on here? (In my most nasally voice)
They've been outside for like a month now and the days are still getting longer, far as I can tell...why the pistils all over? It's only 2 of the 3 PGC so far...
Might have something to do with the light schedule they were on inside vs the hours of daylight they moved into. If there were inside at 20/4 or 18/6 and back in April you moved them outside into 13/11 (or similar), that would flip many varieties of photos.
Ok, well 2 more weeks have's an update. Everyone's flowering. Gotta look close at one of my crosses as it may be male...anyway

PGC1 got up potted a week ago into a 5 gallon filled mostly with coco and its original gallon of soil.

PGC2 is still in the 1 gallon pot, hanging out hope that she will get to go in the ground sometime soon. Still waiting for the contractors to finish the garage so I can't have them onlookers.... The rest of my garden has suffered because I've been too lazy to do much since this one can't go in yet. Nevermind the fact I still need to put together the raised bed and find enough stuff to fill it I need to build a cage around it so the fkn deer don't have a field day.

And PGC3 got the last upgrade too just yesterday...she got a 10gallon pot with a good combo of FFOF, coco, Azomite, perlite, and Roots707 soil from the 10gallon bag I have in the yard that will likely be put into the raised bed for PGC2.
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