Seedsman's Purple Ghost Candy Comparative Grow Using Remo Nutrients By Tokin Roll

Thank you for all your kind words @StoneOtter @JiggiLotus and @Ke0ncp

I did some mushrooms the other night and somehow lost my reading glasses.
I will update all my post a little later today if I can.

Stay safe and grow well my friends,
I don't need to do shrooms to loose things Tok! Spent a half hour looking for an amendment this morning myself! It was right where I put it. Have a nice chill day!
I still have not found my glasses but I did find an old pair that works.

Both the Purple Ghost candies are get close. The trichomes are starting to cloud up now, so maybe a week on the small one in the 2x4 tent. The PGC in the 3x3 tent is still pushing out white pistil so maybe about two weeks to go.

That's all folk's.

Stay safe and grow well my friends,
The PGC in the 3x3 tent is still pushing out white pistil so maybe about two weeks to go.
I had a grow that was at the end of 9 weeks and it was still growing white pistils and i was fug this i'm harvesting it anyway and it dried and cured just fine for smoking, and with my current grow it's at the end of 6 weeks and there is no new white pistils it looks like it could be harvested with a lot of orange pistils but i will still wait to the recommend 8 week harvest.
Wishing you well, Tokin.

And pay no attention to Jungle Joseph. He's just trying to spook you.

Even if they were to cut off the wrong leg, these days they can just as easily put it back on.
Thank you for stopping by and the well wish @StoneOtter @Jungle Joseph :laugh: @ATHF @Grand Daddy Black :thedoubletake:

I may them draw a happy face on my right knee so they would not get it wrong. The VA gave me some hydrocodone for pain. I still haven't taken any; I feel the pain is bearable at this time, so into the save they go with the other pain meds I have. I don't normally take pain meds unless the pain is pretty bad; I just have them so if we (wife) and I need them we have them. I know that most of them are expired, but that does not matter. I know to many people that need pain meds and can't get them when they need them. Enough of this.

The PGC in the 2x4 tent will be the first one harvested, she seems to be a little bit ahead of the large one. I haven't checked the trichomes in a couple day so I need to go check them now. Back in a flash. Be back today, with the results. Not bad one hours service to get the results. The smaller of the two will be going until the middle of next week or so or at least 70 days before being put into a 36 hour dark period before harvesting, The dark period is to help the trichomes to finish developing.

Now the 3x3 tent with the second PGC still has a couple weeks to go before harvest. I thought one of these ladies would be a dark purple plant, but I guess I was wrong. I did not see any Purple one in some of the other journals, but I am probably wrong. Any how she is still pushing out a lot of white pistils, so maybe I will get lucky. I believe this one is going to go the whole 84 days before harvest.

Here are some current images.

That's all folk's.

Stay safe and grow well my friends,
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