CBD BudMan Outdoor Grow: Table Mountain Sativa Company & Seedsman - 2024

Garden Update:

Temps have been unusually high so early in the summer season. For days now it's been triple digits. Yesterday was 105ºf, today 101ºf, with the forecast for Fri, Sat, Sun of 109ºf, 105ºf, 101ºf respectively. Next week isn't much cooler at 99ºf either. All my girls are holding up though. In this heat, I've discovered something... The RVDV cultivar is the most heat tolerant of all the plants in my garden. She never even blinks an eye at any of this heat. Plus, she's the tallest now at 6' 5". Her roots are very dense throughout the potting soil I've placed her in (in the ground) so much so, that I can't quite get my index finger to the 3rd knuckle (AKA distal phalange) when checking for water levels in the soil.
She is an amazing plant:

Here's a new pic of the same praying mantis in my garden:

All of my sativa girls are now showing a more proper color in their leaves (much lighter green rather than the dark waxy green earlier) so I'm feeding them for the 1st time in many weeks... GeoFlora Veg is on the menu today. My Purple Haze is still very dark green, so no food for her yet.
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
Temps, Height, and Other Such Things:

Well, instead of high 90's, Monday is forecast to be 101ºf, and even higher for Tues - Thur. Such fun... 🌞

Wild Lady is now 6' 1"
RVDV is now 6' 7"
Durban Poison is now 6' 1"
Purple Haze is now 5'

The thrips that the many spiders 🕸️🕷️ and 2 Praying Mantids have been feasting on seem to be completely gone. And now I can't seem to find either of the 2 Praying Mantids. I realize they follow the food, so no surprise there. At least the spiders will be hanging around for a while.

I'm continuing to remove the many branches from my branches. They seem to grow abundantly this time of year.🌱
I Love My Girls... :smokin:

A slight cooling trend is now in the forecast for the next several days, starting today... finally! As my plants continue to grow, they've needed more frequent watering. A month ago, watering once a week was all they needed. Now, every other day is barely enough. I was about to move to everyday waterings, but today we have a break in the heat that's to continue for perhaps a week or more, so probably can stay with every other day for now.

SNS Systemica™ Report
This stuff continues to amaze me! I've never had a product that was so easy to use AND so effective at the same time! :yahoo: My plants are completely free from black scale, spider mites, and a bunch of other things that I don't even know the name of. Plus! It doesn't seem to bother the beneficial insects like praying mantids and spiders. Thank you @Sierra Natural Science for making such a great product! Speaking of spiders, I now have a number of spiders that have moved into my garden, keeping watch over my girls.


Can anyone confirm if this is a beneficial insect? ⬇️

I Love My Girls... :smokin:
Not sure on the bug
Yeah, I'm not either. But for years now, my Hydro Shop guy assures me this one's a predator... a "good bug".
if you get it in the light you could try Google Lens. I find it's amazingly good at identifying stuff in the garden.
Google Lens? Never heard of it. Hmmm, I'll have to try that... if I can ever get a shot "in the light", as this one will zoop around to the other side of the stalk with my slightest movement. I got a lucky shot b/c I took the pic in the cool of the early morning, so it didn't move. 2 seconds later, it was gone! Over the 8 years I've been growing, I've never been able to get a shot once it's bright out. I'll keep trying though, now that I know about Google Lens. Thank you so much for the tip. :thumb:
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
I didn't have any luck with Google Lens, but then I found the Colorado State University College of Agricultural Sciences Hemp Resource Center. On their site they provide info on how to send them images of insects hemp growers observe, associated with hemp. So, I did just that and here's what I received back from them:

It is an adult of some kind of leafhopper (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae).

A bit more specifically, it is one in the "sharpshooter" subfamily (CIcadellinae) that feed on the fluids of the xylem of the plant. The majority of leafhoppers feed on the fluids of the phloem and many others feed on the contents of the cells of the mesophyll. (The very enlarged area at the front of the head is typical of the sharpshooters, and contains a massive muscular pump, needed for pulling the fluids out of the xylem.)

There are scores of species of leafhoppers found on hemp. Most do not reproduce on the plant but passing winged adults (as is this) will take a drink from the plant. For example, in Colorado I have seen over 18 different species of leafhoppers on hemp, and I do not think more than 5 of them will reproduce on the plant (i.e., have immature stages develop on the plant).

And, with almost zero exceptions, the impact of leafhoppers on hemp is negligible and of no significance to the plant. Those that feed on the cells of the mesophyll may leave a small light spot on the leaf, as they remove some cell contents, but that is about it - and no impact on growth. But those that feed on the xylem fluids (as does this one) or on the fluids of the phloem leave no visible trace of there presence and feeding on the plant.

Is that what you need?

Whitney Cranshaw
Colorado State University

This is the photo I sent them:

Needless to say, after receiving such a detailed reply, I sent a "thank you" E-mail back.
I Love My Girls... :smokin:

A day or two ago, I measured my RVDV and she was 7'2" tall and screaming for the sky! Both my Wild Lady and Durban Poison measured at 6'6" and still going up, up, up! Now mind you, both of the Table Mountain girls were FIMmed a number of weeks ago, and the Durban girl was topped. All I can say is... these pure sativas sure do reach for the sky, and rather stubbornly too!

So... what did I do? I topped EVERYbody! Even my Purple Haze, that measured a mere 6', got her top chopped. I realize that it's a bit close to bloom, but something HAD to be done as my RVDV could be seen quite easily over the top of my fence.

I'll have pics posted tonight or tomorrow. Until then:
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
MIA Update

I've been in a serious automobile accident and simply couldn't post due to pain. My car is totaled and in the scrap yard. I'm banged up pretty good with ribs that hurt like hell, a concussion, whiplash, bumps, bruises and some contusions, but I'm OK. A young kid (late teens or early 20's) was speeding (85-90 MPH) on a canyon road, changed lanes on me as he passed, sending me into the concrete wall/center divider. Unfortunately, he fled the scene... so a hit-and-run.

Until today, I've been barely able to water my plants... and even that was brutal for me. Rib pain seems to be the worst! Most of my time these day is filled with going to the Doc 3 days a week, plus CT Scans, interviews with lawyers and trying to bum rides with neighbors. Oh, and naps every day now too! I have never napped in my life! Until now.

I will try to post when I can, but I make no promises. Sorry.
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
Holy shit I hope you get better, and naps are for healing time. 🍋
Thank you... :thanks: and yes, if I'm taking a nap during the day, U know my body really needs it, cuz I've never been one for naps... EVER.
Hope you heal up super quickly
Thank you... :thanks: I am on the mend, and yet more time may be needed. I'm doing good just to water of my plants right now. 🌿
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
MIA Update

I've been in a serious automobile accident and simply couldn't post due to pain. My car is totaled and in the scrap yard. I'm banged up pretty good with ribs that hurt like hell, a concussion, whiplash, bumps, bruises and some contusions, but I'm OK. A young kid (late teens or early 20's) was speeding (85-90 MPH) on a canyon road, changed lanes on me as he passed, sending me into the concrete wall/center divider. Unfortunately, he fled the scene... so a hit-and-run.

Until today, I've been barely able to water my plants... and even that was brutal for me. Rib pain seems to be the worst! Most of my time these day is filled with going to the Doc 3 days a week, plus CT Scans, interviews with lawyers and trying to bum rides with neighbors. Oh, and naps every day now too! I have never napped in my life! Until now.

I will try to post when I can, but I make no promises. Sorry.
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
Geez CBD, I'm glad your alright, well not allright, but you know what I mean.

Take care of yourself, the effort into recovery right now no matter how painful will pay off for the rest of your days on the above side of this Rock.

Follow the sleep, it's vital to your body right now, the brain too.

Heal well my friend, sending positive vibes your way❤️👊
That absolutely sucks. :( I'm glad you made it out alive, and after suffering a concussion back in 2012 that still effects how I live my life, I recommend CBD oil (as you might imagine).

Also, new research on concussions shows that getting back to activity actually helps recovery, so between naps (which I highly recommend), you might want to check this out:

Good luck with the healing, we're all pulling for you!

Geez CBD, I'm glad your alright, well not allright, but you know what I mean.

Take care of yourself, the effort into recovery right now no matter how painful will pay off for the rest of your days on the above side of this Rock.

Follow the sleep, it's vital to your body right now, the brain too.

Heal well my friend, sending positive vibes your way❤️👊
Thank you @Gee64 :thanks:
My ribs are finally recovered enough for me to do more around my place now
That absolutely sucks. :( I'm glad you made it out alive, and after suffering a concussion back in 2012 that still effects how I live my life, I recommend CBD oil (as you might imagine).

Also, new research on concussions shows that getting back to activity actually helps recovery, so between naps (which I highly recommend), you might want to check this out:

Good luck with the healing, we're all pulling for you!

Thank you @InTheShed :thanks:
I appreciate those links. I read both of them and enjoyed the material. Unfortunately, my ribs hurt so bad, I struggled just getting out of bed in the morning. Preparing my meals and the everyday little things has been a challenge as well. My body just wouldn't let me do anything more.

That was then... Today I'm feeling much better! Thank goodness too, as my plants really need me. I have lots of leaves yellowing and falling off, from down low and up in the center. I'm thinking lack of nutes. There's even a few that withered while still green. I've got to scour my past posts from previous years/grows to find how many cups of @GeoFlora Nutrients "bloom" to use on each of my girls.

BTW, all my plants have grown above my fence again... even after that heavy topping I did before my accident. Because they're all into the blooming phase I can't cut anymore. So, I'm now adding 2 more feet to my fence. Lots of work, but it's gotta' be done.

Thank you all for the well wishes, reading and re-reading everyone's posts has helped me while I was recovering. Speaking of which, has anyone seen @Bill284 ?

I Love My Girls... :smokin:
MIA Update

I've been in a serious automobile accident and simply couldn't post due to pain. My car is totaled and in the scrap yard. I'm banged up pretty good with ribs that hurt like hell, a concussion, whiplash, bumps, bruises and some contusions, but I'm OK. A young kid (late teens or early 20's) was speeding (85-90 MPH) on a canyon road, changed lanes on me as he passed, sending me into the concrete wall/center divider. Unfortunately, he fled the scene... so a hit-and-run.

Until today, I've been barely able to water my plants... and even that was brutal for me. Rib pain seems to be the worst! Most of my time these day is filled with going to the Doc 3 days a week, plus CT Scans, interviews with lawyers and trying to bum rides with neighbors. Oh, and naps every day now too! I have never napped in my life! Until now.

I will try to post when I can, but I make no promises. Sorry.
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
Omg brother I'm so so sorry. :Namaste: :Namaste:
This is heartbreaking.
Did the police have any witnesses?
Nap all you can my friend, you deserve it after that.
Hope you recover from this. :green_heart:
My apologies for my absence aswell. :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Omg brother I'm so so sorry. :Namaste: :Namaste:
This is heartbreaking.
Thank you... :thanks: I'm recovering well enough.
Did the police have any witnesses?
Oh, lots of people were right behind me and saw the whole damn thing... and not a single one cared enough to even stop. So, no.
Nap all you can my friend, you deserve it after that.
Hope you recover from this. :green_heart:
I'm sure I will... Thank you. :thanks:
My apologies for my absence aswell. :Namaste:
Nah, I didn't mean it that way... just wondering where you were my friend. :Namaste:
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
That was then... Today I'm feeling much better!
BTW, all my plants have grown above my fence again... even after that heavy topping I did before my accident. Because they're all into the blooming phase I can't cut anymore. So, I'm now adding 2 more feet to my fence. Lots of work, but it's gotta' be done.
Gently tying down the tops to stakes in the soil a few feet beyond the drip line is much easier than extending the fence. They'll be bending that way once they get deeper in flower anyway! I had to tie my CapJunky upright this morning because the whole plant was leaning to one side.
Gently tying down the tops to stakes in the soil a few feet beyond the drip line is much easier than extending the fence. They'll be bending that way once they get deeper in flower anyway! I had to tie my CapJunky upright this morning because the whole plant was leaning to one side.
Hmm... wish I would've thought of this before I purchased all that lumber. Oh well, once they move a new coach into the empty space immediately adjacent to my fenced in grow, they'd be able to see my girls even if my plants weren't peeking over the fence I have now. So, this addition will, hopefully, future proof my garden. U R right about this being lots of work.
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
My Absence:

I thought I'd share with everyone... I've had Covid for the last 2 weeks. I'm much better now, but the 1st week was rough. I'm getting stronger each day now and look forward to catching up on things here when I can. :Namaste:
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
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