Flying High With Hawk - 2024 Grow Journal

Burped the cure jars 2x today for about 30 minutes each time. The difference in smell from the buds this year and last year is amazing! These smell great already while the ones from last year smelled hellish for quite a while.

Kind of shocked at how tall the 4 Kingdoms photo has gotten! I’ve got tomato cages around both photos, but the 4 Kingdoms is way taller than the cage already. What do you suggest to help keep it supported?

Congratulations on the early harvest. See, your already a damn fine grower. You could pole the tall ones. You'll probably have to anyway when the monster buds start to stack. Keep it up.
Congratulations on the early harvest. See, your already a damn fine grower. You could pole the tall ones. You'll probably have to anyway when the monster buds start to stack. Keep it up.
Thanks so much! This was the first try w. autoflowers and first time in a grow tent. Fairly drama-free. So far, loving the autoflowers!
Burped the cure jars 2x today for about 30 minutes each time.

Rained on the Photos. Realized that I need to feed them some GeoFlora Bloom (instead of Veg) this week.

Burped the cure jars 2x today for about 30 minutes each time.

POURED w. rain. Photos might be getting too much rain?

Burped the cure jars 2x today for about 30 minutes each time. Humidity is in the low 50% range, so added humidity packs to each jar.

Fed the Photos some GeoFlora Bloom.

Nice harvest Hawk!! The jars are cool. Outside is looking happy! How's the stuff you're currently burping smell? Happy Saturday!! 😎✌️

Is the RH heading up in that 51% jar? I'm not sure those humidity packs can raise it 11% if 62 is the goal.
Thanks! Most of the jars are in the upper 50's. Will change out humidity packs on the lower ones.

As for the lids, check out Island Herbz. They have cure jars and cure lids. LOVE their products!!
This is a prize pack I won from them a couple months back.

Prize__04_29_2024_Island Herbz_Twitter Prize_01.jpg
Nice harvest Hawk!! The jars are cool. Outside is looking happy! How's the stuff you're currently burping smell? Happy Saturday!! 😎✌️
Thank you! The curing buds actually smell great. Very different from last year when they all smelled like hay (really nasty) for quite a while before smelling like weed again.
8/16/24 (Cure Day #11)
Burped the cure jars 2x today for about 30 minutes each time.

Today is Day 11 of curing. At what point should I reduce the number of times / day that I burp the jars? And at what point should I reduce the amount of time actually burped? I’ve read so many different ideas on this that I figured I should reach out here for info.
Burped the cure jars 2x today for 15 minutes each time.

Bought 8 foot stakes to help support the Photos outside. Yet more rain today.

Burped the cure jars 1x today for 20 minutes.

More rain.

Burped the cure jars 1x today for 20 minutes.

More rain.

Growing gangbusters out there. Are you rethinking putting those two metal containers so close together next year? :)
At what point should I reduce the number of times / day that I burp the jars?
My method is to burp 2x/day from the time they go into jars until it's 14 days post-chop, and then 1x/day for the next 7 days. At 21 days after the harvest is when I seal them for curing.
And at what point should I reduce the amount of time actually burped? I’ve read so many different ideas on this that I figured I should reach out here for info.
Like Scottay mentioned, how long you burp for depends on the RH in the jars and the RH in the room. The idea is that they should be in the mid to high 60% range when they go in, and the burping process gradually brings them down to 62% at the 21 day mark. If the RH in the room is always higher than that then you'll need something besides burping to move the moisture down, like a dehuey (I use a small one in a copy-paper box I dump the flowers in), or rice balls (link in my sig).
Growing gangbusters out there. Are you rethinking putting those two metal containers so close together next year?
🤦‍♂️ Definitely! NEVER thought that they'd grow this big! Next season that section will get one plant and plant #2 will get a section just as big.

My method is to burp 2x/day from the time they go into jars until it's 14 days post-chop, and then 1x/day for the next 7 days. At 21 days after the harvest is when I seal them for curing.

The RH in the cure jars was still a bit low, so bought a few more Boveda 62% humidity packs. Hopefully, this will bring them from the 50s to somewhere between 58-62%.

Fed the two Photos some GeoFlora Bloom & watered them.

OK, beyond a rookie mistake. Just realized that I fed them GeoFlora VEG instead of Bloom! How big an issue is this and how long should I wait til I give them the correct GeoFlora BLOOM nutes??

Going forward: Rule #1 – Don’t do Anything when in the clutches of a migraine.


The RH in the cure jars was still a bit low, so bought a few more Boveda 62% humidity packs. Hopefully, this will bring them from the 50s to somewhere between 58-62%.
A piece of fresh bread is cheaper and much faster! Or a slice of apple will work as well. Keep an eye on the RH if you go that route. I use the bread technique when mine get low.
OK, beyond a rookie mistake. Just realized that I fed them GeoFlora VEG instead of Bloom! How big an issue is this and how long should I wait til I give them the correct GeoFlora BLOOM nutes??
I would run Veg through mid stretch and then change over to Bloom, as lowering the N when they're pushing out growth doesn't seem like a good idea to me.
Going forward: Rule #1 – Don’t do Anything when in the clutches of a migraine.
I'm so sorry about those. Mine respond well to Fioricet if I catch it just when feel it coming on, and I usually add an Advil (and maybe an additional single Tylenol) as well for some extra oomph. Of course everyone's migraines are different, but I thought I'd throw it out there.
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