Flying High With Hawk - 2024 Grow Journal

Turned off the light in the grow tent.

A bit of rain for the Photos again.

7/24/24 – HARVEST DAY #1
Finally harvested the Autos. Hung them up in the grow tent. 5 fans going, but none directly on the buds. Temp is low 70’s F and RH is 50%. Will check daily, but planning on starting the trimming / curing process in 7-14 days (July 30 – August 6).

Lots of rain for the Photos.



Finally harvested the Autos. Hung them up in the grow tent. 5 fans going, but none directly on the buds. Temp is low 70’s F and RH is 50%. Will check daily, but planning on starting the trimming / curing process in 7-14 days (July 30 – August 6).
Congratulations and they look really solid!

For the record, you won't get anywhere near 7 days hanging with the RH at 50%. More like 3 I'd guess.

After 24 hours I'd try to get the RH closer to 65% and turn off all but one fan.
Congratulations and they look really solid!

For the record, you won't get anywhere near 7 days hanging with the RH at 50%. More like 3 I'd guess.

After 24 hours I'd try to get the RH closer to 65% and turn off all but one fan.
Once again, THANK YOU @InTheShed !! I was so worried about having too high a humidity so wouldn't get bud rot, that I never even thought about it being too low!!

Curious what temp / humidity everyone keeps their dry room at?

Mine is currently at low 70s F / 65% RH.

Most of what I've read suggest 60 F / 60 RH, but I've seen ranges all over the place...

The autos looked chunky and your outdoor ladies are looking good!! Smoke report on the autos soon maybe?? I'm a sucker for a good smoke report. Happy Thursday!! 😎✌️
7/31/24 (Harvest Dry Day #8)
Checked the Autos that are drying in the grow tent. Stems don’t make any kind of crack when bent. Will check again tomorrow. Tent still in mid 70s F and 65% RH.

Stems on the Short Nepali Auto starting to crack. Will start trimming them tomorrow. The BlueBerry Glue Auto is still not ready.

Still extremely hot. Severe thunderstorms rolled thru. At least the Photos got rained on. Horrific migraine prevented me from starting to trim the Autos. Guess it will start tomorrow!

8/4/24 (Harvest Dry Day #12)
Spent 4 hours trimming the Short Nepali Auto. Had to stop once both my trimmers were so sticky that a normal alcohol wipe down wasn’t enough. Soaked them in a cup of alcohol and will deal w. trimming the Blue Berry Glue Auto tomorrow.

Still not sure I really know what I’m doing w. trimming, but it worked out fine last year, so guessing it will be fine this year too. Big difference this year is that I got a trim tray and a magnifying glass / swing light so I can see the buds properly. Looks like a lot of kief, now I just have to figure out what to do with it!!

Filled four mason jars w. the Short Nepali Auto.
Spent 4.5 hours trimming the Blue Berry Glue Auto. May have waited too long to start trimming and then curing the BBG. The buds seem a bit dry.

The grow tent is now empty. Need to scrub it down, dismantle it, and then move it down to the basement.

Filled 5 mason jars w. the Blue Berry Glue Auto.

Burped the cure jars 2x today for about 30 minutes each time. The difference in smell from the buds this year and last year is amazing! These smell great already while the ones from last year smelled hellish for quite a while.

Kind of shocked at how tall the 4 Kingdoms photo has gotten! I’ve got tomato cages around both photos, but the 4 Kingdoms is way taller than the cage already. What do you suggest to help keep it supported?

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