CBD BudMan Outdoor Grow: Table Mountain Sativa Company & Seedsman - 2024

Garden Update:

Temps have been unusually high so early in the summer season. For days now it's been triple digits. Yesterday was 105ºf, today 101ºf, with the forecast for Fri, Sat, Sun of 109ºf, 105ºf, 101ºf respectively. Next week isn't much cooler at 99ºf either. All my girls are holding up though. In this heat, I've discovered something... The RVDV cultivar is the most heat tolerant of all the plants in my garden. She never even blinks an eye at any of this heat. Plus, she's the tallest now at 6' 5". Her roots are very dense throughout the potting soil I've placed her in (in the ground) so much so, that I can't quite get my index finger to the 3rd knuckle (AKA distal phalange) when checking for water levels in the soil.
She is an amazing plant:

Here's a new pic of the same praying mantis in my garden:

All of my sativa girls are now showing a more proper color in their leaves (much lighter green rather than the dark waxy green earlier) so I'm feeding them for the 1st time in many weeks... GeoFlora Veg is on the menu today. My Purple Haze is still very dark green, so no food for her yet.
I Love My Girls... :smokin:
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