just gorgeous 'Bender. Maybe some leaf tucking to expose more budsites? Nice healthy SIP ya got there, thanks for joining the club and making us all look good by association!
Good call! as leaf tucking does work wonders, I'll get on it when the lights switch on.
The SIP does not encourage any hands on activity as well I filled the res 4 times since December, I topped once and pushed the nets over it.. that's about it concerning activity.. somedays I didn't even go look, as I knew there was water enough in the can and she was doing fine the day before.
Now the res almost drain instantly I'll need to have a daily check, so I'll push some leaves down :D
I'm glad your giving the CBG another shot! Speaking of which, how are you feeling?
Persistent caugh, but otherwise I feel much better, thanks.

Also, I had the same yellowing you seem to be having on the le Creme. I chalked mine up to a new soil mix and my first legit SIP run from seed, but maybe there is some genetic component. I never did solve the mystery so looking forward to what you learn from yours.
Well I just tucked and holy cow my hands smell like lemon balm or citronella, like very overpowering citrus smell, it's Critical Kush so I guess that's the OG Kush influence?
hiya GB, I fertigated (mix nutes into rez water) my indoor/outdoor weed/veggie SIPs for a couple/few seasons now and the only times I've been able to use liquid organic nutes is if I have a bubbler or pump in the reservoir to keep the aerobic bacteria in the ascendancy and the material itself from layering/becoming sediment.
Hmmm, should I add bubblers/pump to a simple system 2 bucket with a res bucket, system? It'll be my first time with SIPs and growing indoors. I'd prefer using organic nutes as well. Sounds like I'll need to add something to the equipment list.
I feed my organic Jadam nutes directly into the reservoir all the time. No pumps, no issues.
Im thinking I misread a little and that Rez Dog was maybe meant outdoors? I understand how it could happen though and now Im wondering how it doesn't happen? lol
If theres no agitation or movement of the water it seems like it'd almost have to bloom some sort of algae or mold or slime or something.
So for various reasons mostly to do with InTheShed and my own idiocy I’ve said I’m gonna try and get an outdoor SIP, a Do Si Dos Rocketas to 6’ before flipping her. (Near the equator so 12/12 365 days. Keep them in veg overnight with some lights on timers)

This is likely impossible!

Dunno lets see.

At 3ft now. Medium to top. (Ex bucket)

Can’t remember really what the medium is as it was left over coco peat and soil peat. (Very different) Likely some extra perlite. The season is changing so that means the prevailing wind goes 180 degrees (into her) and the rains they are a coming!

I have & Co and an arsenal of nutes at my disposal but apart from structural supports the bucket (and overnight lights) aren’t changing.

Don’t ask about flower - get there and I’d be surprised 🤣

Lets see what she can do - I’ll throw some occasional updates here as my first SIP. Calling her “Nicola” (“Poppy” is a Gorilla Glue in a 15 Gallon airpot next to her)

Roots are my worry but lets see. Have some ideas about the feed temp too.

Nick & Co

hiya GB, I fertigated (mix nutes into rez water) my indoor/outdoor weed/veggie SIPs for a couple/few seasons now and the only times I've been able to use liquid organic nutes is if I have a bubbler or pump in the reservoir to keep the aerobic bacteria in the ascendancy and the material itself from layering/becoming sediment. Synthetic nutes work just great on their own without the machinery and some synthetics with organic add-ins like m3gacr0p (the all-in-one line and their two-part, both) work fine too. I don't know which FF ferts you're referring to so I'm giving you the full run-down on fertigation here. Some of my DIY SIP designs have 9 gallons of fertilizers in the onboard rez, so I'm pretty much torture-testing my fertigation - often going 2-4 weeks between refills.

Remember too that you can accidentally wash organic matter from your planter down into the rez if you top water too often or with too large an amount. Organic material leeches into rez from planter and then 'goes off'. Its always important for SIPPERS to give their rez a sniff now and then. I top water a bacterial brew weekly into a 7-gallon SIP planter but I limit it to max 1 litre/quart and I make sure to pour slowly.

The last point would be regarding outdoor temps and that sun beating down on your plastic SIP tub (often black)... I grow veg in 27 gal black plastic totes outside, like 12 of 'em, prob more this year, and I use burlap or any cloth hanging loosely from sides, or side, and this takes the brunt, maintaining acceptable temps even in all-day direct sun. Hanging loosely works better than painted-on lighter colours or even glued-on reflective materials because it cant physically transfer the temps where not actually touching the container side and the air layer between insulates. Plus, its way easier and way cheaper. Any old fabric from the Sally-Ann can be repurposed here. Good luck, Scoobs, and say hi to Shaggy. Oh, and if it interests you, keep me updated m8!
Thanks RD!

I’m on the fence on how to grow outdoors this summer. I kinda wanted to switch nutes to GeoFlora as Emilya has great success with it - even in SIP. My buddy has several large bottles of Fox Farms nutes he will give to me. I’ve used it the past 4 grows and it is easy enough. Thinking I may run several different pots / nutes just to compare.

I like easy because, well, I am a bit lazy.
Persistent caugh, but otherwise I feel much better, thanks.
Glad to hear it! Caugh, draught...not sure why things we spell ough you spell augh though. Is that a regionalism?
Also, I had the same yellowing you seem to be having on the le Creme. I chalked mine up to a new soil mix and my first legit SIP run from seed, but maybe there is some genetic component. I never did solve the mystery so looking forward to what you learn from yours.
Well that's interesting! I did a mini flush this morning and changed the nute mix, so we'll see. :nomo:
A little Sunday SIP Update-

The 72 day old ATF is 15 days into 12/12 now- it's her 49th day in the SIP.

She's stretching fairly evenly so far- she's still only 14" tall, but 24" wide...


The 58 day old Amnesia Haze- also 15 days into 12/12 , but barely starting to show a few flowers..

This is her 36th day in the SIP. She gets the cold spot in the garage, so she's doing everything a bit slower than the ATF- she's 12" tall now, up only 2" from 2 weeks ago...she's plenty healthy, just slow growing...
this one is about 20" wide.

She spent a few hours out in the sun on Friday, then the sun went away and hasn't returned since...
so she's stuck in the cold garage for awhile longer..:confused:

That's about all for today-
The plants and I are both loving the SIPs, and the Grow Dots are still keeping everything green, so that's a good thing!

And a big Thank You to @Azimuth , for bringing this grow method to my/our attention.. :love:
Highya Carcass,

That ATF is looking real nice! Showing lots of flower spikes from a lot of different colas. Well done! Happy Smokin'
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