I like your emoji AutoNaut it looks like a DMT vision. CL🍀 :high-five: :Namaste:
Heya CL good to see ya again! It's actually very much along those lines. It's supposed to be observing its own constant psychonaut rebirth. or happy little jewel like basketball elf creatures jumping up and down on your chest asking you to sing something into creation... or something like that ;)

so yeah! you sir were sorta correct! :yahoo: :high-five::Namaste:

These things are so deceptively easy to grow with. Go through the thread and you'll see massive plant after massive plant and you'll get the expectation that everyone is some sort of master grower. And for sure we have our fair share of those. But we also have plenty of first or second time growers growing great plants.
Oh yes, I noticed! Sooooo very noticed. I do just to tend to think everyones an old hand at every last method and technique around here and hadn't noticed how many were new at this method as well. I did with @LKABudMan 's though and even though I think he's a genius I could see over and over its ease of use from his posts. It really made me feel less intimidated.
You still need the other basics like a good grow mix, good nutes, a good environment etc. These containers are not magic problem solvers, but rather allow the full genetic potential of the plant the opportunity to be realized. Plants are generally larger and healthier and therefore less prone to pests and disease, but they're not immune.
Ive got a set of hardly used FF basic nutes set. Ive seen dilution ratios for hydro but am wondering if I should just save those for growing outdoors in fabric pots and get set for other nutes that are more maybe better suited (if thats a thing).
Im very open to commercial grow mix suggestions!
Environment will be pretty typical. 6 inline fan exhaust/intake, filter, 400W worth of light in a 4x4 tent, 2 small clip fans (plus built in fans) etc.
Yeah Im not looking for complete automation, just enough so its easier to get bigger happy plants then I can just sit and hang out with them instead of futzing with things and possibly mucking things up.
The grower is still in charge, but this container structure eliminates improper watering practices which is the most common issue growers have at some point in a cycle, and new growers often suffer from it constantly as the only way to gain experience with watering is to do it wrong and learn what works.
Me! Thats Me and I guess almost everyone else lol! I never knew how complicated it could get until I started growing things.
SIPs don't ever have watering as an issue, though we've found ways to try to maximize even this well proven approach.

With SIPs, you can focus all your attention to factors other than watering as you nature your plant though its cycle.
That was a wonderfully soothing line to read. I thank you!
I'm in! I'm excited like you with these containers! Midway first SIP now and am happy to yell you you'll have lots to go over when you tell folks how simple it is to make them grow! Let us know here please when you get up and running? I'd like to follow along.
OH definitely! I dont have a big invite list. Pretty much just my train riders from my only journal (which youre in so yeah you were going to get invited no matter what) :Namaste::cheer:

That's what Im looking forward to doing, just sharing a thread with some friends and family so they can learn through here. See how easy it is and get the hell away from those overpriced dispensaries.
I never knew how complicated it could get until I started growing things.
Imagine not having to worry about that at all 🤔- that alone makes the SIPs worth it- the fact that your plants grow stronger and faster is the icing on the cake!
Tag me, if you would, when you get your journal going- I want to see you grow your best plants ever!
Imagine not having to worry about that at all 🤔- that alone makes the SIPs worth it- the fact that your plants grow stronger and faster is the icing on the cake!
Ohhhhh I imagine this about every 3 minutes right now. Super double plus bonus goods!
Tag me, if you would, when you get your journal going- I want to see you grow your best plants ever!
You are very much on the invite list with a comment like that! :thanks::cheer:
Ohhhhh I imagine this about every 3 minutes right now. Super double plus bonus goods!

You are very much on the invite list with a comment like that! :thanks::cheer:
And post a link here when you get it set-up. I know I'd like to follow along and I'm sure many on this thread would as well.
Imagine not having to worry about that at all 🤔- that alone makes the SIPs worth it- the fact that your plants grow stronger and faster is the icing on the cake!
These things really are fun to grow with. The positive feedback loop with the strong growth is hard to believe unless you come from coco or hydro. We really do get those kinds of growth rates from a regular soil mix.

What gets me is that these designs have been around for decades and for the life of me I don't understand why they're not more popular. I really do think everyone should grow a plant with these things at least once and see what they think. Doesn't even have to be a canna plant. I've converted many of my houseplants to this structure with equally positive results. I've got a huge Christmas cactus that absolutely thrives in these containers.

I know I get bit excited about SIPs, but it's hard not to really enjoy something so simple that makes such a huge difference in results.

Better plants from better growers. That's what we do here! :thumb:
And post a link here when you get it set-up. I know I'd like to follow along and I'm sure many on this thread would as well.
I have to say I was going to likely drag you over to it through sheer volume of questions, probably.

Looks like GroBucket is out of any product at all and likely in process of re setting their company.
The other suggestions all look great.
Earthbox looks fun and maybe easier more rooting room? Is there an advantage with the rectangles over buckets besides getting more plants into a square space? I also love that I can get it in purple!! 😃

Realgrowers is exactly what I was thinking of in my minds eye. Ugly colors though 😆
edited to add: Not ugly colors just not purple :Namaste:
Looks like GroBucket is out of any product at all and likely in process of re setting their company.
Really. What are you hearing?

Earthbox looks fun and maybe easier more rooting room? Is there an advantage with the rectangles over buckets besides getting more plants into a square space?
I'll let @StoneOtter weigh in on this one. He's doing his first SIP grow in the square Earthboxes (and killing it of course) and he just got 4 more for his next run. Incidently, Earthbox is the originator of the commercial design from my understanding.

Realgrowers is exactly what I was thinking of in my minds eye. Ugly colors though 😆
Very innovative company and big in the organic feed and myco scene.

Also there's Octopot whose site is worth a read for the science. They've got a growers manual for how to use them in .pdf that you can download.
These things really are fun to grow with. The positive feedback loop with the strong growth is hard to believe unless you come from coco or hydro. We really do get those kinds of growth rates from a regular soil mix.
All anyone has to do is scroll through this thread or some of the journals and it's obvious this works. Over and over and over. Stunning.
What gets me is that these designs have been around for decades and for the life of me I don't understand why they're not more popular. I really do think everyone should grow a plant with these things at least once and see what they think. Doesn't even have to be a canna plant. I've converted many of my houseplants to this structure with equally positive results. I've got a huge Christmas cactus that absolutely thrives in these containers.
This just got my mind racing. Possible to design a more studier one that could hold enough soil/air/water to grow dwarf fruit trees?
I know I get bit excited about SIPs, but it's hard not to really enjoy something so simple that makes such a huge difference in results.

Better plants from better growers. That's what we do here! :thumb:
A'yep! :cheer:
Really. What are you hearing?
I looked up their site. Grotechgarden now and they only have one product listed and it's out of stock. The builds from 2023 though so maybe just in between the spaces right now?
I'll let @StoneOtter weigh in on this one. He's doing his first SIP grow in the square Earthboxes (and killing it of course) and he just got 4 more for his next run. Incidently, Earthbox is the originator of the commercial design from my understanding.
Aaaand... Purple boxes! I wait otter wisdom.
Very innovative company and big in the organic feed and myco scene.
Ohhhh man, definitely feeling pulled towards them.
Also there's Octopot whose site is worth a read for the science. They've got a growers manual for how to use them in .pdf that you can download.
I did :) Im interested in that set up for maybe whats next in my growing education. Looks like just a little more fiddling about is required than the others. Its so interesting though!
This just got my mind racing. Possible to design a more studier one that could hold enough soil/air/water to grow dwarf fruit trees?
Oh sure. In page two of this thread I have a design post where I described how to build 17 gallon and up planters.

You'd need a large enough weather resistant container that holds water and a way to drill the appropriate hole, something to form the reservoir from and a fill tube.

If you had a good water level gage you could even do one without an over flow hole if it didn't get rained on.

I've seen the large resin based half wine barrels at both Home Depot and Lowes that might be large enough.
Oh sure. In page two of this thread I have a design post where I described how to build 17 gallon and up planters.

You'd need a large enough weather resistant container that holds water and a way to drill the appropriate hole, something to form the reservoir from and a fill tube.

If you had a good water level gage you could even do one without an over flow hole if it didn't get rained on.

I've seen the large resin based half wine barrels at both Home Depot and Lowes that might be large enough.
This would be a project in a year or so but Ive wanted to grow dwarf fruit trees indoors for a looong time. The PITA level on it kept me from ever forming concrete plans. This takes a whole lot of that away and with the efficiency of some of the light systems coming onto market.. Ive got to think it's not only possible but finance wise now quite doable.

*takes hit and dreams of little red banana dwarf trees*
What do you think the minimum and ideal pot sizes would be for that dwarf fruit tree project?
I did some research almost 10 years ago now, I really dont remember but! I just checked and from what I can see 17 gal should be plenty! 🤤
What do you think the minimum and ideal pot sizes would be for that dwarf fruit tree project?
Hey Azi I think I followed your instructions correctly? I made a hole 1” on my solo n filled it with about 2” of perlite. Topped with soil and then made several holes 2-4” up for more air. Sat it in water to start the sip. How long do I let it sit in water? CL🍀
Hey Azi I think I followed your instructions correctly? I made a hole 1” on my solo n filled it with about 2” of perlite. Topped with soil and then made several holes 2-4” up for more air. Sat it in water to start the sip. How long do I let it sit in water? CL🍀
I like to keep an almost empty reservoir while the plant is young until I see it growing strongly. A full reservoir while you wait for that won't hurt it but it may delay the stronger growth as the seedling has to adapt to the much wetter environment that it doesn't have the roots for yet.
I like to keep an almost empty reservoir while the plant is young until I see it growing strongly. A full reservoir while you wait for that won't hurt it but it may delay the stronger growth as the seedling has to adapt to the much wetter environment that it doesn't have the roots for yet.
You think I should maybe drain a little of the water? CL🍀
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