You think I should maybe drain a little of the water?
You'll know when the roots have adapted to the situation- she'll start drinking more than seedlings usually do- my AH seedling drank more than any seedling I've ever sprouted..
I'm guessing that part of the root adaptation process also involves the leaves, allowing/causing increased transpiration- because you won't get the "puffy" leaves that mark an over watered plant, even if it seems to you like you're overwatering your seedling...

This is from my (limited) exposure to bottom watering a seedling, so it's not necessarily fact, just my experience...
they are not seedlings but popped beans
Well, then disregard this post for 2 weeks or so...šŸ˜‰
kinda crossover post but today is start of week 7 on my Wedding Cake home brew 5 gallon sip. In preparation for droughting I did a full tilt on the bucket and forced her to piss out her res last Monday. You can tell cuz itā€™s got that funky odor.

Even tho Iā€™ve been running dehum around the clock I pulled her dipstick from the soil today and after 7 days of no res water thereā€™s still plenty of moisture in the soil showing on dipstick

imho - if you are droughting in a SIP better get started before week 7
imho - if you are droughting in a SIP better get started before week 7
I just finished a drought started at beginning of week 7 and started counting after the rez went dry. From there 11 days for proper LWA. Rehydration now. Drinking is quite low but there is some.
Thanks Azi, really appreciate the knowledge drop and your support here!

You will be happy to hear Iā€™ve got 2 SIPā€™s going indoors now and love it. Iā€™m also thinking about building a few SIPā€™s in a small creek bed for outdoors.
Nice! That's sounds like the ultimate automatic fill!
I have to say I was going to likely drag you over to it through sheer volume of questions, probably.

Looks like GroBucket is out of any product at all and likely in process of re setting their company.
The other suggestions all look great.
Earthbox looks fun and maybe easier more rooting room? Is there an advantage with the rectangles over buckets besides getting more plants into a square space? I also love that I can get it in purple!! šŸ˜ƒ

Realgrowers is exactly what I was thinking of in my minds eye. Ugly colors though šŸ˜†
edited to add: Not ugly colors just not purple :Namaste:
I went with Earthbox Root and Veg. It looked like my 10 gallon cloth sized pots so I went with it. So far so good on it's first run. I decided to go with the same style with 4 more.
Thanks Azi, really appreciate the knowledge drop and your support here!

You will be happy to hear Iā€™ve got 2 SIPā€™s going indoors now and love it. Iā€™m also thinking about building a few SIPā€™s in a small creek bed for outdoors.
I hope the creek SIP's get made! What an opportunity the plants would have! Great idea!
OH definitely! I dont have a big invite list. Pretty much just my train riders from my only journal (which youre in so yeah you were going to get invited no matter what) :Namaste::cheer:

That's what Im looking forward to doing, just sharing a thread with some friends and family so they can learn through here. See how easy it is and get the hell away from those overpriced dispensaries.
make sure you tag me in Auto, when you start soaking and start your journal thread. I think I've heard you tell that's your plan. If you're looking for SIP advice, maybe a budget $$ number could help the community narrow suggestions for you. Sounds like you're up for 2-4 plants at a time, is that right? I think you can spend from 100$ (5 gal pail inserts and pails) for four plant sites to 400$ for four plant sites.

btw have you checked out Albo Pepper's site/youtube? he's a super-og SIP grower and you can have 1 on 1 convos with him to get specific questions answered, and another perspective.

PS say hi to the elf queen for me (she'll recognize the 'rez dog' handle), it's been a while since I had occasion to ''say hooray''.
Just some seedling pics to help feed the creative spirits in you SIP and SWICK types (among whom I count myself a fortunate fellow traveller).


Above pic is just to reorient readers, this is my little propagation cubbyā€¦ pardon the mess, weā€™re finding new runs for the cabling) farthest left is a cutting, and it is rooting out in same SIP design that 2/4 main platform seedlings are in.

Recently I made some changes to my baggy-system. For one I use a spare nursery bag to wrap the wicking foot (a section of plastic bottle filled with perlite and some mycos) this keeps the perlite from escaping and creates a much neater, modular system. Looks like thisā€¦

the smaller (diameter) you make the wicking foot the drier your wettest soil will be. I think that 1/2 to 1/4 diameter of the planter would be about right, for this design. These are almost 1:1 and a bit too big but plants are still fine due to high porosity and gaseous exchange.

I also changed out the reservoir plastics from those weird mixing cups I had before to these weirder Samā€™s Club-sized ā€˜plastic jarsā€™. (I tried hard to speak American just there, howā€™d I do?)

I wanted something I could easily wrap with black plastic so as not to discourage roots, but had a large enough opening to fit baggy through and enough space once in there to facilitate easy gaseous exchange. Leaving the bottom 1/2 inch unwrapped so I can see if thereā€™s still fertigation, and for a peak at her ā€˜goodsā€™ I just flip up her skirt, I mean, the black plastic.

Cā€™est voila! Nice part of this design is the ease with which you can take out the planter baggy for whatever reason and transplanting doesnā€™t get any easier.

The second seedling SIP design is, however, failing the grade. Lots of roots, healthy plant, but so many roots have grown out the air holes that transplanting will cause a lot of damage. Lucky for me this is an auto (yumboldt auto) so Iā€™ll grow it out in this 2l pop bottle-sourced design.

Everybody here is growing in my custom worm castings and perlite, made by mostly red wrigglers fed only fresh or frozen accumulator plants that I grow at home, pacific bull kelp I harvested in summer at sea (make sure you freshwater soak before processing) and my spent ā€˜shroom compost/cakes. I actually mix all the ingredients in a blender with a little water, frappe, then freeze ā€œsingle serving styleā€ in ice cube trays. That way I know how much theyā€™re getting, enough moisture is added to their environment this way alone, and worms process into castings MUCH faster this way.

PS Worms canā€™t metabolize psilocybin like us, donā€™t worry. If they did, well, weā€™d have a new definition of ā€œheroic doseā€ because when the worms get this stuff they eat it faster than anything Iā€™ve ever seen. Like, 2x body weight in 24hrs. I love my worms.

Anywayā€¦ hereā€™s a peak at the 2 litre pop bottle plants rootsā€¦.

Roots are growing out of every single air hole. Oh well. See, at least with the bags (below) you donā€™t do any damage transplanting. Nice examples of fuzzy dendritic root development here..

Oh right, the tray of greens in the first pic is one example of how I culture beneficial bacteria and mycorrhiza. I use purchased bennies and mycs to inoculate wheatgrass and legume seeds that can be grown on anything from paper towels to actual soil. Donā€™t ever fertilize and be sure to soak seeds 24hrs before planting. If this whole thing interests we can go into detail but my method is to cold-press juice the greenery, my winter diet is short of fresh foods because of no garden and store prices/quality. The juice keeps me going-ish. Anyway, whenever Iā€™m planting a fresh SIP with seedling I tear away a whack of the roots and lava stone/perlite and add to transplant hole and that effectively inoculates the plant with my chosen mycos and my chosen bennies (ask for list if interested). There is also mega doses of bennies and endomycos in my worm castings, and to top it all off I reinnoculate weekly from a 2gllon tabletop tea brewer I made.
Good work using the scrog šŸ‘
hmmm you think so? as that's why I named it critical mess :p I didn't go through with my mainlining plan as there were already such thick branches on there I didn't want to cut them off after topping, so I just topped once and then pulled the rest a bit out with the scrog.. one day! I'll get a nice fishbone going.

As Azi said now the watering issue is out of the way as this makes it nearly impossible to over or under water, so now getting a good structure that produces long big buds and optimises the surface area is the most important thing to focus on, and I'm not there yet, I need to be way more aggressive in guiding and diligent for that, every day something pops up where it shouldn't cut cut..
hmmm you think so? as that's why I named it critical mess :p I didn't go through with my mainlining plan as there were already such thick branches on there I didn't want to cut them off after topping, so I just topped once and then pulled the rest a bit out with the scrog.. one day! I'll get a nice fishbone going.

As Azi said now the watering issue is out of the way as this makes it nearly impossible to over or under water, so now getting a good structure that produces long big buds and optimises the surface area is the most important thing to focus on, and I'm not there yet, I need to be way more aggressive in guiding and diligent for that, every day something pops up where it shouldn't cut cut..
Youll get there I'm sure man. the sip game is going crazy atm on here changes plants completely
make sure you tag me in Auto, when you start soaking and start your journal thread. I think I've heard you tell that's your plan. If you're looking for SIP advice, maybe a budget $$ number could help the community narrow suggestions for you. Sounds like you're up for 2-4 plants at a time, is that right? I think you can spend from 100$ (5 gal pail inserts and pails) for four plant sites to 400$ for four plant sites.
I'm looking to spend up to 300 or so for a 2 site with system reservoir included. Its looking like realgrowers reabucket system is the top lead for it right now. For this first SIP grow anyway.
btw have you checked out Albo Pepper's site/youtube? he's a super-og SIP grower and you can have 1 on 1 convos with him to get specific questions answered, and another perspective.
Thank you for this pointer! Wow. Thats gonna come in nifty! :thanks:
Can you tag me in??
These two common household recycleables might team up to make a good "Starter Sippy" for a beginner. I think.
I'm slowly changing everything over, as I find suitable containers.

You'll get your invite too! I promise. Hehehe I have many of those types of containers in the recycle stack constantly.
Thank you :)
I'm going to try the bubble cloner type and see how that works for me. Sounds like it does better in cooler temps and I think think water roots might help shorten the normal transition time, but that's all theory at this point.
Finally got some roots popping out on the bubble mist clones after about a month :eek: so the cbg plant lives on.

I had roots nubs after about 2 weeks but it took another couple of weeks for the roots. So, longer than preferred, but I'm going to call it a success. I'll give it another round and see if I can shorten the time required.

Next step is to plant 'em up once the roots get a bit more developed.
Finally got some roots popping out on the bubble mist clones after about a month :eek: so the cbg plant lives on.

I had roots nubs after about 2 weeks but it took another couple of weeks for the roots. So, longer than preferred, but I'm going to call it a success. I'll give it another round and see if I can shorten the time required.

Next step is to plant 'em up once the roots get a bit more developed.
I'm glad your giving the CBG another shot! Speaking of which, how are you feeling?
I've been following SIP grows with great interest. I grow outdoors in summer heat and man it is hard to get the watering just right. I'm seriously thinking of doing a SIP grow outdoors alongside my traditional way in order to compare.

Question - I still have some Fox Farm liquid nutrients. Using SIP - would you just add nutes in a diluted ratio to the water added to the reservoir? FF feed schedule says up to twice per week. I typically water every other day. Assuming reservoir will just have diluted nutes in the water at all times?
I've been following SIP grows with great interest. I grow outdoors in summer heat and man it is hard to get the watering just right. I'm seriously thinking of doing a SIP grow outdoors alongside my traditional way in order to compare.

Question - I still have some Fox Farm liquid nutrients. Using SIP - would you just add nutes in a diluted ratio to the water added to the reservoir? FF feed schedule says up to twice per week. I typically water every other day. Assuming reservoir will just have diluted nutes in the water at all times?
hiya GB, I fertigated (mix nutes into rez water) my indoor/outdoor weed/veggie SIPs for a couple/few seasons now and the only times I've been able to use liquid organic nutes is if I have a bubbler or pump in the reservoir to keep the aerobic bacteria in the ascendancy and the material itself from layering/becoming sediment. Synthetic nutes work just great on their own without the machinery and some synthetics with organic add-ins like m3gacr0p (the all-in-one line and their two-part, both) work fine too. I don't know which FF ferts you're referring to so I'm giving you the full run-down on fertigation here. Some of my DIY SIP designs have 9 gallons of fertilizers in the onboard rez, so I'm pretty much torture-testing my fertigation - often going 2-4 weeks between refills.

Remember too that you can accidentally wash organic matter from your planter down into the rez if you top water too often or with too large an amount. Organic material leeches into rez from planter and then 'goes off'. Its always important for SIPPERS to give their rez a sniff now and then. I top water a bacterial brew weekly into a 7-gallon SIP planter but I limit it to max 1 litre/quart and I make sure to pour slowly.

The last point would be regarding outdoor temps and that sun beating down on your plastic SIP tub (often black)... I grow veg in 27 gal black plastic totes outside, like 12 of 'em, prob more this year, and I use burlap or any cloth hanging loosely from sides, or side, and this takes the brunt, maintaining acceptable temps even in all-day direct sun. Hanging loosely works better than painted-on lighter colours or even glued-on reflective materials because it cant physically transfer the temps where not actually touching the container side and the air layer between insulates. Plus, its way easier and way cheaper. Any old fabric from the Sally-Ann can be repurposed here. Good luck, Scoobs, and say hi to Shaggy. Oh, and if it interests you, keep me updated m8!
Critical Mess, I think I've reached the point where I'll have to fill the res maybe daily soon as 8 liters are just gone not long after you've poured them in.
just gorgeous 'Bender. Maybe some leaf tucking to expose more budsites? Nice healthy SIP ya got there, thanks for joining the club and making us all look good by association!
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