I'm not sure if this will help any beginners like me but.....


I was using two strings but have just cut one off - I think two was too much.
The yogurt container fits into the tomato can so as to leave about 1.5 inches in the bottom as a reservoir.
What's that SWICK doing in the SIP Club thread???

Well, I'm never sure exactly were I am...so..... I'm pretty sure that this is SIP's poor cousin!!
Ha! It's all good. And all related. :thumb:

I ran into the same issues when I was trying SWICKS, trying to match the wick size with plant size. I think having the ability to add wicks as the plant grows would be best. Maybe thread them all in to start but keep most out of the reservoir until the plant can handle the moisture flow.
Well, I'm never sure exactly were I am...so..... I'm pretty sure that this is SIP's poor cousin!!
The SWICKers have a place to call home too!
Has anyone using Vivosuns Nutrient Base A & B in their SIP?
Getting ready to place a massive order with them and wondering if I should include some.
I think they're a new arrival on the scene. Compare the labels and see if they're similar to what you're using now to make the transition easier.
Yeah they are just a bit newer than I thought. Gonna have to make a decision today I think lol.

For a decent SIPs is it best to feed nutes via the planter reservoir or to top feed and amend soil etc. Combo? Im guessing theres no "right" way to do it but very interested in what every one else does to feed the weed?
I would vote for top feed just to keep the reservoir free from organic material to rot and smell! The reservoir is there to keep the water table high enough for the plants to drink when they want. You could use synthetic nutes to keep from having organic nutes in the reservoir. I only like organic stuff, though. I don't do SIP's yet, so I have no experience. Happy Smokin'
finally brought down my first SIP on a wedding cake …not the prettiest girl at the dance but she’s dark and lovely in her own right. Was trying to correct an under fed scenario in early flower and went overboard on nitro.

anywho here she is, tiny girl on the left

above on left side WC transitioning roots before upcan to SIP bucket

above WC at takedown

the home brew SIP bucket has been a great experience!!

Thanks to the original SIPPERs its a new way of thinking but I’m sold on SIPs and swicks. I have 1 more in a SIP and 2 swicks over at Carnen Rays’ thread. She drinks when she wants and yet I can still do my own thing with water… or top dress or whatevs. (Note that doesn’t mean you should pour large volume of water into media from the top… needs moderation)

As far as organics go I’ve pushed some goop down her res fill tube and she kept purring. At one point I drained the bucket and had crap tons of larvae float out. Emptied the res and added some ipm gear back into the res and kept on trucking… she didn’t mind at all.

thanks for reading….thanks for putting up this thread Azi… appreciate you guys & gals sharing your insights for the collective
How 'bout a little update on my 2 diy sips?
These are being fed a bit differently than some-
no nutes go in the res*, and none are added from the top..
9 tsp. of Grow Dots were added to her soil on transplant day, and they've been keeping her happy and healthy ever since..
* i do add a tiny amount(.25g) of AloeVera powder to each rez once a week or so.

Here's the ATF on her SIP day #54- flipped 20 days ago: (she's 77 days old)

16 inches tall now, but still stretching..that yellow string around her is to keep her off the walls- it works better than you'd think..

Now, the 63 day old Amnesia Haze- day 41 in her SIP...She was also flipped 20 days ago, but for some reason, she's refusing to flower...which is really odd since she gets 12 hours of total darkness every night...the box the ATF is growing in has a few light leaks, but that one's fully flowering anyway...

She got about a day and a half in the actual sun this week, but now it's raining again, so she's back in the Ellipse of Illumination® for a few more days..if this one ever decides to flower, I think she's going to out-yield that ATF by quite a bit-

And that's where they're at today
Thanks for looking, and I hope your gardens (SIP and otherwise) are thriving..:love:
Thanks to the original SIPPERs its a new way of thinking but I’m sold on SIPs and swicks. I have 1 more in a SIP and 2 swicks over at Carnen Rays’ thread. She drinks when she wants and yet I can still do my own thing with water… or top dress or whatevs
Glad to hear it's working for you @013 . :thumb: Hard for me to imagine growing any other way.

How 'bout a little update on my 2 diy sips?
Looking fab @Carcass ! Grow Dots ftw. :thumb:
Thanks, 013!
what kind of foliars do you use C- Man?
I don't use any foliars- they're that healthy from just the SIPs, the Grow Dots and water...
Honestly, 013- it's so easy, it feels like I'm cheating...😬
kinda crossover post but today is start of week 7 on my Wedding Cake home brew 5 gallon sip. In preparation for droughting I did a full tilt on the bucket and forced her to piss out her res last Monday. You can tell cuz it’s got that funky odor.

Even tho I’ve been running dehum around the clock I pulled her dipstick from the soil today and after 7 days of no res water there’s still plenty of moisture in the soil showing on dipstick

imho - if you are droughting in a SIP better get started before week 7
Did someone mention drought?
You are correct in the timing must be adjusted to reflect the rapid life cycle of the plant. We will always do best initiating the application of drought two weeks before the anticipated harvest date. Ifin these plants mature faster like Im told then best be ready at start of week 6 of flower. The substrate composition is critical in determining moisture retention properties. The goal is to antagonize the Species Survival Response wherein the plant will over produce essential oils to protect her seeds. This takes time to happen as the plant must begin to synthesize ABA corresponding to the loss of moisture being reported via sensory cells in the root skins. As the substrate dries the levels of ABA rise. The shit hits the fan when the GRN has sensed the lack of moisture long and hard enough to give up the fight. But just in case any of her flowers have seeds she will stimulate the ja pathways to produce all the essential oils possible. This is when the Species Survial Response that is encoded in the plants DNA takes command of all available plant resources and energy, diverting everything to the production of oil. If we dry out to fast the plant wilts before ABA levels rise, if we dry out to slow the plant passes the bloom stage without the gradual buildup of ABA. It is the ABA that will antagonize the ja pathways and they make the oil.

sorry i will be quiet now hehe 👩‍🌾
Did someone mention drought?
You are correct in the timing must be adjusted to reflect the rapid life cycle of the plant. We will always do best initiating the application of drought two weeks before the anticipated harvest date. Ifin these plants mature faster like Im told then best be ready at start of week 6 of flower. The substrate composition is critical in determining moisture retention properties. The goal is to antagonize the Species Survival Response wherein the plant will over produce essential oils to protect her seeds. This takes time to happen as the plant must begin to synthesize ABA corresponding to the loss of moisture being reported via sensory cells in the root skins. As the substrate dries the levels of ABA rise. The shit hits the fan when the GRN has sensed the lack of moisture long and hard enough to give up the fight. But just in case any of her flowers have seeds she will stimulate the ja pathways to produce all the essential oils possible. This is when the Species Survial Response that is encoded in the plants DNA takes command of all available plant resources and energy, diverting everything to the production of oil. If we dry out to fast the plant wilts before ABA levels rise, if we dry out to slow the plant passes the bloom stage without the gradual buildup of ABA. It is the ABA that will antagonize the ja pathways and they make the oil.

sorry i will be quiet now hehe 👩‍🌾
bookmarked! ty Maritimer. fair seas.
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