The Everything SWICK Club: 2023 And Beyond

Started doing the "square pattern" this grow and the roots are not sticking to the wicks as badly. Also using the AC infinity fabric pots

16 days post flip
Started doing the "square pattern" this grow and the roots are not sticking to the wicks as badly. Also using the AC infinity fabric pots

16 days post flip
Fabulous plants. By "square pattern" do you mean the thread of the wick?
Fabulous plants. By "square pattern" do you mean the thread of the wick?
The way the wick is put into the base holes. There are two ways, ine way where the wicks make an "x" pattern and one where they make a square pattern.


Last grow I did the "x" patter where the wicks cross and had issues with roots growing into the wicks and down the wicks into the water in the bases. I tested the square pattern this time in one plant.
Squarenpattern are the top 4 wicks. "X" pattern were the bottom two.
Interesting I have never thought of a square! I mostly just use one swick string going across. I sometimes use two as an x when they get bigger.

My two are budding nicely. First pic was Aug 16th. Second pic was yesterday. They are stretching nicely.


Girls are looking good!

Ac Infinity lists both options but they claim the square pattern will deliver more water to the plants. Last growing doing the X pattern through the entire grow, it did seem like they wanted more water in early to mid flower. I wonder if that's why they also grew roots into the wicks and into the water in the base. So far, with the square pattern, that hasn't happened but I still have a ways to go


I'd like to invite some people to contribute to the development of this thread. Please feel free to contribute and invite others too: @el gringuito @Hash Hound @ReservoirDog @bluter @Azimuth @lazylathe @Pondwater Who else, people?

First off, I am a beginner and there is a lot I don’t know. I am hoping that some of the more experienced Swickers will join this discussion. There is a sister thread called the SIP Club which looks a Sub-Irrigation Planters as a method for delivering water directly to the roots. @Pondwater has a thread intended to compare SIP and Swick.

I don’t know what the origin is of the word Swick nor why it is called a Swick. It is a form of sub-irrigation that works by wicking fluid via capillary action through the medium. It is a form of self-watering. Essentially, the wick is kept moist by liquid from a reservoir, which is topped up from time to time. The wick is applied directly to the grow medium.

The theory behind the Swick is that wicking will deliver the desired amount of water to the plants roots so that the plants can concentrate on building plant and bud structure. Some of the benefits of sub-irrigation are improved plant structure and increased yields.

This may be a new thread but there are many who have gone before me. This method of growing has been around since grandpa fell of the bus. There is an old now dormant thread started by SweetSue; and there are others. I am not trying to reinvent the wheel, just trying to start an active thread on Swick methodology where anyone can contribute to an ongoing discussion and compare notes with SIPpers.

To start the ball rolling, these two photos show my setup. For the starter pots I threaded a strip of absorbent cloth into the soil and squashed the pots into the wet perlite. I left them like this for a week when I went away. In the second setup I have soil in cloth pots sitting squashed directly into the damp perlite.

Mind if I stick around?
I love the name of your post, it made me think of an episode of Courage the cowardly dog, the episode with the cockroach, "It's Schwick!" Elloehll
Girls are looking good!

Ac Infinity lists both options but they claim the square pattern will deliver more water to the plants. Last growing doing the X pattern through the entire grow, it did seem like they wanted more water in early to mid flower. I wonder if that's why they also grew roots into the wicks and into the water in the base. So far, with the square pattern, that hasn't happened but I still have a ways to go


Stupendous! you should be really proud
Mind if I stick around?
I love the name of your post, it made me think of an episode of Courage the cowardly dog, the episode with the cockroach, "It's Schwick!" Elloehll
Hey KBUENOS thanks for joining us! I remember Courage The Cowardly Dog lol. My son's favourite cartoon. Lmao I haven't seen that scene.
Swick update with the AC infinity bases. Day 38 of flower, been feeding strictly from the bases since about day 21 in veg. On day 60 or so of straight wicking. I did replace wicks at flip and cleaned them once since.

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