Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartpots

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

I forgot to mention that I was doing some reading today and found out that Advanced Nutrient's Rhino Skin is not Organic so I will not be using it anymore (glad it was a free sample).
I also was contemplating using Emerald Triangle's Snowstorm again, but also could not find out any information about it being I am not sure if I am going to use it this round..even though many see good results....Plus with my heavily fortified guano soil mixture, I don't think I will need any extra P or K...

If you want to grow true organic flowers, try some compost tea! Feed 1/2 nutes, 1/2 tea. It's magic!

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Plants are looking lovely, Ice! Can't wait to see them creating some magic in few weeks. :adore:

If you want to grow true organic flowers, try some compost tea! Feed 1/2 nutes, 1/2 tea. It's magic!


Hey thanks for stopping thru Leaflady!! I checked out your medical grow, excellent job!!! I have a question for you...I see you did OG kush and XJ-13...I've grown OG before and know it stretches quite a bit during flowering, but how about the XJ-13 in relation... I saw photo's of the mother/test run and she was a beast and I'm a little worried the may get to big...what was your experience with the XJ?

I've done the organic tea before and it does promote quite healthy plant's... Ive found using an old nylon pantyhose works great, using organic soil, organic compost, worm casings, bat guano (indonesian, mexican and jamaican) as well as peruvian seabird guano... I also add 1-3 tbsp of organic molassas and also add these fruit smoothies I buy at the store 100% natural... and sometimes coconut water...(very small amounts because its ppm's are 2000+)

Thanks for stopping by and for your suggestions :):thumb:
I invite you to stick along for the ride...this one should be interesting...
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

great grow again Icemud, think youl get the same yield as last grow bud? hope so, looking forward to seeing the nugs

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

great grow again Icemud, think youl get the same yield as last grow bud? hope so, looking forward to seeing the nugs


Whats up TaylorMade! Thanks for the compliments! I hope to at least achieve the same yield as last time...I was flipping back and forth between last grow and this one and so far my 2 middle plants have way more tops than last grow...but my sides don't look quite as full, so it will definitely be interesting. I also am doing 4 different strains this time so not quite sure what to expect...really I would be happy to at least reach last time's goal... :)
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

OHHHH Forgot to share the good news... I had some seeds that I had saved from some really dank Norcal buds and lost them for a good year or 2...and cleaning out my closet the other day I found them.... they were wrapped up in a clear cellophane and in a dark cool area for this time... do you think they would still be good???

I know for sure one of them was a really tasty lavender kush, and one or 2 were some killer norcal purples, and one was a really dank strain of OG Kush... Ive never grown from seed before and only having 1 of each, when Im ready I definitely will be well read but also needing some help I'm sure... I also have some gifted Hawaiian sativa seeds that were handed down to me that I can't wait to will be a while before I'm ready, but wanted to share the good news...I thought they were gone
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

only one way to find out bro :D

your first grow was the first i read on here before i started my grow journal, made me do a bit of research on scrog, ive decided to go for this next grow just keeping it simple this time round

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Hey thanks for stopping thru Leaflady!! I checked out your medical grow, excellent job!!! I have a question for you...I see you did OG kush and XJ-13...I've grown OG before and know it stretches quite a bit during flowering, but how about the XJ-13 in relation... I saw photo's of the mother/test run and she was a beast and I'm a little worried the may get to big...what was your experience with the XJ?

I've done the organic tea before and it does promote quite healthy plant's... Ive found using an old nylon pantyhose works great, using organic soil, organic compost, worm casings, bat guano (indonesian, mexican and jamaican) as well as peruvian seabird guano... I also add 1-3 tbsp of organic molassas and also add these fruit smoothies I buy at the store 100% natural... and sometimes coconut water...(very small amounts because its ppm's are 2000+)

Thanks for stopping by and for your suggestions :):thumb:
I invite you to stick along for the ride...this one should be interesting...

Hey Icemud,

XJ-13 grows more like G-13 rather than its Jack Herer cross. Doesn't stretch too bad compared to a legit cutting of OG Kush. The way I combat it the best is super-cropping right before I flip 12/12. If they are still getting too big, sick the (non-organic) Bush Master on em' in weeks 4-5.

The bud to leaf ratio on XJ-13 is amazing! Make sure you go the full 9-10 weeks of flower too, the trichomes amber up nicely.

Woah, I've never though to use coconut water in the compost tea. :welldone:
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Today is Nov 15th, Day 7 of flowering...

Today I fed the girls, the leaves were looking slighly droopy as well as the soil was dry a good 50% down in the pots. Yesterday mixed up 4 gallon's of distilled water with:

Grow 120ml
Bloom 60ml
MetaK 15ml
micro 40ml
catalyst 40ml

General Organics
Cal/Mag 40ml

Advanced Nutrients:
H2 Humic Acid 50ml
F1 Fulvic Acid 40ml
Liquid Carboload 12ml

1 scoop Humboldt Mycos Maximum
2tbsp Organic Molasses
20ml of Naked "blue machine" fruit smoothy
20ml of green Coconut water...

Solution was bubbled for 24hrs.... PH at time of feeding 4.3ph...

The ladies are looking great, my OG101's are so far the biggest stretchers, my holy grail ogs are really filling out and stretching but not as quick as the og's.... my kali kandi is growing but slowly stretching as well as my XJ-13 which is taking into flowering slowly.

The XJ-13 is already showing pistils and preflowers..!!!
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Here are the photo's for Day 7 flowering, Nov 15th,

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Hey Icemud,

XJ-13 grows more like G-13 rather than its Jack Herer cross. Doesn't stretch too bad compared to a legit cutting of OG Kush. The way I combat it the best is super-cropping right before I flip 12/12. If they are still getting too big, sick the (non-organic) Bush Master on em' in weeks 4-5.

The bud to leaf ratio on XJ-13 is amazing! Make sure you go the full 9-10 weeks of flower too, the trichomes amber up nicely.

Woah, I've never though to use coconut water in the compost tea. :welldone:

Thank's Leaflady for answering my question... I was hoping that at the most it stretches like an OG, so thats good to hear I wont have to worry about it overtowering my tent... lol... I have snowstorm and gravity but only will be using gravity because its the only organic one...
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Looks like your almost at the finish mark of veg brother nice work the only method you used was LST right? I'm thinking of doing that instead of topping even tho I do like alot more med size buds anyways nice work :cheer:

Hey Crower...yeah I'm already in flowering and on day 7....I kind of wish I would have vegged for another week but looks like everything is filling in pretty decently... I only used LST and SCROG for topping or fimming or any other training techniques.... LST seems really to be the best bet for low stress and very noticable results.. by the way your tent is kicking ass!!! great job Crowman!!!
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Day 9 of flowering!!! Nov 16th... Today the ladies have sprung to life after there nutrient feeding yesterday as well as a foliar spray of humic, fulvic acids as well as some BioWeed (cold pressed seaweed) and some Earthjuice Bloom.. All of the semi-sagging leaves are now standing up strong as well as the ladies seemed to grow another few inches overnight!! I can't believe how many top's are poking thru the screen all over... even my XJ-13 is finally catching up to the rest and branching out quite a bit...

Signs of my first pistils and pre flower's are showing today on my kali kandi, my holy grail og's and my XJ-13...pretty quick to see them in such short amount of time....

I spent some time today re-routing the tops today to spread them out more evenly as well as encourage the secondary and auxillary branches to grow... I also found quite a few newer tops hidden under the canopy so I assisted them toward the light and cleared out some room for them to grow.

I also decided that I really liked the stretch that the HPS light is promoting vs the MH so I decided to throw back in my 400w Ushio HPS instead of my 400w MH... at least until I see good flower development and the stretch has slowed... I really want these babies to get as big as possible...more structure, biggger buds.. :)

Here are the photo's for today..
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Day 9 of Flowering!!

So far a lot of pistil and pre-flower development on the girls as they continue to stretch upward. Not much besides photos to post today! I rerouted many of the branches and tops to provide better coverage as well as help plan out the tent as they grow. I also supercropped one of my holy grail og's to see what would happen and within hours she had already turned upward!! Impressive!

Here are the photo's for today.

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Post for yesterday and today, Nov 19th, Day 11 of flowering

All 4 of my strains now are showing flowers with many white pistol's which makes me extremely happy.

HOLY GRAIL OG: are really showing good bud and auxillary bud formation and continue to stretch quite a bit and really have tons of tops and side branches...Yesterday I supercropped about 4 of the larger cola's to help form large auxillary branches as well as multiple tops out of the main cola, within, 1 day the tops have already turned back to the light, as well as the lower bud sites have shown increase in growth as well.

OG101's: These being the runt's of the bunch all through veg, now you would never They so far have stretched the tallest, large distance between the branches and nodes, but also has shown strong flower development as well as tons of side branching... I accidently broke the largest branch off when attempting to supercrop it yesterday, but thru it in some distilled water with Olivia's cloning solution to see what happens...

XJ-13...this one is such a slow developer, not quite sure why she didn''t want to get very tall, but just hasn't quite caught up to the others, even though she is flowering just like the rest, hardly any stretch yet which is odd...maybe sativa's are like that, but is very different from anything else im growing...tons of budsites so I still believe she will be a very heavy yeilder, we will see..

Kali Kandi: The Kali Kandi is also not stretching as much as I would expect for a OG cross, but also has much tighter node development than my OG101's do. One very large multiple node top is growing as well as the lower branches are really starting to shoot up to the light and form flowers...hopefully this one will be a good yeilder, but so far not so sure...grows weird, almost like a vine...

So yesterday I supercropped quite a few of the tops, to help form more budsites as well as encourage hormonal flow into the main cola's. Since yesterday all of the supercropped branches have responded very well and all have turned upward again, as well as the lower budsites growiing much stronger than the non-supercropped ones..

Fungus gnats are still in my tent, not many, but a few, and I know it can get out of hand, so will be getting some paper plates to put on top of my pots, as well as giving a good peppermint tea, neem spraying, and following up with a feeding of Bti next watering...Pains in the grasses they are...

Otherwise everything is going great...can't wait to see how beatiful they turn out...

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Fine looking ladys you have their Icemud, love the LST training at early stage... i can see thats essential for successful scrog :thumb:

Took a good 30 mins to flick through the entire journal, organics sure do maintain healthy growth all the way through :peace:
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Sorry to hear about the dam gnats....

Everything is looking perfect do you predict much more stretch?

Hey Godspeed, Thanks for stoppin thru!! Yeah I think I will see a stretch in the OG101's for quite a while, if they grow like my last run University Hill's OG's. I also expect my XJ-13 to stretch quite a bit, being a sativa I know they usually take a little longer so I am hoping for a monster.. I think my Holy Grail OG is slowing down but still wil stretch another 3-4" I'm guessing, and the KaliKandi I'm not really sure since its not growing like the OG in it, more as the chocolope i guess which ive never grown.
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Today was Day 12 of Flowering and everything looks great. The soil was a little dry and I was getting ready to water tomorrow but we were blessed with a nice pacific rainstorm today, so I collected about 4-5 gallon's of rainwater and gave the girls nothing but natural rainwater for there feeding. I was curious what the PH of the rainwater was and bingo...right at!!

All of the ladies now are showing strong bud development and really look happy and healthy. Still having a problem with the damn fungus gnats, dont want to go away. I decided that before watering I would steam the top 2" of soil to kill off any living larvae and eggs as well as after watering gave the top of the soil a good spray of neem/tobacco/peppermint/habenero tea... Tomorrow I am going to crush up some mosquito dunks and dust the top of each of the pots.
If this doesn't work then I will probably go ppick up some azatrol and more yellow sticky cards and stay vigilant. I noticed that very few are hatching and there are not many larvae in the soil compared to the untreated soil last grow.

Here are the photo's for today.

Full Tent View

Front side OG101, Back side Kali Kandi

Middle Holy Grail OG's

Front side OG101, Back XJ-13

OG101 Main Cola

Kali Kandi Huge top!!

Xj-13 Bud/top shot

Holy Grail OG, forming flowers!

OG101 Flower
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

This is really turning out nice! Your SCROG is now a SCROB... Screen of Buds!
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