Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartpots

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Back from my Thanksgiving vacation!!! Hope everyone enjoyed the holidays!! Wow, when I opened my tent I was really impressed, all 6 girls have really started to show strong flower production!! All of the leaves look really healthy, they must have loved that rainwater I fed them!!

I spent some time defoliating the yellowing lower canopy and dead leaves that have begun to kill themselfs off because of lack of adiquite lighting. Other than that tomorrow I will be giving them a full regiment of nutrients.

I also switched back to my 400w MH setup with my 600w HPS for a dual spectrum effect and will most likely keep this in for 2 weeks, and then switching it back out every other 2 weeks until harvest.

I am so impressed on how things are going and this should be a really good yeild!!
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Here are the photo's for Nov 26th, Day 18 of flowering

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Day 19 flowering!! Today the ladies were pretty thirsty so I mixed up there full nutrient feeding since the last 2 feedings were very light on the nutrients.

I mixed up 4.5 gallons of distilled water with:

Grow 120ml
Bloom 70ml
Catalyst 50ml
Micro 40ml
Meta K 40ml

General Organics:
BioWeed 5ml
Bioroot 20ml
Cal/Mag 40ml

Advanced Nutrients:
Liquid Carboload 10ml
H2 Humic Acid 50ml
F1 Fulvic Acid 30ml
Rhino Skin 5ml (non organic)

Hygrozyme 30ml

20ml Naked fruit smoothy (blue machine) for B vitamins, aminos, carbs and cytokins.

1TBSP of Indonesian Bat guano (0.5-13-0.2)
approx 1 TBSP unsulfured Organic Molasses

Everything is looking great, the ladies are starting to show good trichome development as well as really filling in with strong buds.

Here are the photo's pre-feeding, I will post some later today after they have had a chance to suck up some water.

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Since the earlier watering the ladies have really perked up and seem to be very happy, the tempature is cool today, but the RH is really low...under 20%, I can feel it on my lips and the ladies are feeling it too...

All of the leaves have turned upward to increase there release of water, sweating so I have turned on my room humidifier as well as filled up my 5 gallon bucket and set it next to one of my intakes to the tent. The two temps on my guage are at top of canopy level, and the lower one is the below canopy temp. Its a little warm underneith so I opened one of my side vents to help cool it as well as brought the fan speed up a bit...

I will be doing a defoliation within the next day or 2 which will really assist with a more balanced tempature throughout my tent.

Here are the evening photo's for the girls..

Full tent views...

(looking at the tent... Front left- OG101, Back Left-XJ-13, Middle-Holy Grail OG's, Front right-OG101, Back Right-Kali Kandi)


Holy Grail OG's

Og101 Front, Kali Kandi Back (with huge towering cola)

Holy Grail OG's

OG101 Front, XJ-13 Back

Shot of the thermometer today...RH below 20%...gotta bring that under canopy temp down..


OG101 (right side) Nug shot

Monster Kali Kandi Top towering over the rest...

Nice small tops on the XJ-13...didn't stretch as much as I thought it would..

Close up of thee XJ-13 bud

Close up of Holy Grail OG bud
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

They're lovely. OG101 is going strong at first it was the smallest plant. Well done! Would like to see the buds under white balance if you get a chance to calibrate your camera. Keep up the good work!
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Today is Day 20 of Flowering!! Nov 28th...

Today the RH is still very low, around 24% today so the ladies are still curling upwards to "sweat" however otherwise looking very perky. I have my humidifier on full blast so hopefully I will be able to raise up that RH but its pretty dry in the air so we will see.

Today the Ladies got a haircut... I did a medium/heavy defoliation and lolipopping to the girls to help better airflow between the lower canopy and the upper canopy as well as to get more light to the lower budsites. I removed a good plastic grocery bag worth of leaves and now there seems to be much better light penetration into the lower foliage as well as much more space for the ladies to breathe. Hopefully this will also help concentrate the growing "strength" to the upper budsites for fuller and denser bud formation.

Other than that the ladies are looking great today!!!
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Here are the photo's for Day 20 Flowering

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

DAY 22 Flowering!!! Nov 30th..

Took a look at the ladies today and everything is looking really good. With the addition of my humidifier my RH is sitting around 32% which is still lower than I would like but due to the really dry air we are getting, its about as high as I can bring it...The leave's don't look as stressed today, I will put some bowls of water in the tent later to help bring it up even higher. Temps are 73F at Top of canopy and 81F below canopy.

Trichome's are now forming on all 4 strains and good solid bud development is taking place. The soil is still very saturated so watering won't be for at least a good 3 days or more depending on how fast they suck up the water.

When looking at my 2 OG101's, so far they are pretty even, (one under HPS, one under MH) The HPS side seems to be a little faster developing than the MH side, however the MH side seems a little more frosty than the HPS side...We will see the difference more I believe as flowering gets closer to harvest..

I'm watching my Holy Grail OG close because I noticed some burn't tips of the leafs as well as a few browning tips, which I believe may be due to Mag deficiency... I have been using quite a bit of General Organic's Cal/Mag which I have been using on the Heavy feeding schedule...None of the other plant's have been showing this sign, hopefully it will work itself out, but if not, I may switch back to my non-organic Botanicare Cal/Mag because it seemed to work so well last time, however, this is last resort, because I don't want to add anything non-organic...

Here are the photo's for today..

Full Tent Views..


Kali Kandi large top!! (chocolope x OG101)

OG101 (hps side)

Holy Grail OG (still a little stressed from low RH)

OG101 (MH side)

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Nice very nice centre of that screen is a bush!

Looks like your holy grain is suffering from a bit of heat stress is she near a hot spot? From what i have read leaf fringe stand up beacause the leaf is trying to dissipace as much moisture as possible, but is unable to. I have seen this a few times and moving light up a few inches quickly showed progress in recovery.

It is hard to see from that one pick so probly wronge but just wanted you give you an option.

Going to be a fat harvest for sure OG is the one!
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Nice very nice centre of that screen is a bush!

Looks like your holy grain is suffering from a bit of heat stress is she near a hot spot? From what i have read leaf fringe stand up beacause the leaf is trying to dissipace as much moisture as possible, but is unable to. I have seen this a few times and moving light up a few inches quickly showed progress in recovery.

It is hard to see from that one pick so probly wronge but just wanted you give you an option.

Going to be a fat harvest for sure OG is the one!

Thanks for stopping thru and for the advice Godspeed....Yep..the ladies are severely dry right now...its not heat stress but very low humidity which is hurting the ladies... the RH today is around 14% which is way too low for the ladies to transpire properly, and from more reading I have found that this is whats causing the burn't tips and sides of the fans. This is due to the edges of the leaf's being the last to recieve nutrients/water, and because the humidity is so low, the plant's stomata openings are being forced to remain mainly closed because this is the plant's natural defence to keep from drying out. I have been running my humidifier which has brought the RH inside the tent to in the 20% range as well as today added a large bowl of water to the tent to help raise it even further. Hopefully this dry spell won't last long and the ladies will go back to normal....Thank's for your advice and for swinging thru!! :)
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Today is Dec 1st, Day 23 of flowering... The RH today is way low...around 15% so again my ladies are stressed due to the low humidity and they going into "drought mode" and keeping the stomata's closed to prevent drying out... I have managed to bring my RH up to the 20% range with the addition of a humidifier however it is still very low for the plant's liking... I added additionally a large bowl of water to aid in raising the humidity as well as flushed the ladies really good today with distilled water...allowing the runoff to flood the inside of my tent...hopefully this standing water will evaporate and help raise my RH of the tent.... we will see...

Other than the flushing and addition of water to raise the RH, everything else looks good! The OG's are the ones that seem to be suffering the most from the low humidity however the XJ-13 seems to be uneffected....this may be due to the XJ-13 having a very waxy feel to the leafs, vs the dryer feel of the indica leafs...

Here are the photo's for today, some of the close up's will show the leaf browning, burning and brown tips due to lack of proper humidity... I checked soil PH yesterday and all pots are sitting around 6.5-6.8ph...


Here are some of the close ups of the Holy Grail OG and OG101 showing stress...

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

To raise humidity i hung a "wet" ringed out towel from the top of my tent this got my Humidity from 25% up to 65% i hung 2 and it hit 95% yeah i removed one. My tent had a 400w HPS and the towel kept the moisture up for there entire lights on.

Iv tried everything and this was most effective.

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

To raise humidity i hung a "wet" ringed out towel from the top of my tent this got my Humidity from 25% up to 65% i hung 2 and it hit 95% yeah i removed one. My tent had a 400w HPS and the towel kept the moisture up for there entire lights on.

Iv tried everything and this was most effective.


Really good idea Godspeed, much appreciation. I added a large wet towel to my tent as well as re-directed the air intake, only allowing air to suck into tent from humidified air, and so far the RH is sitting about 35% which is much better than the 15% I was seeing yesterday... I never knew that low humiditity would trash my plants this if they almost stopped sucking up water...
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Day 24 flowering,....well not too happy today, this low humidity is really trashing my Holy Grail OG's, they do not like it at all!! Many of the fan's have now dead/brown tips as well as showing browning sides of the fan blades... and from what I read this is all due to the low humidity. The plants react by going into a "drought mode" and slow all water transpiration down trying to save itself thru the drought... I checked the weather and 2 more days until the winds here switch and the humidity will go back up... Hopefully this will not stress them too much and turn them hermie....

I re-directed all of my air intakes on my tent to only allow the humidified air in, as well as left all of the overflow from yesterday to run into the bottom of my tent. I also added a large wet towel hanging in front of my fan, which has brought the humidity up to around 34% which is a little better from the teens I was seeing yesterday!! Thanks Godspeed for the towel idea!!

The OG101's are also showing stress but not nearly as bad as the holy grail og's.

The Kali Kandi is also showing heat stress, but has not shown any browning or dying off of the fans...

The Xj-13 so far is not showing any stress signs, I think this may be due to the very waxy leafs on this sativa, vs the others which are more dryer..

It seems that the girls are not taking up any water right now with the low humidity, usually the day after watering the top of the soil is dry and the ladies seem to have grown, but not in this case.... Hope they return to normal soon.

To help lower the stress, I raised my lights up higher as well as turned my 600w HPS down to the 400w least until the ladies show improvement...

Here are the photo's for today...


Heat stressed/humidity stressed Holy Grail OG's

OG101 bud close up. (600w HPS side)

Kali Kandi close ups


Xj-13 close up
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

They still look amazing bro its a dam shame how mother nature works.

If it get real bad id get a fogger this one costs about £25 here in the uk, you can get them at hydro shops in all different sizes.
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Looking good so far Ice do you have any cooling down methods I see some burnt brother One of my girls took a beating with that whats your temps on average and humidity?

I closed all of my air intakes for the tent except the one right next to my humidifier (evaporative) and this helped lower the temps below the canopy as well as raise the humidity about 10%. Godspeed suggested hanging some damp towel's inside of the tent which worked quite well so with the combination of the two, the humidity and temps currently are... 70F above canopy, 82F below the canopy, and RH 34%....

Its been really cool and dry in the air here in OC, RH has been around 15% the last 3 days.... really beat the heck out of my Holy Grail OG's...
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Day 25 Flowering, Dec 3rd...

Well the dry spell is just about over...tomorrow is supposed to be around RH of 50% which will give my ladies a much needed break from this desert dryness. Today in my tent with humidifier on full and wet towel hung, I still can't manage to break 25% RH on the gauge... The ladies seem to now have gotten over there initial shock and have begun to get used to the dryness, but still I know it is stunting them quite a bit with the stess.

I supercropped a bunch of the tallest cola's/tops to help stress the lower budsites to grow more rapidly as well as give better light distribution to the cola's. I did this last grow and it made a very large difference on the lower buds, making them almost resemble tops the way they grew so thick....hopefully I can replicate those same results...

The ladies are really filling out even with the low humidity, and the XJ-13 and Kali Kandi are already packing some fat nugs!! The holy grail seems to be pretty leafy at this time for the buds, but still very full of trichomes and thickening as well..

My OG101's are really impressing me, not showing too much heat/low humidity stress, lots of trichomes, and the nugs are really starting to swell up, with very frosty edges forming on the sugar leafs...

I am quite impressed with how things are goin, hopefully the ladies will start taking up some of this water with the next few days of rising humidity..

Here are the photo's for today..


Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

A few more photo's of my supercropping like godzilla!! lol

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