Alfalfa tea update; On the 30th of January I used a tea consisting of 1/2 cup powdered alfalfa range cubes and 2 tablespoons of molasses in 4 gallons of rain water. I had bubbled it for 24 hours and it had created quite a foam. I was going to add worm castings and pond zyme but decided I wanted to limit the tea test to mostly alfalfa. I am using OC+ as a base nute and things were going fine but adding the tea seemed to really help bud developement and I added the tea again (bubbled again for three days before) on the 8th of February. Bud developement has never been better at the 4th week of 11/13. I am considering using the tea one more time next week. I put approximately 30 ounces of the tea in each pot which has 2.5 gallons of soil in it. From then on it will be Snow Storm Ultra and molasses only till finish. This is a wick system and the reservoir has only tap/rain water in it. My buckets are designed to keep the tea seperated from my reservoir (hopefully).