Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartpots

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Looks great! Have you thought about perpetual grow? Can't get enough of seeing scrog grow year round non stop.

Definitely one of the future upgrades once some extra spending cash becomes available...

I would like to run another tent for veg, same size with LED to save on power. With this I would be able veg the last 2 months of flowering/ flip the plants and get new clones/seeds started almost immediatly, cutting down my time in half...

I am also working with minimal space, I only have a 1br apartment which currently my grow room is also my music studio and also my So hopefully within the next year I will be able to bump it up to a 2br and use one room specific for growing... :)
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Today is Flowering day 27 and things are really looking great! The desert dry spell is now over for the next few days and today it should be around 30%RH so hopefully my ladies will start growing quickly again and begin uptaking water like normal. My pots are still pretty moist and should be a few day's before a watering.

Yesterday I gave another pretty heavy defoliation to the ladies removing any damaged fans and any fans that were either not receiving good lighting or that were blocking any lower budsites from light. I was careful not to (unless damaged) remove any fans counting from the cola down 4 a grower buddie of mine suggested... This gave them much more breathing room for the air to penetrate thru the canopy as well as light...and many more new budsites were exposed.. :)

So far there are many trichomes forming on all 4 strains and the buds are really thickening up and looking impressive.. I hope to at least achieve the same if not better yield this time around.. shooting for 1.5lbs but we will see..

Will be running to the hydro store this week to pick up more EJ catalyst and micro because I am out.... might also look into an organic B vitamin supplement but also with $$ being tight..we will see..

Here are today's photo's

Full tent views... Looking at tent Front left and Front right are OG101's, Middle front and back are Holy Grail OG's, Back right is Kali Kandi (chocolope x OG101) and Back Left is the XJ-13


Really Nice fat nugs so far on the Kali Kandi

Here is the big cola I supercropped on the Kali Kandi

Og101's also frosty and filling out nicely

Some close ups of my Holy Grail OG...also take notice of how fast the supercropped branches have responded and turned upward.. !!

Supercropped XJ-13 looking really frosty and full...very low leaf to bud ratio..!!

OG101's on the MH side
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Day 29 Flowering, Dec 7th...

Well the dryspell is still around but Ive managed to keep the RH around 25% even with the air at less than 10% right now by running my humidier on full blast as well as hanging 2 wet towels in my tent, directly in front of my fan, as well as a large towel hanging in my apartement by my door. The ladies now have pretty much gotten used to the dryspell and have continued to fill out and bud quite nicely, except my Holy grail OG's which seem to still be quite stunted and growing slowly...

I checked the soil and it still is reading saturated on the lower 1/2 of the smartpots so I am going to hold off for the next 2 days to water them or until they start sucking up water fast again...

Other than the humidity stress, the ladies are looking really good, there fragrences are amazing and they are developing lots of trichomes at this point.

I took some cuttings of my Holy grail og and a few of my OG101's back a few weeks ago, threw them in a double shotglass with distilled water and olivias cloning solution, and I am suprized that still 2-3 weeks later they are alive, green and healthy looking. I went to the store and bought more root riot organic pods for cloning with some clonex and put these babies in some soil pods. I dont really know if they will take off or not, because they were taken around week 2 of I believe it may be too late...but really not sure...just didn't want to waste the lower branches while lollypopping...
We will see how they do in there humidity dome, with heat pad...

Here are the photo's of the ladies today..

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Girls look amazing Ice even with the dry spell they are still fighting to produce massive colas, i find it amazing how they can adjust to enviroment conditions and still produce applaudable results.

I have cloned in flower before i was supprised by how well they rooted and the time it took them, the only problem was reverting them back to veg, this was a lengthy process taking over 6 weeks.

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

This is my favorite time to watch plants grow. THe Scrog looks great!
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Wow Icemud that is very impressive! I want that Holy Grail OG.

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Girls look amazing Ice even with the dry spell they are still fighting to produce massive colas, i find it amazing how they can adjust to enviroment conditions and still produce applaudable results.

I have cloned in flower before i was supprised by how well they rooted and the time it took them, the only problem was reverting them back to veg, this was a lengthy process taking over 6 weeks.


I am quite amazed how the plants responded and were shocked for a few days and then adjusted to the low humidity...I'm gracious that today the RH was sitting around 25% which was a huge break from the almost no humidity we have been having... Most of the shocked fan leaves I have already cut off but in the pictures you will see the tips and edges are still messed up on the Holy Grails.... amazing plants though...

I figured the clones would take on, but I wasn't sure about the reveg... Have plenty of time before my tent is ready so shouldnt be a problem but we will see.. :)
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Wow Icemud that is very impressive! I want that Holy Grail OG.


Not quite sure where in Cali your located but if your in the OC area, I could give you the website to the genetics lab that I recieved them from... I couldn't believe how stinky even the clones were when I received them...and now..whoa they reak...I think this one's going to be a killer OG... too bad I only took 1 clone of like 5 of the OG101's...
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

This is my favorite time to watch plants grow. THe Scrog looks great!

Thank's 70's grower!! Yea, I frequently find myself opening the tent just to stare at them in amazement...many times a

Its such a fun hobby, and to know that the meds are organic, healthy with no harmful chemicals is even better :)
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Tonight I gave the ladies a medium foliar feeding just before my light's went out for the evening as well as shot a few photo's of the clone's I planted and shot's of the girl's with only the MH on for better color.

The foliar feeding was eyeballed but I mixed 4 cups of distilled water with:

all estimated amounts..

H2 humic acid...about 5ml
F1 fulvic acid...about 5ml
Earthjuice Catalyst about 2 ml
Earthjuice Microblast, about 2-4 ml
General Organics BioWeed (cold pressed seaweed) about 1ml

Here's the beauty photos of the ladies..

Clone's of OG101's and holy grail OG

Tent overviews

Holy Grail OG buds

OG101 supercropped on MH side

Xj-13 nug shots

Kali Kandi nug close up

Og101's on HPS side
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Figured I would share my new smoking apparatus...

I had an exact copy of this Roor that unfortunatly my friend broke while cleaning so as the unwritten glass piece rule must be replaced.... So luckily I went back to the store I originally got the 1st one at and they had this one...exactly the same but different color....and she was beautiful... I talked the guy down from 350$ to 250$...and the deal was made...

Here she is...and she hits sooo much better than my 1st Roor...

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Not quite sure where in Cali your located but if your in the OC area, I could give you the website to the genetics lab that I recieved them from... I couldn't believe how stinky even the clones were when I received them...and now..whoa they reak...I think this one's going to be a killer OG... too bad I only took 1 clone of like 5 of the OG101's...

We're located in the Bay Area. What is the website if you don't mind? :thanks:
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Icemud! Nice SCROG brotha. You've really managed that canopy nicely - kudos for the management and bending the screen to match the light output. Good pics too... +rep for such a nice grow so far.

Oh, and love the new Roor. Sweeeet! :thumb:
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Icemud! Nice SCROG brotha. You've really managed that canopy nicely - kudos for the management and bending the screen to match the light output. Good pics too... +rep for such a nice grow so far.

Oh, and love the new Roor. Sweeeet! :thumb:

Thanks Xlr8!! Much appreciate you swinging thru with your kind comments and kudos!!! thanks!!
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp


Nice grow. :) I like your iron canopy holder. That is pretty slick.

I see you wrote that you grew using: humboldt snow storm. I heard that and the other snow product were removed due to it having something in it that caused bubbles to form in the brain. Not sure if that is true but figured I would mention it; my source is pretty good.

How do you control the heat build up in your room using HPS? I have yet to hear from the light maker but am going to try to go 600w HPS. I have hand issues.. can you tell me if this light set up is easy? I have troubles grabbing, twisting, any wrist action and dont have hardly any strength in them. Hence one of the many reasons for using medical cannabis. If something goes out on this its typically a bulb?

Anyways... great grow and thanks for the invite to post here to get my 50 ;0) Take care

Hey Lunabee!! can't get over how good those purple kush's look!! :) I actually was going to use Humboldt Snow Storm until I read that It also had carcinogens and was not organic.... Since this grow I am trying to go 100% organic, I will not be using the snow storm like I originally planned. ..thanks for the mention though, definitely want to be as healthy meds as possible...

Sorry to hear that your wrist, hand is in so bad of pain... With a HPS or MH setup you may need someone's help to hang the light for you. The reflector/air cooled hoods are pretty heavy...I'd say guessing about a good 10-15lbs depeding on the style you go with...the ballast's also are not the lightest things, each of my ballasts weigh's about 5-10lbs estimated...but since these you can pretty much put anywhere, I don't believe that will be too hard for you... just maybe might need someone to help with the hood..

To keep a HID system cool, you would need a vented or air cooled hood, some flexible ducting and an inline blower/fan to help eject the air out of the grow room....not too hard to set up... basicly the flow goes like this....

Air in...(thru carbon scrubber or thru vented hood)....air goes thru vented hood.....sucked up to the fan, which will be somewhere inline after the air cooled hhood....and then you just exhaust the fan somewhere outside of your grow area.... many people will use a carbon scrubber if you will be venting outside your house to remove odor and smell....
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Hey.. I see you foliar feed your blooming ladies. uh... do you have problems with any mold or bud rot? you even spray as the lights go off... I thought it was to be done right when they turn on and have learned not to do it in flower. Let me know your thoughts and experiences :)

Hey lunabee....yeah the foliarr feeding was more of an experiment than known knowledge...:) I usually wouldnt' foliar spray during flowering, but for 2 reasons I did.... the ladies have not been sucking up water as fast as normal because the extremely low for this reason I figured a foliar spray wouldnt hurt. The air is so dry that within a half hour all of the water droplets have evaporated so I wasn't too nervous about bud rot and mold.... Also the buds are not very dense yet so I figured they would be able to dry out quite well without harm....

I definitly have never done this before, and wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless your humidity is extremely low, you have good venhilation, and the buds are not yet dense...
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Icemud it's been a while. Your carpet of buds looks awesome bro! I LOVE your bong too!

Thanks 4twenty4all..!!! thanks for the props!!!! yeah the roor is such a sweet bong...and the double perks make smoking so much more enjoyable..!!
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