Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartpots

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Icemud, your scrog looks very nice! I love how frosty they are. Good work mate! :cheer:

I can't believe it either....and this time around without snowstorm or gravity by humboldt... almost seems frostier than with snowstorm last grow...
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Today is day 43 flowering...and the girls are really starting to fill out and thicken up, but still have plenty of white hairs showing so I know its going to run about 70 days or so... most of these are supposed to be 9 10 and 11 week flowering times so we will see, but it will be determined by trichome color. I would like to see at least 1/3 amber before pulling the girls, did this last time and so many told me my smoke was way better and longer lasting than most that they have tried so this seems to be a good indicator.

I've noticed that most of the local dispensary buds are still mostly clear/cloudy and don't seem to last more than 45 mins after smoking...

I supercropped some more of the cola's today, mostly to induce light stress on the developing buds as well as to allow more light to reach the underbuds as well as my lower/smaller tops buried under the larger ones...

I still have my nutrient mix on bubble, most likely will feed them tomorrow, they still are a little moist and I really want to see some leaf sag before feeding them, so hopefully tomorrow...don't want my mix to get bad...

Here are today's photo's

Tent Overviews...

Holy Grail OG's


OG101, 600w HPS side

OG101 400w CMH side

Super frosty Kali Kandi
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Hmm scrummy bro never would of guessed these girls suffered lil stress, beautifull job!


Thanks Godspeed, yeah they certainly look Christmas'y with all that frost on em.....

All I want for Christmas is some LED's...some LED'
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Dayum that looks good. Have you counted the buds? Must be 100s. You should hide a GI Joe or a Charlie in that jungle and take a picture.
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Day 45 Flowering, Dec 23...

The ladies are looking great....really shouldn't be too long now until there done... my Xj-13 and Kali Kandi are showing some yellowing of the larger fan's which is normal I have read...checked soil PH anyways and all are sitting just below 7ph. Today the humidity was below 10% and even with my humidifier on full blast and wet towels hung, I was able to get the RH up to 18%...

I have been reading that in flowering, lower humidities actually will increase the amount of trichomes as well as resin production, so I guess if at any time, now is perfect with the low humidity...

Other than that, everything looks great, the ladies are all looking very frosty...

Not too sure why my OG101 is developing so slowly on the CMH side vs the HPS side...seems that the HPS is developing more trichomes and the buds are further along.... weird to me because I thought UV-B was supposed to increase trichomes but this is showing the opposite. The only thing I can think is the CMH is 400w and the HPS is 600W.... ??

Here are the photo's for today..

Full Tent views..


Kali Kandi

OG101 600w HPS side

OG101 400w CMH side

Holy Grail OG

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Amazing job! What do ya think your yield will be?
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Amazing job! What do ya think your yield will be?

I'm guessing around a pound...last time I got about a 1 1/2 pounds so I hope to at least match that...
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Who Needs a christmas tree this time of year when your running scrog. Theres like 100 mini x-mas trees in there icemud. such a clean scrog.

happy holidays and keep em green and swollen.
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Who Needs a christmas tree this time of year when your running scrog. Theres like 100 mini x-mas trees in there icemud. such a clean scrog.

happy holidays and keep em green and swollen.

LOL...yeah I wish they were ready to Chimney up for

Thanks for your props shottafire!!

I was thinking about throwing some Christmas lights up in there and hanging a few ornaments.... lol
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Happy Holidaze everyone!! yes I spelled it that way on

Here are some Christmas Photo's of the ladies..

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Hey Icemud! Great work once again. How far are the lights from the canopy? I like how they are high up there while the plants stay nice and short. Happy holidays!

Thanks T12...hope you had a good holidays so far!! I will have to measure them tomorrow but I would estimate on the raised sides the distance is about 16"-20" and in the middle I would say about 24-28" or so...

I'm really supprized this time that the plants did not stretch as much as last grow, running a little different soil mixture/pots, and some different nutrients, this time, with no added chemical fertz like last time (botanicare Calmag with N)...but so far, way more tops as well as much more trichomes this time around... I think by quality and yeild I will top last grow... hopefully...
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Today is day 48 of flowering...the ladies are looking great besides a few of the un-needed fans yellowing and dying off, which seems to be normal at this time of the cycle...

My Og101 on the left side of the tent under the 400w CMH seems really to be developing slow, with very little trichome formation, hardly any amber hairs yet, and when brushing up against the buds, very little scent..... this is when compared to the same cut of OG101 on the 600w side which is already showing a lot of amber hairs, tons of trichomes and smells a ton...I wonder if all the stunting in early veg really set this one back or stressed it too much...guess I will have to wait and see... As far as the bud size on the 400w size, the buds seem much larger than the ones on the 600w side, but not as dense, and a little more leafy...I'm wondering how much of this has to do with it being under the CmH vs the HPS...

My Holy grail ogs are really frosty now and filling up very well, tons of thick (about the size of a D battery around) buds and mostly white hairs, which means they still have quite a while to go.. This one is going to be strong...just a gentle brush agains the buds and your hands reak of stanky og!!

The Kali Kandi is the frostiest of the bunch, tons of trichomes everywere, make the buds look like fuzzy carpet...the scent is a very very sweet floral OG mixed with a mocha/chocolate undertone...this one will be a killer....

XJ-13 is really developing slow, but tons of trichome's all over it. The smell is that of a trainwreck type a fresh toothpaste minty with a light citrus pine scent..

I checked all the trichomes with my 30x today and none are even cloudy or showing signs of reaching maturity so I know it will at least be another 2-3 weeks before considering the first ones done...

Here are the photo's..

Full Tent Views

OG101 600w HPS side

OG101 400w CMH side


Kali Kandi

Holy Grail OG
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Hey everyone...sorry I didn't find the time today to snap any photo's of the ladies but there looking really good. I took a trip to the hydro store today to pick up some things I was missing so I got a few familiar things as well as some new products...

Added to my regiment is Advanced Nutrients Organic B which upon much looking around I only found one other product that was thrive alive B green which was organic, so I decided to go with the AN brand because it is not just B1 but also the other important B vitamin's for MMJ.

I also picked up some more Advanced nutrients LiquidCarboload which seemed really to help aid in promising results last grow, havent done a A/B comparison, but it worked last time, so I'm sticking with it...I know that adding Molasses is virtually the same, however, I figured I would switch it up and try different combos of both to see what works best...

I also picked up another bottle of Hygrozyme because after reading much convincing evidence about the importance of amino's and enzymes in soil, and with nutrient uptake, I decided that accelerating this process and making more available for my plants to uptake, definitely cant hurt...again, another Organic product developed by fermentation...

I checked the ladies today and the soil is starting to get dry about 1/3 the way down, so I am going to mix up some nutrients to put on bubble for the next 48 hours...

Mixed up in 5 gallons of distilled water....starting ppm 4 7.6ph...

Added in:

Grow 90ml reduced from normal 150ml for 5 gallons, starting to slope down N
Bloom 60ml
Micro 25ml..
Catalyst 40ml
MetaK 15ml

Advanced Nutrients:
Liquid carboload 15ml
H2 Humic Acid 60ml
F1 fulvic acid 30ml
Organic B.. 50ml

General Organics Cal/mag will be added before feeding at 60ml

hygrozyme will be added at feeding at 40ml

1TBSP of organic molasses..
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Today is day 50 flowering.... Dec 28th...

Well had my nutrient mix on bubble for 12 hours or was still very low but my girls were thirsty and really needed a feeding today, so decided to trust my organics and feed them with a low ph...

Added to my mix 60ml of General Organics Cal/mag
and 40ml of Hygrozyme and fed the girls...

Also trimmed off a majority of the yellowing nitrogen deprived leafs as well as any larger fan's covering bud sites...

Other than that not much was needed to be done today...

Here are the photo's..

Tent Overviews

Kali Kandi

OG101 600w HPS side

OG101 400w CMH side


Holy Grail OG's
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

So keeping a bubble stone in the organic nutes raises ph? Please teach me about this.

I have seen this happen with water once and thought nothing of it except that I had to add some PH down.

Sorry if this is a dumb question. You are in soil right?
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Here are some more photo's I show with only the CMH light on, and just after it went out with the flash...enjoy...

Full Tent Views.


Holy Grail OG's




Kali Kandi

OG101 600w HPS side

OG101 400w CMH side
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