Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartpots

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Filling up nicely now when are you going to switch over to 12/12 bro?

I'm waiting on the ever so slow XJ-13 to come up a few more inches but I'm guessing within the week. I am going to hit them with one last full grow nutrients and probably flip the lights upon the feeding after that, at that point going to blast them with bloom regiment...
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Today is Day 53 of Veg....Man am I tempted to flip to 12/12 but I still think I should wait another few days to make sure all the ladies are at least 24" tall and have at least reached the screen in multiple spots. My XJ-13 is the one that is taking the longest to grow, even though it looks super healthy, It seems that this mostly sativa strain is much slower than its indica cousins...

Today I checked the soil with my moisture probe and the ladies were ready to feed the holy grail og's seem to be sucking up a ton of water...about every 3-4 days they are in need of water....

Mixed up 4 1/2 gallons of distilled water with:
(mixed at mostly bloom regiment/but bumped up the grow/nitrogen does too just to give it an extra boost this next week, as well as allowing plenty of N to work it's way into the soil.

Distilled water mixed with:

Grow 120ml
bloom 60ml
metak 20ml
micro 40ml
catalyst 40ml

Advanced Nutrients:
H2 humic acid 50ml
F1 fulvic acid 30ml
liquid carboload (none this feeding))
rhino skin (silican) 12ml

General Organics:
BioWeed (none)
BioRoot (none)
Cal/Mag: 50ml

1TBSP Organic Unsulfered Molassass

Can't wait to set these babies into flower..... I looked at my last journal and I am at the same point I was when I flipped 12/12 last time....

Some questions maybe you guys/girls could help me with...

Is it best to go 12/12 with the soil dry or freshly watered?

Is there really a noticable difference between giving 24-48 hours of dark before the 12/12 flip? Or is it OK just to flip the lights without a dark period??
(last grow I gave no dark period and had preflowers within 5 days..)

Is there any bloom additives/stimulators that are organic and make a significant difference...?

Do most of you feed with "cold pressed seaweed" just in veg or do you use all the way thru flower?

Would appreciate any input in these areas...
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Here are the photo's for Day 53 veg...

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Some questions maybe you guys/girls could help me with...

Is it best to go 12/12 with the soil dry or freshly watered?

I flip when they are ready to water again and use plain water with molasses when I flip.

Is there really a noticable difference between giving 24-48 hours of dark before the 12/12 flip? Or is it OK just to flip the lights without a dark period??
(last grow I gave no dark period and had preflowers within 5 days..)

I can't say, I always just flip without giving darkness first.

Is there any bloom additives/stimulators that are organic and make a significant difference...?

Molasses already has a lot of good stuff and not giving anything first few waterings you allow the veg nutes to get used mostly.

Do most of you feed with "cold pressed seaweed" just in veg or do you use all the way thru flower?

I feed every few waterings in veg and I only give twice in flower. Once with first feeding usually at end of first week, then bout week 4 - 5.

Would appreciate any input in these areas...

Hope this helps. I'm sure others have their ideas and some may be better, so I'm watching for your replies too ;-)

Oh crap! Your plants look awesome too. I'd flip soon too...
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Hey Everyone!! Today is the Day were things will really start to get interesting... I decided that today, Nov 8th will be my first day of flower/last day of veg....

I switched my girls off at 12 hours today and have been running both lights at 400w's...and about a week ago I switched to running 2 HPS Ushio Optired bulbs. I wanted to swap out the MH for a few weeks to really encourage stretch in my tent with the additional red lighting. Since the feeding the other day the girls were already about 1/2 dry so I decided to mix up a light nutrient batch to give them a little boost into flowering.

I mixed up 3 gallons of distilled water with:

Grow 60ml
Bloom 45ml
Catalyst 30ml

Advanced Nutrients:
Liquid carboload 12ml
H2 humic acid 40ml
F1 fulvic acid 50ml
Rhino Skin 10ml

General Organics:
Cal/Mag 30ml
BioWeed 15ml

2TBSP molassas
about 30ml of Naked Fruit smoothy *blueberry one)

This was bubbled for about 15 minutes and then added to the plants...

So far the grow is looking great, I measured the soil ph today with my probe, pre watering, and the soil was sitting at around 6.5 to 6.7 in all pots and couldn't be happier for never PH adjusting or even checking for that matter :)

I love organics!!

My fungus gnats are completely gone the Mosquito Dunk's *BTi and HomeMade spray (hot peppers, cigarette, peppermint tea, neem) worked!! along with my Hot steamer method!!!

So far things are going well, looking back at my past grow the plant's are much healthier and larger than before so hopefully I will have even bettter results in the end!!

My lighting now will be on a 12/12 cycle and for the first 2 weeks I will be running my lights at one 400w Ushio HPS Optired, and one 600w Ushio HPS optired, (running at 400w). After 2 weeks or I see solid bud development on all plant's I will be flipping back and forth between my HPS 400w and my MH 400w Ushio opti well as bumping up my digital ballast to 600w's with the Ushio OptiRed..

Here are the photo's for last day of veg....*short 12 hour light day...

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Hey Everyone!! Today is the Day were things will really start to get interesting... I decided that today, Nov 8th will be my first day of flower/last day of veg....

I switched my girls off at 12 hours today and have been running both lights at 400w's...and about a week ago I switched to running 2 HPS Ushio Optired bulbs. I wanted to swap out the MH for a few weeks to really encourage stretch in my tent with the additional red lighting. Since the feeding the other day the girls were already about 1/2 dry so I decided to mix up a light nutrient batch to give them a little boost into flowering.

I mixed up 3 gallons of distilled water with:

Grow 60ml
Bloom 45ml
Catalyst 30ml

Advanced Nutrients:
Liquid carboload 12ml
H2 humic acid 40ml
F1 fulvic acid 50ml
Rhino Skin 10ml

General Organics:
Cal/Mag 30ml
BioWeed 15ml

2TBSP molassas
about 30ml of Naked Fruit smoothy *blueberry one)

This was bubbled for about 15 minutes and then added to the plants...

So far the grow is looking great, I measured the soil ph today with my probe, pre watering, and the soil was sitting at around 6.5 to 6.7 in all pots and couldn't be happier for never PH adjusting or even checking for that matter :)

I love organics!!

My fungus gnats are completely gone the Mosquito Dunk's *BTi and HomeMade spray (hot peppers, cigarette, peppermint tea, neem) worked!! along with my Hot steamer method!!!

So far things are going well, looking back at my past grow the plant's are much healthier and larger than before so hopefully I will have even bettter results in the end!!

My lighting now will be on a 12/12 cycle and for the first 2 weeks I will be running my lights at one 400w Ushio HPS Optired, and one 600w Ushio HPS optired, (running at 400w). After 2 weeks or I see solid bud development on all plant's I will be flipping back and forth between my HPS 400w and my MH 400w Ushio opti well as bumping up my digital ballast to 600w's with the Ushio OptiRed..

Icemud, they are looking great! I'm glad the gnats are gone and that your home brew did the job. Nice work....

I'm curious why you fed them with a higher amount of grow and gave them Catalyst, which I have only ever used in veg, when you flipped them to flower. I usually cut out feeding when I flip and then resume with bloom nutes about a week into flower. I'll give a small kick of nitrogen with seaweed within the 2nd or 3rd week and usually that's about it. I'd like to improve so let me know how that works out please :) Reps for the full screen and the home brew ;-)
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Icemud, they are looking great! I'm glad the gnats are gone and that your home brew did the job. Nice work....

I'm curious why you fed them with a higher amount of grow and gave them Catalyst, which I have only ever used in veg, when you flipped them to flower. I usually cut out feeding when I flip and then resume with bloom nutes about a week into flower. I'll give a small kick of nitrogen with seaweed within the 2nd or 3rd week and usually that's about it. I'd like to improve so let me know how that works out please :) Reps for the full screen and the home brew ;-)

Hey 4twenty4all.... appreciate your help in answering the previous questions bro!!! The reason I gave those amounts is that even though the plants use less nitrogen in flower than veg, they still use it. And with organics, only a small percentage of the N is water soluble so a majority of it has to be broken down first from its Unusable NO4 to a lesser N molecule. This process takes time so I wanted to make sure there was an ample amount of N in the soil so that it continuously is available throughout flowering. The other reason is the Grow I will continue to use thru flowering as the chart for Earthjuice specifies... I will most likely cut the Nitrogen/Grow around the last 2 to 4 weeks of flower since at that point I will want to use up any available nitrogen to assist with smoothness and taste....

For earthjuice the cycle for Grow is 45ml/Gallon in Veg, 30ml/gallon in flower...according to the recirculation charts...

The Catalyst is not really a nutrient but more for acceleration the cation/anion exchange process in the soil. It hardly has any NPK value, but it is loaded with liquid carbs and enzymes that will aid it the microherds breaking down the soil.. I will continue to use Catalyst until harvest...
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Today is Day 1 of Flowering, 11-9-11.... The ladies last night received a good 12 hours of dark to start there cycle for flowering. I did not give a 24 hour dark period because last round/grow I did not and things went well, So I decided to do the same this round and put them right into the flowering cycle.

Currently I am running a 400w Ushio HPS, with a 600w Ushio HPS (running at 400w) and will continue to use the dual HPS setup until the stretch is over and pre-flower's begin to form. I chose to do this because red light helps create more stretch than MH and I want these ladies to really stretch up as far as possible before I see preflowers,,,,,bigger base to grow on, bigger buds!!!

Upon seeing preflowers I will be switching my 400w HPS to 600W as well as exchanging out the 400w HPS with a 400w MH for increased UV-B production, which will aid in trichome formation.

Other than the above, not much is to be done today...

On to the photo's, seems as if the ladies have already responded to the 12/12 and have begun the stretch, growing a good 1-2 inches over night...

Holy Grail OG (middle), OG101 (front right and front left), XJ-13 (back left), Kali Kandi (back Right)
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Hey 4twenty4all.... appreciate your help in answering the previous questions bro!!! The reason I gave those amounts is that even though the plants use less nitrogen in flower than veg, they still use it. And with organics, only a small percentage of the N is water soluble so a majority of it has to be broken down first from its Unusable NO4 to a lesser N molecule. This process takes time so I wanted to make sure there was an ample amount of N in the soil so that it continuously is available throughout flowering. The other reason is the Grow I will continue to use thru flowering as the chart for Earthjuice specifies... I will most likely cut the Nitrogen/Grow around the last 2 to 4 weeks of flower since at that point I will want to use up any available nitrogen to assist with smoothness and taste....

For earthjuice the cycle for Grow is 45ml/Gallon in Veg, 30ml/gallon in flower...according to the recirculation charts...

The Catalyst is not really a nutrient but more for acceleration the cation/anion exchange process in the soil. It hardly has any NPK value, but it is loaded with liquid carbs and enzymes that will aid it the microherds breaking down the soil.. I will continue to use Catalyst until harvest...

Icemud, thanks man! Glad I was able to help with some questions....

I appreciate your great explanation for your method. I use the seaweed w/ iron for the extra boost but I like how you add it in the beginning and then leach it out later in flowering. Have you noticed any increase/decrease in yield or have you always done that?
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Icemud, thanks man! Glad I was able to help with some questions....

I appreciate your great explanation for your method. I use the seaweed w/ iron for the extra boost but I like how you add it in the beginning and then leach it out later in flowering. Have you noticed any increase/decrease in yield or have you always done that?

This is actually only my 2nd grow so I really have just done a ton of reading of forums, websites, scientific abstracts, and biology course materials and learned from a combination of it all... to me it is still all experimental and with each grow I hope to achieve better results and learn more... Thats why I love 420magzine because there is so many good hearted, and very intelligent growers here to share there expertise and experience...

Ive actually been curious about toward the last and final watering, with organic's, if it would be a good idea to water with only H2o2 and distilled water to help kill off the microbiology supplying the nutrients, allowing less available nutrient production, hopefully acheiving a smoother smoke...also I was curious about the same method with a high ph water to leech the NO3 out of the soil better but don't know enough about it yet to see if it makes
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Flowering Day 2...Nov 10th..

Wow..these girls really are starting there stretch quickly and have grown another 2"+ overnight...!! Especially my OG101's who are performing just like my University Hill's OG's last run and becomming very lanky. Finally my XJ-13 is responding as well and has finally started to stretch towards the lights....such beautiful leaves the XJ-13 has...very velvety soft to the touch and very narrow..this is my first sativa I have ever grown and this one is supposed to be a beast, so can't wait to see how she turns out the next 2 weeks... The Kali Kandi is also doing very well, tons of tops and really starting to bush out and stretch as well, but not as much as tthe others... The Holy grail og has been a pleasure to grow and only continue's to impress me daily!!

Won't be feeding these ladies for at least 3-4 more days because I want to really make sure the fungus gnat's are gone, as well as stress the ladies slightly to help with more resin production...

Other than watching with admiration, just will be letting the girls do there thing...
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Here are the photo's for Flowering Day 2...

















Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

This is going to be amazing they have filled up nicely!

~Do you cut undergrowth off ?
~Do you go straight to HPS if you was using MH ?


Hey Godspeed...thanks for stopping thru as well as your compliments!!!

1... I do cut the undergrowth off and I wanted to wait until I finished the 2 week stretch before defoliating and lollypopping.... I want to make sure I see all strains with preflowers before trimming them up.. Usually I defoliate 2x in flower...once around day 20 and once around day 40...

2.... I went to HPS this time for the first 2 weeks, even though generally I am running both HPS and MH at the same time... I wanted to run during the stretch both HPS because HPS has shown to increase streching more than MH and during the flowering stretch I wanted them to get as big as possible...larger base equal's larger bud development...Through most of the grow though I have been using both MH and HPS because studies have shown that the buds that grow the best are under dual spectrum vs just one spectrum... also the MH puts out UV-B light which studies have shown that this increases trichome development,...the plants create trichomes like sunscreen and the more UV-B present, the more the plants need to protect themselfs...
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Flowering Day 4...not much besides photo's to post today, the ladies are springing to life with the stretch and have grown at least 2" overnight.

Here are the photo's
Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Hi icemud

Yes i have read that also my first grow i used a sun bed and blasted them with uvb rays for about 30 mins a day the grow was destin to fail so didnt notice much development in tricomes. but once i get things running optimum i will test this out again.

This is the first time iv every used a MH i usaly use HPS all the way through and have noticed much tighter internode length i have never doubled up but have read good things from this also. My girls stretched like mad during first weeks of flower with HPS good to know a way of counter acting this if ever im in a pickle!


Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

Nov 13th, Day 5 flower!!! I checked the girls today for the soil moisture level and the soil was still pretty saturated more than 3/4 the pots so I decided to hold off on feeding for another 2-3 days... I am however going to mix up a foliar spray to give the leaves a little boost... :O Distilled water mixed with just a few drops of each : F1 fulvic Acid, H2 Humic Acid, BioWeed (cold pressed seaweed), Earthjuice Micro and Earthjuice Bloom...

I also switched back over to the dual spectrum...running the 400w MH and the 600w HPS (running at 400W).

Here are the photo's for today...

Re: Icemud Holy Grail OG - Kali Kandi - SoCalDam OG - XJ-13 - Organic - Soil - Smartp

I forgot to mention that I was doing some reading today and found out that Advanced Nutrient's Rhino Skin is not Organic so I will not be using it anymore (glad it was a free sample).
I also was contemplating using Emerald Triangle's Snowstorm again, but also could not find out any information about it being I am not sure if I am going to use it this round..even though many see good results....Plus with my heavily fortified guano soil mixture, I don't think I will need any extra P or K...
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