Starting A New Journey



Part of me says I don’t have any idea what I’m looking at and part of me says it’s not looking good. Any input is very welcome 🙏
It’s been injected since the 27th last month.


Part of me says I don’t have any idea what I’m looking at and part of me says it’s not looking good. Any input is very welcome 🙏
It’s been injected since the 27th last month.
It looks like to me that your mycelium is starting to grow. It’s still rather early to say 100% though. Are you alternating between lights on and dark? Also try to keep your temperature within range and don’t let it get too warm. CL🍀
It looks like to me that your mycelium is starting to grow. It’s still rather early to say 100% though. Are you alternating between lights on and dark? Also try to keep your temperature within range and don’t let it get too warm. CL🍀
I have them in a small grow tent outside with the door unzipped but mostly closed. Letting the light and dark happen with the sun. I guess it gets cool at night like 60s or 50s f. It’s on the north side of the cabin in the shade. I don’t know, maybe if I bring it inside? I have no way to regulate the temperature inside except a wood stove that I won’t be lighting again till it’s cold out. It warms up quite a bit during the day and can be in the high 80s. Thanks for checking it out and all! Hoping it’s myc and growth will be taking off from here.
I have them in a small grow tent outside with the door unzipped but mostly closed. Letting the light and dark happen with the sun. I guess it gets cool at night like 60s or 50s f. It’s on the north side of the cabin in the shade. I don’t know, maybe if I bring it inside? I have no way to regulate the temperature inside except a wood stove that I won’t be lighting again till it’s cold out. It warms up quite a bit during the day and can be in the high 80s. Thanks for checking it out and all! Hoping it’s myc and growth will be taking off from here.
I’m really not as experienced with this stage as @Tokin Roll is, so maybe he could make some recommendations? But I understand that you can only work with what you have. CL🍀
Welcome to the Mushroom diary @Waywardwayne

First off, what strain are you growing?
I see you started with a multi-grain AIO bag, good idea. How did you inoculate it? How much did you use?
They have a 15 to 25 day incubation time.

Keeping it in a grow tent is a good idea, but outside I don't know.
You will need keep the temperature around 75 to 80 degrees day and night.
The closer you are to 80 degrees the faster the mycelium will grow.

I hope this helps.
Tag me and I will be around if you have any questions.

Stay safe and grow well my friend,
Tok.. :bong:
Welcome to the Mushroom diary @Waywardwayne

First off, what strain are you growing?
I see you started with a multi-grain AIO bag, good idea. How did you inoculate it? How much did you use?
They have a 15 to 25 day incubation time.

Keeping it in a grow tent is a good idea, but outside I don't know.
You will need keep the temperature around 75 to 80 degrees day and night.
The closer you are to 80 degrees the faster the mycelium will grow.

I hope this helps.
Tag me and I will be around if you have any questions.

Stay safe and grow well my friend,
Tok.. :bong:
I didn’t see this yesterday! Thanks for jumping in here.

I’m growing treasure coast. I used a whole 10cc syringe thinking more is better but I realize now it might have been unnecessary and 5cc is fine. Still not sure about that. I used the sponsors that were recommended here for both the syringe and the aio bag. I believe it injected the bag on the 27th last month.

It’s grown a little more since that picture so I’m kind of thinking/hoping it’s on track.

The reason I put it outside is that there are tons of wild mushrooms growing everywhere, so figured it was perfect for them. I’ll admit I hadn’t even researched ideal growing conditions. Would a seedling heating pad be a good idea under the bag if I know nights get down in the 60s?
I didn’t see this yesterday! Thanks for jumping in here.

I’m growing treasure coast. I used a whole 10cc syringe thinking more is better but I realize now it might have been unnecessary and 5cc is fine. Still not sure about that. I used the sponsors that were recommended here for both the syringe and the aio bag. I believe it injected the bag on the 27th last month.

It’s grown a little more since that picture so I’m kind of thinking/hoping it’s on track.

The reason I put it outside is that there are tons of wild mushrooms growing everywhere, so figured it was perfect for them. I’ll admit I hadn’t even researched ideal growing conditions. Would a seedling heating pad be a good idea under the bag if I know nights get down in the 60s?
I think that’s prolly a good idea with the heating pad cause you want to keep it in that sweet spot. With not being too cold 🥶 or too hot 🥵. CL🍀
I think that’s prolly a good idea with the heating pad cause you want to keep it in that sweet spot. With not being too cold 🥶 or too hot 🥵. CL🍀

Thanks captain! I’ve moved them into the loft which stays slightly warmer than anywhere else. It also can get hot on sunny days. Maybe in the 90s or higher. So I might have to move them outside in the daytime and into the loft at night. I’ll use the heating pad overnight too.

I also realize now that I injected the spores into the center of the grain which means they may have been growing more before we saw anything on the outside of the grain. This being my first grow I’m leaning so much, I don’t know if injecting into the center vs the outside matters at all but I do remember thinking the center would be better for some reason.
How is it going @Waywardwayne

I don't have the option to grow outdoors. So I am not totally familiar with moving mushrooms outdoors during the date and indoors at night. So, I am watching closely on your results. I grow mine in temperatures ranging from mid 70's to 80 degrees.

You will be fine injecting the spores in the middle of the bag. It may take a little longer to see the mycelium growing, but it should still grow. Many growers of the shrooms like to inject near the side so they can see results right away, but it is not mandatory. As long as you have a good viable spore sample it should work no matter where you inject it.

I will be around.

Stay safe and grow well my friend,
How is it going @Waywardwayne

I don't have the option to grow outdoors. So I am not totally familiar with moving mushrooms outdoors during the date and indoors at night. So, I am watching closely on your results. I grow mine in temperatures ranging from mid 70's to 80 degrees.

You will be fine injecting the spores in the middle of the bag. It may take a little longer to see the mycelium growing, but it should still grow. Many growers of the shrooms like to inject near the side so they can see results right away, but it is not mandatory. As long as you have a good viable spore sample it should work no matter where you inject it.

I will be around.

Stay safe and grow well my friend,
I didn’t watch any videos on where you are supposed to inject the spores. And I injected them all over my AIO bag except the injection site. It takes longer for the mycelium to grow but it still works. You’ll be fine with where you injected yours. The most important thing is keeping your bag in the temperature range right now. CL🍀


Part of me says I don’t have any idea what I’m looking at and part of me says it’s not looking good. Any input is very welcome 🙏
It’s been injected since the 27th last month.
It's begun ❤️

I’m learning patience on a new level 😃

Any disturbing looking green is just a reflection of the forest on the plastic bag. As I was uploading now I noticed the color and rushed out to triple check it’s not in the bag.

Nasty green reflection aside, we are seeing more mycelium. It’s 18 days in and the colder nights are what I think has made this slow to grow. The treasure coast of Florida would call 65f full on winter. So these treasure coast spores now better than to try to get going up here in Maine! I’m excited the mycelium looks healthy.

I’m learning patience on a new level 😃

Any disturbing looking green is just a reflection of the forest on the plastic bag. As I was uploading now I noticed the color and rushed out to triple check it’s not in the bag.

Nasty green reflection aside, we are seeing more mycelium. It’s 18 days in and the colder nights are what I think has made this slow to grow. The treasure coast of Florida would call 65f full on winter. So these treasure coast spores now better than to try to get going up here in Maine! I’m excited the mycelium looks healthy.
Looks like mold to me
Looks like mold to me
Why? The green is a reflection and it’s completely white inside. If it looks like mold aside from the color let me know. I’ll take better pictures tonight with no reflections. The growth has progressed some since the other day. Sorry for the poor pictures above.

Today’s update hopefully shows a clearer picture. It’s not easy dealing with the bag and reflection after all. But I’ve done my best and I think the mycelium has grown the most in the last day or so. It’s been inside only and in the loft the last two nights where it’s warmest. I will say there are mushrooms growing everywhere near me outside and all different kinds. It’s getting exciting now that the myc is really getting stronger.

Things have been happening! I thought it was too moist in there with the full ten cc of spore syringe so I carefully sliced the front open and put the bag in an inflatable tub and sealed it. Been getting more steady temps and the growth has take off. It’s getting more exciting.

There is a very much unidentified object in the bag. Just to the right of the self healing port is a dark object.

it’s not easy to see as always with these mycelium pictures. I was wondering if I could squirt a little alcohol through the port in a syringe and target the object.

My thoughts are if I open the chamber then I messed up. And I’d have to do that to get to the port. Also no idea if alcohol would work nor if the unknown object is even a threat to the project.

All around I’m happy it’s picking up speed and starting to look like it might work out.

I’ve got a light on it now at 6000k. The much has taken the entire front of the bag. Nice! Hoping it wraps around to the back next. It’s been 29 days since inoculation. Therefore I don’t want it to go too much longer in this stage.

It seems that slicing the bag open and putting into the tub was a good thing for the mass.

There is a fuzzy looking thing that worries me.


Here we have a mold looking situation. Looks pretty dire. I changed the ports to vents and pulled back the top. Sprayed the fur with alcohol and closed it again. Will see if the mycelium can outlive the mold. Maybe it’ll start to fruit? Maybe it’ll turn to nasty. Maybe it’ll dry out? Stick around for the next episode to find out.

Not looking good 😔
sensing the struggle from within the monotub I must leave the cabin and go get pizza. I don’t do it often but I always love it. The place I goto has weird stuff like taco pizza or cheeseburger pizza. I usually go with spinach and garlic with spicy sausage. Might switch it up. To celebrate the knowledge gained and the experience. And to mourn the loss of the loaf. I’m giving it a few days to see which way it goes then I’ll have to dispose of it. Ok off to pizza!
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