Becca's B+, Blue Meanie, Purple Mystic From Spore Genetics & Blue Yeti LC Fun Run

Wonder how a hero dose would be? When are you going for true Psyconaut ride? Maybe 🤔 a make Terrence McKenna proud trip? Lmao 🤣 CL🍀. 🍄🚀💥🪐
Been there, done that. I ate one large mushroom (59g!!!) from the 1st BY All-In-One. I was NOT prepared and do not want to repeat that mistake. OMG, hang onto the seat and put on your seatbelt, girl! Yer goin' flyin'!!! 💥🛸⚠️
All I could do was sit here staring, smoke curling out my ears (jk, lol!). Seriously, I was having trouble telling what was real and what I was imagining. I laid down and drifted off that day too, but sleep a lot longer.
Been there, done that. I ate one large mushroom (59g!!!) from the 1st BY All-In-One. I was NOT prepared and do not want to repeat that mistake. OMG, hang onto the seat and put on your seatbelt, girl! Yer goin' flyin'!!! 💥🛸⚠️
All I could do was sit here staring, smoke curling out my ears (jk, lol!). Seriously, I was having trouble telling what was real and what I was imagining. I laid down and drifted off that day too, but sleep a lot longer.
Now you made it so I have to get some. I have to experience this for myself because if 1 🍄 did all that then I gotta try them. Should be an interesting 🤔 experience. CL🍀
You'll be impressed, CL. Blue Yeti is a hella potent mutant strain. Gotta say, the MS AIO is producing far more 🍄 than the MGK AIO bag.
You'll be impressed, CL. Blue Yeti is a hella potent mutant strain. Gotta say, the MS AIO is producing far more 🍄 than the MGK AIO bag.
I have 6.5 grams of dried Purple Mystics 🧙 currently soaking in lemon juice 🥤 awaiting my liftoff on my next adventure. I hope 🤞 it’s as pleasant as the last time I flew Purple Mystics 🧙 Express. lol CL🍀. :surf: :woohoo:
I have 6.5 grams of dried Purple Mystics 🧙 currently soaking in lemon juice 🥤 awaiting my liftoff on my next adventure. I hope 🤞 it’s as pleasant as the last time I flew Purple Mystics 🧙 Express. lol CL🍀. :surf: :woohoo:
Have a nice dip in the shimmering luminous Mystic essence , CL. 🕉️
Gate 420, Purple Mystic Airlines now boarding! Happy trails, CL!!! 🚀

Harvested the 1st flush of the 2nd Blue Yeti bag today, and the yield was an impressive 650g wet, or almost 23 ounces. I had planned to take a photo before, but I got distracted by the shear quantity and figuring out where to start. They are in the oven drying at 135F after splitting them in half so they dry faster.

I did get a photo of them drying and added it to this post...

Thanks @Scottay Yea, it's a big harvest. Best results yet! :party::party::party:

Checked the oven this morning after shutting it down while sleeping and found they need a bit longer. Turned the stove back on at 135F.

Meanwhile, checked on the BY AIO to find one of the small shrooms veil had just started to tear. Harvested it and prepped the cap for spore printing. Supposedly these don't drop spores. Gonna find out... :lot-o-toke:
Just pulled the Blue Yeti from the oven. Dry weight came out to 54.5g. Doing the math (100*(54.5g/650g)=8.385%) shows the dry weight is 8.38% of the wet weight. Harvested one of the small BY shrooms I left growing and set it up to try to get a spore print. Added 200mL distilled water to the BY bag yesterday and syphoned off the excess this morning. The sides of the cake look covered with primordia so the second flush is looking promising.

The B+ shoebox started looking contaminated with white fuzzies so it went to the soil bin. The BMC shoebox and bag are still producing a few shrooms, mostly from the shoebox, but I did water the bag yesterday so it may produce a few more. Sunday I took 6 mature shrooms from the BMC shoebox, and this morning 4 more, all good-sized specimens. They are now drying in the oven. Looks like the BMC shoebox is going to keep going for a bit.
1 day and no spores to be seen, even with a 5x loupe. Going to let it go another day and check again. Put a drop of distilled water on top to keep it hydrated.
Fingers crossed 🤞 amigo. CL🍀
You can relax those fingers, @CaptainLucky. It appears to be true, after 48 hours, that the Blue Yeti does not sporulate. It survives only by the hands of humans in petri dishes, culture jars, etc.
By now I could have made a dozen spore prints from caps of any of the B+, BMC or Purple Mystics. Blue Yeti? Nada. This one you have to take a tissue sample and grow it out on agar, liquid culture or a master slurry. I'm going to have to refresh mine soon- they only keep for 6 months.

I see lots of primordia on the Blue Yeti which are ready to take off in the second flush if I get the conditions right.

After cutting the bag June 20th to make harvest easier, I've concluded that results in the cake getting way drier because of evaporation and condensation on the inside of the bag isn't being recycled back into it. I remembered someone here mentioning oven roasting bags
, so I got 2 turkey-size from the grocery store for under $3 and re-bagged it with one. That also allowed me to weigh the cake more easily without a big mess, and find it just under 44 ounces or 2.75Lb.

The fresh AIO weight was 5 pounds, so it's lost 36oz or 2.25Lb. I also found a suitable box to support the bag, so I can clear out the SAB and use it for the next project (still undecided).

It's not going to come all the way back up to 5 pounds after a good 1st flush, but it def needs some more rehydrating. Gave it 2oz and letting it soak in for 24 hours. I can dump it out if it's too much or more likely add at least a couple more ounces.

The BMC shoebox looks about ready for a 3rd round. 2nd flush was rather meager.

After these flush I'm done until fall. Temperatures are rising and I can't afford to run the AC because PG&E is now charging insane rates for electricity. Can't even afford to run my cannabis grow lights and all I have to smoke is some DoSiDo auto that tastes funky.

On top of that, the Ca Dept of Agriculture is messing with my fav AIO source and they can't sell their product in their own home state because of some whack-job labelling requirement. Grrr. Time to get the hell out of California...

I see lots of primordia on the Blue Yeti which are ready to take off in the second flush if I get the conditions right.

After cutting the bag June 20th to make harvest easier, I've concluded that results in the cake getting way drier because of evaporation and condensation on the inside of the bag isn't being recycled back into it. I remembered someone here mentioning oven roasting bags
, so I got 2 turkey-size from the grocery store for under $3 and re-bagged it with one. That also allowed me to weigh the cake more easily without a big mess, and find it just under 44 ounces or 2.75Lb.

The fresh AIO weight was 5 pounds, so it's lost 36oz or 2.25Lb. I also found a suitable box to support the bag, so I can clear out the SAB and use it for the next project (still undecided).

It's not going to come all the way back up to 5 pounds after a good 1st flush, but it def needs some more rehydrating. Gave it 2oz and letting it soak in for 24 hours. I can dump it out if it's too much or more likely add at least a couple more ounces.

The BMC shoebox looks about ready for a 3rd round. 2nd flush was rather meager.

After these flush I'm done until fall. Temperatures are rising and I can't afford to run the AC because PG&E is now charging insane rates for electricity. Can't even afford to run my cannabis grow lights and all I have to smoke is some DoSiDo auto that tastes funky.

On top of that, the Ca Dept of Agriculture is messing with my fav AIO source and they can't sell their product in their own home state because of some whack-job labelling requirement. Grrr. Time to get the hell out of California...

I never liked California for anything but a visit but I do like their liberal views. It’s just a shame that Florida couldn’t be more liberal. CL🍀
Over the past couple of days, I've pulled almost 123 grams of shrooms from the BMC shoebox. This is the 3rd flush so it's all but done, though I did add back 60mL of distilled water.

The Blue Yeti brick seems to have sort of stalled or possibly got too dry to shroom. After re-bagging, it weighed in at 44.3oz, way down from the original new weight of 80oz. Been adding 60mL (2oz) of distilled water every day and it's now up to 52oz. I can see what look like pins all over it but they aren't growing.

When the BY brick was fully colonized and active it's temperature was running 4 degrees above ambient. Now it is at ambient room temp so maybe it croaked 'cause I let it get too dry? Have to watch and see.


Not shroom related but Just wanted to share in case anyone else wants to grab one.
Just got a nice deal on an all aluminum grinder
for $12.94 shipped. Easier than hand grinding...

Disposed of the cake in the BMC test bag today but saved the 0.22u filter on the bag for a filtered air source project I've got in mind.

The BMC shoebox looks like it is going to push out another small flush. After that it's done as well I think.

The oven roasting bags didn't work out for the Blue Yeti cake. The first one sprung a leak a few days ago, so I replaced it. Now today the second one breached. These were weird from the get-go. I never saw condensation on the inside of either bag, despite adding 60mL of distilled water every day for the last 4 days.

I moved the cake into a large plastic trash bag for now, but it has the disadvantage of being huge (13 gallons), difficult to FAE, and it's opaque. So I may just cut the cake in half to fit it in 2 shoeboxes and be more manageable. It still looks like it is getting ready for a 2nd flush (tapping foot), so I'm not ready to throw in the towel yet.
Hi @Tokin Roll the one size grinder for cannabis is it as far as I know. Been needing one to prep my smokables for a while but too cheap to spend $20+ and another $10+ for shipping...

Of the 4 strains of Cubensis I've now grown, I liked Blue Meanie Cubes the best. Their caps open & veils always seem to break in the afternoon so it is easier to pluck them right then at peak potency. The Purple Mystic is a very nice high but the caps always open in the middle of the night. B+ grows fast and is very potent but caps open all hours of the night and day. Blue Yeti is a mutant so you can't compare it to natural strains but it seems a little more finicky and difficult to grow. My 2nd Blue Yeti AIO is just beginning it's 2nd flush after an arduous rehydration effort.

Meanwhile, dunno what I was thinking... I had 2 Sterilite 1644 totes (15Qt capacity) that I forgot. Perfect size for the Blue Yeti cake so I cleaned them up and moved the cake into them. Added another 100mL of distilled water, misted well and covered with the second tote. Problem solved and the pins are def growing. Cake weight has been brought back up to roughly 54oz and is closer to field capacity now. Also added 60mL water to the BMC shoebox, which is priming for another nice flush as well. Both are getting light from my Cactus grow light.

Measuring the weight of the cakes, and learning the mushrooms are only about 8.5% solids from the cake, has made rehydration an easier, more plausible task. I've found that the cakes will lose 50% or more of their weight to water loss and evaporation during 1st fruiting. My 5Lb (80oz) Blue Yeti AIO cake was running 5F above ambient- they get warm when they're dancing! After fruiting exposed in the SAB it dropped to 44oz and seemed to go into stasis or hibernation. Cake temperature dropped to ambient. The AIO substrate will only absorb about 2 ounces (60mL) of water a day, which I've been adding back every other day. Today the cake weighed in at 53.9oz.


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