Becca's B+, Blue Meanie, Purple Mystic From Spore Genetics & Blue Yeti LC Fun Run

Blue Yeti is getting primed for a flush, several leaders getting a head start already. BMC cake is producing a few more shrooms too.

Somebody must have thought of this before, but I found a good way to clamp the tubs together- four 1" lengths of plastic hose split lengthwise. Half-inch hose would work better but I had 3/8" and it's doing the job just great. Big improvement over elec. tape. Makes it easy to open for FAE and harvesting, good for both Sterilite 1642 shoeboxes and 1644 totes.


Quick update; the most mature Blue Yetis are about the diameter of my little finger now. Harvested the 2 largest Blue Meanies before their veils break. Check out the blueing at the base of the stems where I cut off the clinging substrate. They're going to be potent. :cool:


Edited to add that the larger BMC weighs in at 10.60g and the smaller is 5.51g.
Thanks, @Tokin Roll. Did you measure your BP while you were high? Curious because I am on BP meds. The Blue Yeti is very powerful. I ate 0.35g dry the other day thinking "microdose" but I got hella buzzed!

Pulled 3 more shrooms, another 8.77g before drying, from the BMC shoebox and that is it for that one. The cake is looking pretty kaput so I'm calling it.
Blue Yeti looking like another killer harvest in a few more days.

I really like these bigger Sterilite 1644 Totes, now that I have a decent way of clamping them together. I can get 3 times the yield of a shoebox with only a bit more effort. The bigger tote will hold as much as 15 pounds of substrate and potentially produce 7 or 8 pounds of mushrooms over the life of the cake!

Speaking of 1644 totes, the Blue Yeti is rockin'-n-rollin'. Still a few days out to harvest but that's ok 'cause it's so much fun watching them grow. During this morning's air exchange/photo shoot, I added 25mL of distilled water (about a fluid ounce) and misted the cake. Lovely, lovely, lovely! :circle-of-love:


My herb grinder arrived. Very good quality, appears to be CNC machined 6062 T6 Aluminum, nice acid etched logo. From China.
I should have gotten one years ago! Hella easier than between thumb & forefinger. A great score for under $13.

I'm thinking about hydration versus yield and these Blue Yeti mushrooms tend to verify what I'm thinking because of their extraordinary size. After monitoring wet and dry weight through several varieties and several harvests, I've concluded fresh mushrooms are about 91.5% water.

Think of them as little living storage tanks with built-in pumps to suck water and nutrients from the ground, or in this case, substrate. The largest of them right now is around an inch in diameter and contains something like a fluid ounce of water it pulled from the cake. No wonder that 80 ounce All-In-One dropped to 44 ounces after one flush!

I'm reasoning that if you can keep the substrate hydrated throughout the flush, you'll get a bigger harvest. The 25mL I added this morning may not be enough but it does seem to be close to the cake's max absorption rate. There are evaporation losses as well but I don't think that is as significant. These guys are gonna be packing 4 fluid ounces of water each when they mature, so yeah, I better add more aqua!

It seems like these large specimens would do best in larger, deeper compost beds where more resources are available.
Bigger by the day... largest BY looks like around 40-50g now. None of the mushroom caps have assumed their characteristic Brodie Helmet look yet, so they have some growth in their future.

I discovered some small BMCs growing from the bottom of the cake yesterday, so instead of disposing of it, I just flipped it over to see how many more I can get from the bottom side. The gift that keeps on giving! :love::ganjamon::love:



Some recent harvests air drying atop a bag
of Silica Gel in a small plastic container.​
The biggest Blue Yeti is now tall enough to clear the bottom tub but still hasn't torn it's veil. Oddly, some of the much smaller and younger BY's veils are open and caps beginning to flare out.

The veil on that huge Blue Yeti is finally beginning to tear open. The veils on the 2 next largest started opening yesterday, so a little later I'll harvest the 3 largest mushrooms in the tub. The big one is 6 inches and probably well over 100 grams. Here's some photos before I pluck them later. Added 45mL aqua to the tub.




Big Shroom's veil was still 5/8 intact when I fell asleep last night, so I decided to give it another night. By this morning it was in shreds, so it was harvest time for the 3 largest, most mature specimens. They weighed in at 104g, 54.84g and 33.71g, for a total of 192.55g. I sliced them in half, lengthwise, so they will dry faster in the 135F oven. They are laying on a stainless steel screen and will dry for 12 hours, then moved into a sealed container with silica gel. Added another 50mL distilled aqua to the tub. Substrate cake weighed in at 50.4oz after harvest, and there's another 4 shrooms that will be ripe soon, and many little ones growing slowly.

Thank you, @Tokin Roll. I'm going to take a break from myco too. It's the warm season and I don't have any room left in my freezer for more. I've got enough to last a long time. The BMC cake is pretty much done and the BY cake didn't offer near as much 2nd flush.

Your Trichocereus Peruvianus looks really healthy. I think I am going to cut back the cacti again. They're getting to tall and it will give me room to grow 1 cannabis plant if I move the 3 Foxtail Agaves outside. It will be challenging because several cacti have long, sharp spines!

I am thinking of growing another Forbidden Fruit. Still have a couple seeds and the first one was beautiful, potent & very tasty (and I smoked it all).
Your Trichocereus Peruvianus looks really healthy.
Thank you @BeccaBuds

I planned two of them about a inch below the surface of the soil, I had some extra Promix HP so I used that for the both cactuses. I moisten the Promix some but not sure if I moisten enough. Time will tell, I could always melt a couple ice cubes if I think it needs it.

Yaa, there is no easy way of transplanting them without get pricked at least once. I could not even image transplanting a large one.

My tubs are just about spent, so I am going to take a couple months off to buy more supplies (spore). I am thinking maybe end of September, October time frame to start again.

Stay safe and grow well my friend,
I avoid cacti punctures by wrapping them with a magazine open at the middle page. I found the multiple layers of clay-coated paper deflect the needles sideways. Then I grip the rolled magazine and use garden shears to cut the stalk. Works like a charm!
I really like these bigger Sterilite 1644 Totes, now that I have a decent way of clamping them together. I can get 3 times the yield of a shoebox with only a bit more effort. The bigger tote will hold as much as 15 pounds of substrate and potentially produce 7 or 8 pounds of mushrooms over the life of the cake!

Speaking of 1644 totes, the Blue Yeti is rockin'-n-rollin'. Still a few days out to harvest but that's ok 'cause it's so much fun watching them grow. During this morning's air exchange/photo shoot, I added 25mL of distilled water (about a fluid ounce) and misted the cake. Lovely, lovely, lovely! :circle-of-love:


My herb grinder arrived. Very good quality, appears to be CNC machined 6062 T6 Aluminum, nice acid etched logo. From China.
I should have gotten one years ago! Hella easier than between thumb & forefinger. A great score for under $13.

Where'd you get your grinder hun? I have one but it doesn't shred very easy. Guess I could go electric but I'm old school. Happy Thursday. Your shroomies are looking great!! 😎✌️
Well, this is interesting. Friday night around midnight I consumed 0.98 grams of dried Blue Meanie Cubes
. In a quiet, darkened room I had geometric visuals, lofty sensations of body rushes, feeling like I was at the door of "someplace else" that seemed all cool and groovy. It got intense enough at times that I turned the TV on to distract me from the show in my brain. Drifted off after a few hours and awoke feeling great.

Last night, same time frame, I ate 1.06 grams of dried Blue Yeti, 2nd Flush
. Went to bed and fell asleep. Never really felt anything. There's a possibility it's because I just had a dose the day before. I've noticed that effect with Liberty Caps. If you eat them to often your tolerance goes way up. Just going to have to do some more research, lol! :rofl:

I am wondering if the 2nd flush of the Blue Yeti is way less potent. The first flush showed a lot of blueing and seemed quite potent. Oddly, there appears to be no bluing at all on this 2nd flush.

That being so, tonight, about 45 minutes ago, I munched down on a gram of B+
I harvested in February, dried it and kept in the freezer. It has some serious bluing so we'll see. Maybe the BY strain is unstable? I'm starting to feel the B+ so maybe I'll try 2 grams of the recent 2nd flush Blue Yeti next time. 🍄
Well, this is interesting. Friday night around midnight I consumed 0.98 grams of dried Blue Meanie Cubes
. In a quiet, darkened room I had geometric visuals, lofty sensations of body rushes, feeling like I was at the door of "someplace else" that seemed all cool and groovy. It got intense enough at times that I turned the TV on to distract me from the show in my brain. Drifted off after a few hours and awoke feeling great.

Last night, same time frame, I ate 1.06 grams of dried Blue Yeti, 2nd Flush
. Went to bed and fell asleep. Never really felt anything. There's a possibility it's because I just had a dose the day before. I've noticed that effect with Liberty Caps. If you eat them to often your tolerance goes way up. Just going to have to do some more research, lol! :rofl:

I am wondering if the 2nd flush of the Blue Yeti is way less potent. The first flush showed a lot of blueing and seemed quite potent. Oddly, there appears to be no bluing at all on this 2nd flush.

That being so, tonight, about 45 minutes ago, I munched down on a gram of B+
I harvested in February, dried it and kept in the freezer. It has some serious bluing so we'll see. Maybe the BY strain is unstable? I'm starting to feel the B+ so maybe I'll try 2 grams of the recent 2nd flush Blue Yeti next time. 🍄
Back when I was able to get them more regularly, they said that shrooms reduced the effects of any other substances for 24-48 hours afterwards.
I never tested that out myself, but maybe that's what happened?
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