Starting A New Journey

Today I’m not sure I’m uncharted territory it I was going to toss the bag into the compost when I realized the whole thing was solid all the way through. So I peeled away the bad parts and stuck it in the tub all mixed with a layer of the substrate underneath. Have a feeling it’s way too far gone but it smelled earthy and mushroom-y 100%. If it wasn’t too far before, it will be in a few days. I handled this thing like I wanted to contaminate it and whatever happens next will be a surprise.


Today it looks like a full on war zone. Mycelium seems to be fighting or living with another thing or two in there. I’m giving it either one more week or until something not mycelium takes over whatever comes first. If by the off chance it makes mushrooms I’m not sure they are safe because the grain is growing more than just one thing.
Been a while I guess as I haven’t updated about discarding into compost. I didn’t give it a week.

Anyway in the compost today I noticed the mycelium is actually doing very well. This may produce after all. It would be hilarious to me if it did.

I’m hopeful!


How is it going @Waywardwayne

Sorry to hear you discarded your cake.
Do you have more spores to start another one?

I’ve got two Ben’s rice bags with spores but I think they are spoiled. The loaf in the compost looks really healthy now. I’ve also got two more unopened syringes. I’d like to get things together and do this right but I’m off grid and deal with a lot of setbacks and obstacles that most people don’t have to deal with. My solor for one won’t support climate control. All I have is wood stove.
How is it going @Waywardwayne

I find mushrooms grow very well in my cannabis grow area.
The excess heat from the lights keeps the temp in the upper 70's low 80's.

Come fruiting time, the light schedule for my plants works well for my mushrooms also.

Just a thought.

It’s on this glorious day that both I win the mushy contest this month and also see my first signs of mushrooms in the compost bin! Holy sheet what a day.




The troops today. I’m going to come out and say it. These do not look like the treasure coast shroomies I remember from 25 years ago in treasure coast Florida. However they may take better form as they grow. The pictures in the spore genetics looks right and the mushy in the top picture all the way to the right also looks right. That’s what they all looked like. To my eye at least and you’ll have to forgive me if I’m completely wrong because it’s been 25 years or more. Regardless if they are direct descendants of what I used to know or not, they are definitely going to be fun and I will likely agree they look like treasure coast by the time it’s all said and ate. I debated myself saying this or not. Just my opinion because I’m not a mycologist in the slightest.

Nothing like shrooms from an unexpected source.
Just make sure you identify them before you enjoy them.

Yes quite exciting! I also dumped the bull run loaf in the compost so they might be that as well. I harvested it just now as a bug is eating away without concern. Also half the veils were open too.

Some of them look like what I’m familiar with and some don’t. I ate three little ones (they are all little) and am about 20 minutes in. We will see.


Hopefully you can get another flush.
I left it in place and am hopeful! I’m already feeling it now. Had a shot of tequila and ate three. Not heavy but it hasn’t been long either so I’m gonna chill and see if I need a little more or not after another 30 min
I left it in place and am hopeful! I’m already feeling it now. Had a shot of tequila and ate three. Not heavy but it hasn’t been long either so I’m gonna chill and see if I need a little more or not after another 30 min
Right on!
Was it everything I’d hoped for? kinda, next time I won’t drink with it. I feel like it muted the experience some and also at a time or two I felt like the alcohol was actually making me feel not great. Got all the weird cool stuff I remember but just muted. At times because it came in waves. Next time I’ll take more and not drink. Weed was perfect though I’ll definitely smoke and shroom again.

This song made me choose my name here, aside from the Wayne part.

This is the final post in here from me and I’ll start another journal when I start the next cultivation.

I removed this one as it has already been chewed on by a bug or maybe slug. I’m leaning towards bug as it’s not slimly thanks all that’s good.
I bet whatever ate it is 🎶walking side ways, bugs in a daze🎶
I left it in place and am hopeful! I’m already feeling it now. Had a shot of tequila and ate three. Not heavy but it hasn’t been long either so I’m gonna chill and see if I need a little more or not after another 30 min
That's a new one, shot of tequila w your
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