Tequila... very nice. Must be tough waiting for that "ship to come in", but she's a fine ship indeed! Very happy for you mate.
Thanks Res! Sorry for the late reply ive been on birthday time since the weekend… Indeed im getting impatient lol still no ambers! I plan to post an update later on today. Glad to see your still in great spirits
So my seedlings have just gotten their first full set of leaves coming in and have been planted in their SIP buckets. I have a couple of questions. Is there anything special I should be doing to keep the roots growing towards the bottom or just water like any other seedling and let nature do it's thing? Also I'm using soil amended with Gaia green and Worm castings, does plain water work in the reservoir with the occasional top watering to keep the soil moist and water in added nutrients for feedings? I tried reading through all 160 pages to try and find the answers but I keep loosing my spot lol and probably missed the answers.

The way I do it is to treat them like a normal seedling and water just enough from the top for the roots to find their way to the bottom, but I don't fully water the pot at first.

Once the plant "catches" I start watering/feeding down the pipe, but I only give them as much as they'll use in a day or two which I monitor with a dip stick. I figure no sense giving them more water if there's still some in the reservoir that they haven't used yet.

You'll know when it catches as the growth suddenly takes off.
👋👋👋Top of the morning all!
Day 134 still no amber trichs! I think she may have another 2 weeks or so now until she may be ready for drought and then a week after that :hmmmm: just spent 130 smackeroos on a discount oz at the dispendsorry😅 let me know what you all think im hoping to pull atleast 10 oz’s may have to take the tent down soon the space needs work 😥
Hey all.

I’m on day 47 since planting the Cereal Milk clone in the SIP. I love the results and the ease of watering. I’m building another one for my next grow.

Today I’ve given her a defol and am switching to 12/12 starting tonight. I think I’ve trimmed too much, but no turning back now. I’m planning on doing another defol of most of the fan leaves in week three of flower. I got the idea from another site.

Here are photos of before and after the cutting, as well as the carnage.







I only put a taste in the reservoir so the roots find something down there when they reach it. I only give them more once the growth takes off as I find too much water in the reservoir too early slows them down until they get their sea legs.
I monitor my water levels with a dip stick as I build my own inserts, but watering either way seems to be fine. Just don't be surprised if your plant looks over-watered and droopy for a couple of weeks. Once it converts its roots it'll be fine.
👋👋👋Top of the morning all!
Day 134 still no amber trichs! I think she may have another 2 weeks or so now until she may be ready for drought and then a week after that :hmmmm: just spent 130 smackeroos on a discount oz at the dispendsorry😅 let me know what you all think im hoping to pull atleast 10 oz’s may have to take the tent down soon the space needs work 😥
I'm seeing some amber in there TQ. Nothing approaching 10% but I do see some in there. I also see quite a few spots where the trichomes are still very clear and not cloudy, indicating low THC (as far as I know). Maybe goose the power up on the lights a little, or lower them. That can speed things up, IME.

Your plants seem like they never stopped stretching! Maybe it's the camera work, but in every photo over the last month, they are taller each time. Are you stoked with the impending harvest? How does this compare with similar-sized grows that you've done before? Curious how you find the SIP experience as a grower, too.

I know what the instructions with the pot say, but you don't have to plant a single plant off in the corner farthest from the filler. Just plant them in the centre, it's better for the roots. Even better, consider planting two plants in each one, one at each end. Many people do it, and I've seen many excellent grows fully documented from beginning to end that were planted this way. Always very successful. (These are on other forums).

Your plants look amazing, and this run is awesome, don't get me wrong, I'm just commenting on possibilities for the next grow and things to consider which could bring at least marginal, but possibly significant, positive impacts on the final harvest next time.
I'm seeing some amber in there TQ. Nothing approaching 10% but I do see some in there. I also see quite a few spots where the trichomes are still very clear and not cloudy, indicating low THC (as far as I know). Maybe goose the power up on the lights a little, or lower them. That can speed things up, IME.

Your plants seem like they never stopped stretching! Maybe it's the camera work, but in every photo over the last month, they are taller each time. Are you stoked with the impending harvest? How does this compare with similar-sized grows that you've done before? Curious how you find the SIP experience as a grower, too.

I know what the instructions with the pot say, but you don't have to plant a single plant off in the corner farthest from the filler. Just plant them in the centre, it's better for the roots. Even better, consider planting two plants in each one, one at each end. Many people do it, and I've seen many excellent grows fully documented from beginning to end that were planted this way. Always very successful. (These are on other forums).

Your plants look amazing, and this run is awesome, don't get me wrong, I'm just commenting on possibilities for the next grow and things to consider which could bring at least marginal, but possibly significant, positive impacts on the final harvest next time.
Hey Res! This is my first real attempt with a real set up…. my prior attempts were overwatered bug infested rotten roots in fabric pots were a mess…. Probably looks that way because i take pics with the lights on and i have on the green led glasses but the stretch has stopped i think i may have went to heavy on the defol early on in flower and i took the trich pics all over just trying to get a feel for it my eye sight isnt what it once was tryna look through the little loupe i have so the pic may be an immature shoot that popped up like 2 weeks ago that had a nice sz bud site on it i just left on there…not sure but the leaves are sickly lookin idk if its night time temp or a late nutrient burn lock out?!? But the earthbox makes even a screw up like me look decent and with you guys help!!

Yeah everyone told me about my placement after transplant lol yeah next time im going center mass lol and im topping i didnt top this time the training was brutal but i cant wait to show you guys the trunk it looks like a rib cage almost lol its not stretching the pics make the buds look huge but their not that big i cant wait to harvest my last harvest was ruined due to mold n mildew stuck em wet in a paper bag in the basement like an idiot it was like 2 oz lol that was like 5 yrs ago
But the earthbox makes even a screw up like me look decent and with you guys help!!

Yeah everyone told me about my placement after transplant lol yeah next time im going center mass lol and im topping
Ahoy TSIP,
Not everyone told you about placement. I must have missed something. I run my earth boxes off to one side. There is a reason to most my madness and I see this no different. But I am curious as to what you have been told.

I just had a Cherries Doublee turn on the seventh day of drought. LWA soared from mid 30 to 58% overnight. Her sister plant is now on day 9. This is why each cultivar we choose to apply drought is considered on a singular basis. No one timetable fits all.

I have a pair of Ortega Lemon SIP's running under a @Vipar XS2000 evaluation that will both be droughted beginning around the seventh week of flower. These Indica dominant strains can jump up on you so be ready to start midway week six.

As a bit of advice on topping, Go Quad on everything/always.
Full Sails TSIP :love:
Ahoy TSIP,
Not everyone told you about placement. I must have missed something. I run my earth boxes off to one side. There is a reason to most my madness and I see this no different. But I am curious as to what you have been told.

I just had a Cherries Doublee turn on the seventh day of drought. LWA soared from mid 30 to 58% overnight. Her sister plant is now on day 9. This is why each cultivar we choose to apply drought is considered on a singular basis. No one timetable fits all.

I have a pair of Ortega Lemon SIP's running under a @Vipar XS2000 evaluation that will both be droughted beginning around the seventh week of flower. These Indica dominant strains can jump up on you so be ready to start midway week six.

As a bit of advice on topping, Go Quad on everything/always.
Full Sails TSIP :love:
Hey ol timer! Man they scared me! Told me my plant would fall over the roots will detach from the main stem and some more things but it all worked out finebut i think watering and everything else wouldve been easier if the plant grew outward from center mass
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