What soil/nutes are you guys running in your SIPs. Im currently using Sohum living soil but I want to look into making my own living soil so I can always have it on hand.
I used purple cow indicanja LOS this go around with a cal mag supplement for most of this grow by itself
I hope I didn’t put too much. It didn’t overflow lol
its really about whether you've already wetted the soil. If you put relatively dry soil in I recommend at least half filling and monitoring. These first fills will disappear quickly not because the plant uses it but because the soil is absorbing the water and trying to reach its moisture equilibrium. I like to presoak my SIPs with a full rez, when unplanted, and I'll often add more microbe tea at this point and add mulch or cover with plastic.

In your scenario I see you're top watering while a baby, which is fine. Nick's point about helping that tap root by bottom-watering only is good advice and you certainly could take it from here going forward.

Either way and (mostly) unrelated, you will likely experience a growth stall soon as the wetter-than-usual-SIP requires the plant to grow certain types of roots that it doesn't grow when under the traditional deluge and drought traditional container growing regime.

Don't worry, after approx two weeks your plant will suddenly start to grow so fast that it will catch up and blow past any trad. container grow started at the same time under otherwise identical conditions. It's pretty fun to watch.

We have developed methods for evading this, "stall" and I recommend looking into miniSIPs before your next round. Your SIP looks great, congratulations and, again, welcome to the family!


its really about whether you've already wetted the soil. If you put relatively dry soil in I recommend at least half filling and monitoring. These first fills will disappear quickly not because the plant uses it but because the soil is absorbing the water and trying to reach its moisture equilibrium. I like to presoak my SIPs with a full rez, when unplanted, and I'll often add more microbe tea at this point and add mulch or cover with plastic.

In your scenario I see you're top watering while a baby, which is fine. Nick's point about helping that tap root by bottom-watering only is good advice and you certainly could take it from here going forward.

Either way and (mostly) unrelated, you will likely experience a growth stall soon as the wetter-than-usual-SIP requires the plant to grow certain types of roots that it doesn't grow when under the traditional deluge and drought traditional container growing regime.

Don't worry, after approx two weeks your plant will suddenly start to grow so fast that it will catch up and blow past any trad. container grow started at the same time under otherwise identical conditions. It's pretty fun to watch.

We have developed methods for evading this, "stall" and I recommend looking into miniSIPs before your next round. Your SIP looks great, congratulations and, again, welcome to the family!


Thanks for the response. I have a mini sip going for my photo plant. I didn’t want to transplant my auto because last time I stunted it so I started it in the earth box
Don't worry, after approx two weeks your plant will suddenly start to grow so fast that it will catch up and blow past any trad. container grow started at the same time under otherwise identical conditions. It's pretty fun to watch.

That's a pretty bold statement! Sure it's not down to watering frequency and technique? SIP is a last resort measure in my book and I would never say it's better than any other growing method? It's how they're implemented that decide the results and one way is not better than the other if both are done and operated correctly?
That's a pretty bold statement! Sure it's not down to watering frequency and technique? SIP is a last resort measure in my book and I would never say it's better than any other growing method? It's how they're implemented that decide the results and one way is not better than the other if both are done and operated correctly?
I disagree, to a point. I won't say one method is 'better' than another. I will say one method gives better growth. In my experience:

Hydro > Coco > SIP > Hand-watered soil

The first three of these give the plant nutrients+air all the time. Normal soil does not, and needs a wet-dry cycle to properly build roots. All other things being equal, the SIP will have better/stronger growth than a traditional hand-watered soil container.
I disagree, to a point. I won't say one method is 'better' than another. I will say one method gives better growth. In my experience:

Hydro > Coco > SIP > Hand-watered soil

The first three of these give the plant nutrients+air all the time. Normal soil does not, and needs a wet-dry cycle to properly build roots. All other things being equal, the SIP will have better/stronger growth than a traditional hand-watered soil container.
That hydro has greater yield is pretty self explanatory, but that's mostly down to higher mineral bio-availability and higher cation exchange rate growing with mineral salts.

The main problem I see is you put coir in an own category when it should be hydro in practice and operation? I'm happy to compete against anyone growing in DWC with any soilless medium. For me the results are the same growing in soilless(ie peat, coir, perlite), the main differences for me are automation and ease of operation.

That hydro has greater yield is pretty self explanatory, but that's mostly down to higher mineral bio-availability and higher cation exchange rate growing with mineral salts.

The main problem I see is you put coir in an own category when it should be hydro in practice and operation? I'm happy to compete against anyone growing in DWC with any soilless medium. For me the results are the same growing in soilless(ie peat, coir, perlite), the main differences for me are automation and ease of operation.

I have little experience in coco so I'll agree its hydro. But SIP is not far from those hydro/soilless mediums, especially compared to the wet-dry cycle in most soil grows.
remeber years ago we did modded wilma hydros, andcut the base off to let the roots grow into the res tank,we could drip feed or flush feed , some modded further and turned it into a urdwc . kinda reminds me of a sip, how the roots get in the res, seen some doing airstones too, wonder what would happen if you recirculated it, thought about it when i saw builders clear 4 big trees and drill for water bore hole and they hit it at 2.1meters explaining under the bedrock there is a giant pool of water that the trees tap into and it constantly recycles minerals . trees in nature are really hydro lol sat on a pool of water like a sip / wilma
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