SIP - Pity Do Dah, SIP - Pity A

This grow was 100% SoHum & 5 gr. Recharge & still got the same issues. Forget this organic stuff. It's not my cup of tea. I'll stick to synthetic / chelated nutes.
Not all organics are equal. Why not give Geoflora a chance before you give up? A top dress feeding every two weeks and works with most grow media. That way you'd just be giving it water and not have to worry about constantly mixing nutes.
I haven't updated in a while because of working so much. I get home & crash most the time from exhaustion. Only 7-10 days more of the political printing & I'll go back to normal hours.
I don't think there has been any major changes since I got the 2 Hermie plants. Just keeping my fingers crossed the rest isn't seeded buds. The top part of my Aurora in the tent seems fine. but a few of the lower small buds look to be turning brown like they are done. I'm thinking they got pollinated.... but not really sure.
I'm not seeing anything out of the ordinary Hermie or pollination wise on the Cherry On Top. However, it is doing the same thing in the SIP's as it did in the Fabric Pots last grow. I'm getting a little Mg. spots on the leaves & the upper leaves are yellowing. Mega Crop just isn't what it used to be. Going to try a different nute line next grow. This didn't happen with MC 9-6-17; but it does with the latest version that's 9-6-14. Every improvement they make, makes it worse & worse.
Anyway, here's some pics of the plants in the tent.
Those plants look massive for those pots lol they really are thriving. Buds look real healthy mate excellent work.
I got my seed order from Herbies today. Here's what I got.
Gorilla Glue - Fem
Gorilla Glue - Auto
Strawberry Gorilla - Auto
Godzilla Cookies - Auto
Banana Purple Punch - Auto
Blackberry Kush - Auto
Sweet Coffee Ryder - Auto
Wedding Glue - Auto
Afghani - Reg.
Oooo banana purple punch sounds wonderful
Oooo banana purple punch sounds wonderful
All will be a surprise for me except the GG. Never grew any of the others before. For that order I just looked for colorful plants with over 25% THC. I'll be starting 2 of the Auto's in about a week or two. I'm afraid to start them too soon & run out of room in the 2x4 tent. Auto's already grow fast & the SIP Buckets seem to speed up growth even more; so I want to be within 3 weeks of my first plant in the big tent finishing.
Auto's already grow fast & the SIP Buckets seem to speed up growth even more; so I want to be within 3 weeks of my first plant in the big tent finishing.
Damn SIPS. Have to change your whole way of growing with these things. Screws up the normal schedule, and too easy to overgrow your space.

Nice problems to have though, really. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Damn SIPS. Have to change your whole way of growing with these things. Screws up the normal schedule, and too easy to overgrow your space.

Nice problems to have though, really. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Yes Indeed ! I can't complain. Been 3-4 years since I did an Auto. Curious what it will be like in a SIP.
Yes Indeed ! I can't complain. Been 3-4 years since I did an Auto. Curious what it will be like in a SIP.
I would think it would be much better than the standard auto for most growers. Any setback really stunts an auto and there is no recovery period which basically means you're screwed. And the biggest setback for most growers is over/underwatering which the SIP format essentially eliminates. Most auto grows I've seen are pretty small plants and harvests.

Doesn't mean you can't screw it up with other issues like pH or nutes or whatever, but the big one is handled.

I know they're marketed as a good 'intro to growing' choice, but I think you have to be a pretty good grower to grow them well.
All will be a surprise for me except the GG. Never grew any of the others before. For that order I just looked for colorful plants with over 25% THC. I'll be starting 2 of the Auto's in about a week or two. I'm afraid to start them too soon & run out of room in the 2x4 tent. Auto's already grow fast & the SIP Buckets seem to speed up growth even more; so I want to be within 3 weeks of my first plant in the big tent finishing.
Sounds like youv got your plan ready. Ive never grown autos before ive heard its like roulette with how they turn out. Photos you kinda know whats coming lol
Sounds like youv got your plan ready. Ive never grown autos before ive heard its like roulette with how they turn out. Photos you kinda know whats coming lol
I'd say a lot of that depends on how stable the strain is. If it were crossbred & back crossed I would think you could kind of know what to expect. Training & Environment would be the other key factors & I'm in control of that so no problem there. Strains like GG, WW, OG Kush Auto's should be pretty stable as long as they've been around. JMO
I'd say a lot of that depends on how stable the strain is. If it were crossbred & back crossed I would think you could kind of know what to expect. Training & Environment would be the other key factors & I'm in control of that so no problem there. Strains like GG, WW, OG Kush Auto's should be pretty stable as long as they've been around. JMO
Very true buds am sure those sips could turn any plant into a beast lol defo ww and og kush theyve been around some time.
High All ! I am.... lol. Well let's do an update. I'm just doing weekly updates right now as there's really not a lot going on. They're just making buds. Besides, you can see more of a difference when it's weekly. I'll start with the 2 in the tent.
Here is the Aurora Indica. She's gotten pretty big. Not as big as the 20 oz. plant; but not all that much smaller either.
I'm betting I'll pull 12 - 16 oz. from her in the end. She's filling out pretty nice. I'll probably have to start tying up branches real soon. My Aurora's are 2 weeks behind the Cherry on Top as far as flowering goes.
So here is Tent - Aurora.........
Here is the Shed - Aurora. She's also gotten pretty big & filling up with bud nicely. But she is also getting the yellow leaves, but all through the plant here & there. The Aurora's both have at least 4 more weeks to go. Maybe longer.

I believe this is happening because Mega Crop changed there formula again. When it was 9-6-17 this never happened. Stayed green till the end. Now MC is 9-6-14 & this keeps happening. Leads me to believe there's not enough "K". Unfortunately, I'm not that adept to know what to add to fix it. I tried a PK booster last time to no avail.
What only adds "K" ?

Anyways, on to Shed - Cherry on Top. She was the SoHum & Re-Charge girl. But all her leaves got really light green & yellow, so she got put on the MC nutes. She's gotten a lot greener in the past week. Only a couple weeks left on her also.
Here is the Tent - Cherry on Top. She's getting really sticky & Frosty. But here I go again getting yellowing & dying off of upper leaves. @Emilya Green this is the most affected plant that I asked you about. I think she's within 2 weeks of finishing or there abouts.
ok, it makes sense to me now. If you look at your buds, the true "top" growth at this point, they look wonderful. They are getting all that they need and then some.

To get there though, your plant has been sacrificing leaves from all over the plant. It is consistent too, with no actual areas of the leaves that are going yellow, indicating certain elements, this is a full out cannibalizing of the leaves to full yellow, and then complete drainage and withered up leaf until it drops off of the plant. The plant is completely and methodically using up its resources all around the plant.

There are only 3 elements that are this mobile, the big 3, NP and K. P is stored in a specific place in the leaf, but N and K can be stored in every cell. When those are being pulled for use at the top, the entire leaf goes evenly down.

We know it cant be N.... so clearly this is a K deficiency, a major one. So far by the term some use to describe it, senescence, the plant is sacrificing parts of itself for the finishing of the buds. This does not have to be happening though, so now you have to decide which camp you are in...

Do you believe that to produce the best bud, the nutrients must all be used up within the plant?


Do you believe it best to feed right up to the end, giving the plant everything it needs, and then relying on the cure to sweeten the plant after harvest?


Do you believe in stressing the plant at the end to increase potency?

So there are several ways you can go with this, and depending on your style, any of them are correct... they all work. Which works better? That is up for grabs.

My personal preference is to feed right up to the end as organic grows have to do, mimicking mother nature, and allow the plant every chance to express the best its genetics can produce, rather than relying on tricks or brute force tactics to produce a desired end.
ok, it makes sense to me now. If you look at your buds, the true "top" growth at this point, they look wonderful. They are getting all that they need and then some.

To get there though, your plant has been sacrificing leaves from all over the plant. It is consistent too, with no actual areas of the leaves that are going yellow, indicating certain elements, this is a full out cannibalizing of the leaves to full yellow, and then complete drainage and withered up leaf until it drops off of the plant. The plant is completely and methodically using up its resources all around the plant.

There are only 3 elements that are this mobile, the big 3, NP and K. P is stored in a specific place in the leaf, but N and K can be stored in every cell. When those are being pulled for use at the top, the entire leaf goes evenly down.

We know it cant be N.... so clearly this is a K deficiency, a major one. So far by the term some use to describe it, senescence, the plant is sacrificing parts of itself for the finishing of the buds. This does not have to be happening though, so now you have to decide which camp you are in...

Do you believe that to produce the best bud, the nutrients must all be used up within the plant?


Do you believe it best to feed right up to the end, giving the plant everything it needs, and then relying on the cure to sweeten the plant after harvest?


Do you believe in stressing the plant at the end to increase potency?

So there are several ways you can go with this, and depending on your style, any of them are correct... they all work. Which works better? That is up for grabs.

My personal preference is to feed right up to the end as organic grows have to do, mimicking mother nature, and allow the plant every chance to express the best its genetics can produce, rather than relying on tricks or brute force tactics to produce a desired end.
I usually feed all the way to the day of harvest & my plants use to stay green till I got the new batch of MC. Kicking myself now for buying the $100 bag. Didn't know about the NPK change at the time.
oh, I forgot to give you a fix. This is what Sweet Candy is for in soil grows (I use it myself), and BE in hydro grows. Finishing nutes. They are a thing. Your choice is to use them or not.
Figures.... I gave away a full unopened bag of it recently to a friend. Gave my Terpenator away too. It sat for the longest time never getting used so figured I wouldn't be needing it. Kick myself again.... lol.
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