SIP - Pity Do Dah, SIP - Pity A

What changes did you make?
Hey Grin - the only changes were "sort of" organic soil - by that I mean reusing last years but supplimented with lots of worm castings, HP mychorralized stuff, leaf mold, some wood ashes - whatever I could think of that might add. That and waiting until June 1st and possibly moving them into the greenhouse earlier at night when things started to cool down. And this year I used Gaia Green Bloom fertz and every now and then added some of the elixers I made and sprayed with Fern elixer to prevent PM.
Down to 2 plants in the shed. Got up early so I could tie up branches before work today. Started tying them & noticed white powder on some leaves. It Hermied ! I've been slacking & not keeping a close eye on things. Been a long, long time since I've had a Hermie & I pretty much quit looking. Big Mistake ! Hoping the other 2 plants will be OK; but have my doubts. There's a big 16" Oscillating Wall Fan going in there & this was the plant closest to it so it most likely blew pollen around. Too late to worry about it now. Not much I can do. I chopped the Hermie down & trashed it.
Down to 2 plants in the shed. Got up early so I could tie up branches before work today. Started tying them & noticed white powder on some leaves. It Hermied ! I've been slacking & not keeping a close eye on things. Been a long, long time since I've had a Hermie & I pretty much quit looking. Big Mistake ! Hoping the other 2 plants will be OK; but have my doubts. There's a big 16" Oscillating Wall Fan going in there & this was the plant closest to it so it most likely blew pollen around. Too late to worry about it now. Not much I can do. I chopped the Hermie down & trashed it.
Good catch!!
I hope it does not bum your stone... :)
Hey Grin - the only changes were "sort of" organic soil - by that I mean reusing last years but supplimented with lots of worm castings, HP mychorralized stuff, leaf mold, some wood ashes - whatever I could think of that might add. That and waiting until June 1st and possibly moving them into the greenhouse earlier at night when things started to cool down. And this year I used Gaia Green Bloom fertz and every now and then added some of the elixers I made and sprayed with Fern elixer to prevent PM.
Ok, thanks, @greenjeans !
Down to 2 plants in the shed. Got up early so I could tie up branches before work today. Started tying them & noticed white powder on some leaves. It Hermied ! I've been slacking & not keeping a close eye on things. Been a long, long time since I've had a Hermie & I pretty much quit looking. Big Mistake ! Hoping the other 2 plants will be OK; but have my doubts. There's a big 16" Oscillating Wall Fan going in there & this was the plant closest to it so it most likely blew pollen around. Too late to worry about it now. Not much I can do. I chopped the Hermie down & trashed it.
Sorry to hear that. Good luck
Sorry to hear that. Good luck
Thanks, but I'm probably going to trash the entire grow. Got a Hermie in the tent this morning too. The branches I Super Cropped had exploded powder bombs this morning. This isn't the normal way things look when you get Hermies.
Normally you get clusters of balls under the buds. These are coming out from in the pistils & exploding. I'm done with Reg Seeds. Never again.
Thanks, but I'm probably going to trash the entire grow. Got a Hermie in the tent this morning too. The branches I Super Cropped had exploded powder bombs this morning. This isn't the normal way things look when you get Hermies.
Normally you get clusters of balls under the buds. These are coming out from in the pistils & exploding. I'm done with Reg Seeds. Never again.
Do you mean your sip buckets? I hope not . Ive never used regular seeds and never will.
Do you mean your sip buckets? I hope not . Ive never used regular seeds and never will.
Yeah, the SIP's. I removed the Hermie plant from the tent. Not sure what is causing this, unless it's just the seeds.
Everything else has been fine. It's pretty depressing losing 1/3rd of the grow & a high probability the rest will have seeds. Is what it is. Guess I'll have a bunch of free weed to give away. Don't want no seedie weedie !
Yeah, the SIP's. I removed the Hermie plant from the tent. Not sure what is causing this, unless it's just the seeds.
Everything else has been fine. It's pretty depressing losing 1/3rd of the grow & a high probability the rest will have seeds. Is what it is. Guess I'll have a bunch of free weed to give away. Don't want no seedie weedie !
Holy shit man that is depressing they were loving life too i feel for ya. Nope dont want pops n bangs lol
Thanks, but I'm probably going to trash the entire grow. Got a Hermie in the tent this morning too. The branches I Super Cropped had exploded powder bombs this morning. This isn't the normal way things look when you get Hermies.
Normally you get clusters of balls under the buds. These are coming out from in the pistils & exploding. I'm done with Reg Seeds. Never again.
That sucks
Anybody know if your pistils browning too early is a sign of a Hermie ? It's something I noticed in both of my plants that Hermied. There's a 3rd one that is starting to get brown pistils so I'm watching it real close to see. There are no balls showing. They are hidden within the pistils as far as I can tell. Then just out of nowhere... poof.... Powder Bomb ! If the early brown pistils are a sign it will sure help in the future.
I think early brown pistils are more a sign that pollen has dusted up your flower. In about 2 week, maybe less, you should see seeds starting to form. Sorry Buds. That's a kak one. I fear it's too late to spray the flowers down with water but if it's not too bad maybe an idea to make sure it doesn't get worse. As a breeder its something I look forward to in breeding area. As a consumer it's gut wrenching to see that in my personal flower plants.
You said you have 2 that hermied. Were they both the same strain? If yes likely seeds.
I think early brown pistils are more a sign that pollen has dusted up your flower. In about 2 week, maybe less, you should see seeds starting to form. Sorry Buds. That's a kak one. I fear it's too late to spray the flowers down with water but if it's not too bad maybe an idea to make sure it doesn't get worse. As a breeder its something I look forward to in breeding area. As a consumer it's gut wrenching to see that in my personal flower plants.
You said you have 2 that hermied. Were they both the same strain? If yes likely seeds.
Yes, same strain. I already chopped the 2 that went Hermie on me. Hoping for the best on the rest. Funny thing is I've been wanting to crossbreed an Aurora Indica with a Cherry on Top. Just not with a Hermie. I always wonder how "Aurora on Top" would be; because when I mix the 2 in a joint it kicks butt.
Not the greatest idea to breed with herms. You would have to grow out a whole tribe of them to find one without the gene. So like 25 out of 100 or so ish. You can get lucky and get some once in a lifetime bud but only 1/4 of the time. F2's will again give worse chances of getting a non herm. It's the same as when people use sts or similar and then pollinate the exact same plant with the pollen. Can work but not great. Pollinating a clone is fine though from my experience. Sorry man. Herms suck.
They have some new Meter out that's suppose to measure THC content. Seen it on Zon. Thinking about buying one out of curiosity.
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