SIP - Pity Do Dah, SIP - Pity A

Here's the 2 Cherries back in the tent after being tied to the stake.

This plant I had to super crop a 2nd branch on. It grew up over the top of the light.

This other branch I did a few days prior, when I was going to super crop the whole plant. Thought it was a bad idea unless absolutely necessary since the stems are hollow & crack very easy.

Here is the other Cherry back in the tent. Didn't feel the need to super crop this one.

The Aurora girl didn't get any bondage done to her yet. I did do a defol on her though.

The 3 plants in the shed need to have the same thing done next weekend as I did to these yesterday. Planned to do it yesterday but Walmart was out of the 4' stakes. There's 2 more Walmart's close to me so going to check them today.
If not, I'll Zon them.
Time to complete this update. Still have the tent pics to post so let's get rollin'. Out of 109 pics I managed to get it down to about 25 - 30.... so here goes.
Here are my 2 Cherry on Top gals. Wanted to show just how much room they take up without the Aurora Indica in the tent. I think 2 plants in these buckets is perfect for a 4x8 tent. 3 is a little too crowded for me, blocking light & airflow .

Here is the Aurora Indica. She still seems to be stretching a little. Bushy as can be & in need of a defol. which I did yesterday. She's only about 3/4 the size of the big momma from last grow, but the same strain.
I have to admit.... I prefer pics of Indica's over Sativa's. Sativa grows too wild looking so the plants always look ugly to me.
Wow those are amazing!!
Moving day! Got to run.
Here's the 2 Cherries back in the tent after being tied to the stake.

This plant I had to super crop a 2nd branch on. It grew up over the top of the light.

This other branch I did a few days prior, when I was going to super crop the whole plant. Thought it was a bad idea unless absolutely necessary since the stems are hollow & crack very easy.

Here is the other Cherry back in the tent. Didn't feel the need to super crop this one.

The Aurora girl didn't get any bondage done to her yet. I did do a defol on her though.

The 3 plants in the shed need to have the same thing done next weekend as I did to these yesterday. Planned to do it yesterday but Walmart was out of the 4' stakes. There's 2 more Walmart's close to me so going to check them today.
If not, I'll Zon them.
Wow, those look amazing!
yeah, late '90s in a flood and drain set up. Sorry I cant remember the strain, was indica-heavy. I blamed it on my 'flip' skills at the time, as I recall. Was something of a fraught period, lots of learning and mistakes, no internet to help. Was one of 5-6 plants in a group, the rest were fine (ok, not perfect but had normal buds) Was sugar everywhere though, like, everywhere, the stalks, petioles. I smoked the whole damn plant cuz it got me right lit, but tasted bad. The real buds went for $$, all I smoked was trim those days, mostly, so my tolerance was still relatively low, that's why I remember it. What a sweet freak she was, mmm-mm.
Wow, that stuff is really good ! Trimmed it up in the bowl trimmer & smoked a joint of the trim. Holy, Moly ! Tastes really sweet & strong at the same time. Like double what it normally tastes like. Hits you pretty hard at first but mellows out after about 10-15 minutes to a normal high. I like it !
Just a few pics of how things look in the tent after stripping & bondage. Damned those sexy girls ! (LOL)
Looking great BB!

Question: when Supercropping - does it make a difference if you bend the stems when the plant is thirsty? i.e. droopy vs robust. I ask because I supercropped a few branches in my recent grow and it seemed like the branch was more agreeable to the bending when she was droopy (thirsty). Or was I just high?
Here's the 2 Cherries back in the tent after being tied to the stake.

This plant I had to super crop a 2nd branch on. It grew up over the top of the light.

This other branch I did a few days prior, when I was going to super crop the whole plant. Thought it was a bad idea unless absolutely necessary since the stems are hollow & crack very easy.

Here is the other Cherry back in the tent. Didn't feel the need to super crop this one.

The Aurora girl didn't get any bondage done to her yet. I did do a defol on her though.

The 3 plants in the shed need to have the same thing done next weekend as I did to these yesterday. Planned to do it yesterday but Walmart was out of the 4' stakes. There's 2 more Walmart's close to me so going to check them today.
If not, I'll Zon them.
It's literally outdoor plants inside lol. Good work buds
Looking great BB!

Question: when Supercropping - does it make a difference if you bend the stems when the plant is thirsty? i.e. droopy vs robust. I ask because I supercropped a few branches in my recent grow and it seemed like the branch was more agreeable to the bending when she was droopy (thirsty). Or was I just high?
I've never really noticed any difference. I don't make a habit out of Super Cropping as it's High Stress. I only do it if the branch hits the light. I've probably only Super Cropped 25 branches in 5 years. @InTheShed seems to like doing it from his posts so he'll probably know more about it.
It's literally outdoor plants inside lol. Good work buds
It's probably the best way to compete with outdoor plants in the contests. I've always thought that Outdoor & Indoor grows should each have their own contest to make things more fair. Hard to compete with a plant the size of a tree grown outdoors in most cases. Wish I lived in the boonies so I could grow outdoors.
Looks huge Nice big tent. Very Nice
They did get a little bigger than expected even after I cut my Veg time by 2 weeks. Next grow I'm only doing 2 in each grow area & going to Veg 7-8 weeks & make some real Already been looking at my seeds to pick out the strains I'll grow.
Veg 7-8 weeks & make some real monsters
I only grow outdoors but purposely waited until June 1st to drop seeds just to keep them to a manageable size - and - I grow in laundry tubs so I can move them into the greenhouse once late September rolls around. I found that the 7 and 8 footers were just too big. Mine seemed to get old, tired and diseased before they matured. So far this year they are looking great (gawd, I hope I haven't jinxed it) I also have been using organic soil and a proper fertz.
I was thinking about the best way to do this. I'm a bit scattered and spun around right now.
I have meetings in the morning, and in the afternoon we find out if we can stay, or if we have to go, so at the minute it is still uber busy.
I was thinking about the best way to do this. I suppose I could start a new thread, "Self-Report: Autism Brain Injury and Cannabis", or something like that? That way the AMA can come in and give the 420 Forum an award for investigative medical journalism, or something like that? (Haha.)
And then I could share my experience, and it would be 100% anecdotal, but might provide someone with a data point?
And that way we would not be clogging up a canna-thread?
Haha, maybe Rob will make a whole new Medical section of the forum??
Please give me a couple of days, tomorrow afternoon we will be celebrating or packing.
I’m visualizing for your highest good and hoping everything goes the way you want.Good Luck CL🍀
I’m visualizing for your highest good and hoping everything goes the way you want.Good Luck CL🍀
We survived the move, halleluyah!
Internet is by phone right now.
No sleep yet, but all is good!
I hope to start a new thread in a few days.
Happy toking, amigo! :hookah:
I only grow outdoors but purposely waited until June 1st to drop seeds just to keep them to a manageable size - and - I grow in laundry tubs so I can move them into the greenhouse once late September rolls around. I found that the 7 and 8 footers were just too big. Mine seemed to get old, tired and diseased before they matured. So far this year they are looking great (gawd, I hope I haven't jinxed it) I also have been using organic soil and a proper fertz.
@greenjeans , thank you for sharing that!
To what do you attribute this year's success? What changes did you make?
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