SIP - Pity Do Dah, SIP - Pity A

Well I guess you found your 1lb plants. Easily. Fantastic job Buds, it's been fun (and very informative) watching your journey over the last several months. Now to see if I can duplicate the results ;)
Sorry friends, I got all deep on everybody, thematically, and then just disappeared, which is poor manners in my book. To preface, I'm much better now, thank you, but I had to take the fast ride to emerg tuesday over some totally-left-feild gastro-stuff. I know, weird, I've been public about my vertigo type stuff as it got so instrusive but this is totally unrelated. I'm just back home now, went early Tuesday. Had just flipped my plants for 24 hrs and left the place practically wide open with the stove on (practically, not actually, but near-as-makes-no-difference) and they were dry when I left. lol. happily, everyone is perfect. phew. ok me, I'm not perfect, but I'm home I'll be fine. Only SIP, DWC and electronically watered plants would've skated through that as smoothly. Thankfully SIP and DWC are my chosen grow-styles - made consciously with these scenarios front of mind and speed, strength right up there too, obviously. So, that's what I departed the convo so mysteriously and, frankly, rudely. Out of my control, I'm afraid, but please accept my apologies which I offer nonetheless because we're civilized men and women, dammit.

Bud, my friend, plants are looking... pumped. Does anyone else think that 4x8s are to weed pix what DP is to porn? At least to look at? Am I right? Too much, and not enough, all at the same time...OMG Jezzusss Bud... maybe you should take a breather real quick, get a drink of water for yourself or something. Torrid mate, torrid. Getting a bit crazy over there. :rofl:

My 2-plant rez design at current spec holds 6 gallons when full, but 'on the reg' I don't go past 5 gallons merely because it makes the plants (don't matter, weed, tomato, cukes) a wee bit happier for 1-2 days and I don't mind the tiny bit extra work overall. However, when leaving I always filled to max, and result always was/is, that they look a tiny bit puffy for 48hrs MAX., usually just 24, and just a little bit. They're fine for more than two weeks on first fill, over a week on second, and third. yadda. This is a very picky gardener perspective, as naturally befits our noble herb stalk.

I promise to hook you up with pics on da morrow mates when I'm reacclimatized. Nothing long-term to worry about here it would seem, just a sudden bowl pathology from out da blue sky and janky as all f%@$. But I'm back in her warm embrace once more, and again amongst you good people. Speaking of...

Would somebody get Bud a towel and a diet coke, please?
Sorry friends, I got all deep on everybody, thematically, and then just disappeared, which is poor manners in my book. To preface, I'm much better now, thank you, but I had to take the fast ride to emerg tuesday over some totally-left-feild gastro-stuff. I know, weird, I've been public about my vertigo type stuff as it got so instrusive but this is totally unrelated. I'm just back home now, went early Tuesday. Had just flipped my plants for 24 hrs and left the place practically wide open with the stove on (practically, not actually, but near-as-makes-no-difference) and they were dry when I left. lol. happily, everyone is perfect. phew. ok me, I'm not perfect, but I'm home I'll be fine. Only SIP, DWC and electronically watered plants would've skated through that as smoothly. Thankfully SIP and DWC are my chosen grow-styles - made consciously with these scenarios front of mind and speed, strength right up there too, obviously. So, that's what I departed the convo so mysteriously and, frankly, rudely. Out of my control, I'm afraid, but please accept my apologies which I offer nonetheless because we're civilized men and women, dammit.

Bud, my friend, plants are looking... pumped. Does anyone else think that 4x8s are to weed pix what DP is to porn? At least to look at? Am I right? Too much, and not enough, all at the same time...OMG Jezzusss Bud... maybe you should take a breather real quick, get a drink of water for yourself or something. Torrid mate, torrid. Getting a bit crazy over there. :rofl:

My 2-plant rez design at current spec holds 6 gallons when full, but 'on the reg' I don't go past 5 gallons merely because it makes the plants (don't matter, weed, tomato, cukes) a wee bit happier for 1-2 days and I don't mind the tiny bit extra work overall. However, when leaving I always filled to max, and result always was/is, that they look a tiny bit puffy for 48hrs MAX., usually just 24, and just a little bit. They're fine for more than two weeks on first fill, over a week on second, and third. yadda. This is a very picky gardener perspective, as naturally befits our noble herb stalk.

I promise to hook you up with pics on da morrow mates when I'm reacclimatized. Nothing long-term to worry about here it would seem, just a sudden bowl pathology from out da blue sky and janky as all f%@$. But I'm back in her warm embrace once more, and again amongst you good people. Speaking of...

Would somebody get Bud a towel and a diet coke, please?
Yes, they are a little work, but not all that bad. Most the time is spent mixing nutes. I'm mixing 30 gallons every 4th day. They keep drinking 2 gallons each per day. This big bag of MC wont last a year or two growing in SIP's.... lol.
I can't believe the difference in how much they drink from Fabric Pots. I was feeding a 5 gal. fabric pot about a gallon every 2-3 days. They go through 4-6 gallons in SIP's. Big difference ! I think the "Cherry on Top" plants have finally stopped stretching. They come up to my chin. I hope my 4' green plastic stakes will be long enough to tie the branches up. I'm going to start on that next weekend as I'm still harvesting. Got my last potted Aurora chopped yesterday. Got a potted "Cherry on Top" in the closet that I'll harvest today. Then there's just one more to harvest during the week. I'll get a trim jail break after that as nothing will be ready till around Thanksgiving. I figure the SIP Cherry on Tops should be done around then.
Well I was down to 3 plants about ready for harvest. One is done & in the closet. The other 2 I put in the 2x4 tent. I put the Aurora SIP in the 4x8 with the other 2 SIP's. Going to get real crowded, but doable.... I think. They are drinking like fish. 2 gallons per day easily & would most likely take even more. I upped my nutes to 5.5 gr. per gal. as of this morning. I've already fed them 1.5 gal. & will fill the res again at lights out. Since I was moving everything around in the 4x8 I decided to hang up #4 TSL 2000 giving me up to 1200 watts of light. I mainly did it to get better coverage on these big girls & not necessarily for more power. So here's some pics of the 4x8.

The big girl in the shed is not just asking to be fed twice per day anymore. Now she's demanding it. I only filled the res once yesterday & look what happened. Couldn't believe my eyes.
Your going to end up outside at this rate man!! Explosive growth
Yes, they are a little work, but not all that bad. Most the time is spent mixing nutes. I'm mixing 30 gallons every 4th day. They keep drinking 2 gallons each per day. This big bag of MC wont last a year or two growing in SIP's.... lol.
I can't believe the difference in how much they drink from Fabric Pots. I was feeding a 5 gal. fabric pot about a gallon every 2-3 days. They go through 4-6 gallons in SIP's. Big difference ! I think the "Cherry on Top" plants have finally stopped stretching. They come up to my chin. I hope my 4' green plastic stakes will be long enough to tie the branches up. I'm going to start on that next weekend as I'm still harvesting. Got my last potted Aurora chopped yesterday. Got a potted "Cherry on Top" in the closet that I'll harvest today. Then there's just one more to harvest during the week. I'll get a trim jail break after that as nothing will be ready till around Thanksgiving. I figure the SIP Cherry on Tops should be done around then.
Sounds like a full time job with all going on. Plenty of green to go around lol
Sorry friends, I got all deep on everybody, thematically, and then just disappeared, which is poor manners in my book. To preface, I'm much better now, thank you, but I had to take the fast ride to emerg tuesday over some totally-left-feild gastro-stuff. I know, weird, I've been public about my vertigo type stuff as it got so instrusive but this is totally unrelated. I'm just back home now, went early Tuesday. Had just flipped my plants for 24 hrs and left the place practically wide open with the stove on (practically, not actually, but near-as-makes-no-difference) and they were dry when I left. lol. happily, everyone is perfect. phew. ok me, I'm not perfect, but I'm home I'll be fine. Only SIP, DWC and electronically watered plants would've skated through that as smoothly. Thankfully SIP and DWC are my chosen grow-styles - made consciously with these scenarios front of mind and speed, strength right up there too, obviously. So, that's what I departed the convo so mysteriously and, frankly, rudely. Out of my control, I'm afraid, but please accept my apologies which I offer nonetheless because we're civilized men and women, dammit.

Bud, my friend, plants are looking... pumped. Does anyone else think that 4x8s are to weed pix what DP is to porn? At least to look at? Am I right? Too much, and not enough, all at the same time...OMG Jezzusss Bud... maybe you should take a breather real quick, get a drink of water for yourself or something. Torrid mate, torrid. Getting a bit crazy over there. :rofl:

My 2-plant rez design at current spec holds 6 gallons when full, but 'on the reg' I don't go past 5 gallons merely because it makes the plants (don't matter, weed, tomato, cukes) a wee bit happier for 1-2 days and I don't mind the tiny bit extra work overall. However, when leaving I always filled to max, and result always was/is, that they look a tiny bit puffy for 48hrs MAX., usually just 24, and just a little bit. They're fine for more than two weeks on first fill, over a week on second, and third. yadda. This is a very picky gardener perspective, as naturally befits our noble herb stalk.

I promise to hook you up with pics on da morrow mates when I'm reacclimatized. Nothing long-term to worry about here it would seem, just a sudden bowl pathology from out da blue sky and janky as all f%@$. But I'm back in her warm embrace once more, and again amongst you good people. Speaking of...

Would somebody get Bud a towel and a diet coke, please?
Hi RD!
Glad to hear that you made it home ok!
I hope your health issues all work out.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge and expertise. (Sounds like Daniel Boone has been pioneering away!)
Glad your plants made it!
Yes, they are a little work, but not all that bad. Most the time is spent mixing nutes. I'm mixing 30 gallons every 4th day. They keep drinking 2 gallons each per day. This big bag of MC wont last a year or two growing in SIP's.... lol.
I can't believe the difference in how much they drink from Fabric Pots. I was feeding a 5 gal. fabric pot about a gallon every 2-3 days. They go through 4-6 gallons in SIP's. Big difference ! I think the "Cherry on Top" plants have finally stopped stretching. They come up to my chin. I hope my 4' green plastic stakes will be long enough to tie the branches up. I'm going to start on that next weekend as I'm still harvesting. Got my last potted Aurora chopped yesterday. Got a potted "Cherry on Top" in the closet that I'll harvest today. Then there's just one more to harvest during the week. I'll get a trim jail break after that as nothing will be ready till around Thanksgiving. I figure the SIP Cherry on Tops should be done around then.
I think what you are experiencing is the magic in the pot design and that really is a combination of several things.

As you know by now, I think the biggest factor that separates these pots from others is the availability of air right at, and in the middle of, the root zone. This allows the planting mix to stay wetter than normal without inviting root rot.

This, in turn, allows the plant to focus not on building water roots in search of moisture, but rather on building feeder roots since moisture is mostly always available and there's no need to go in search of more. This helps prevent the plant becoming root bound and the issues that that can present late in flower. But it also provides more feeder roots which in turn absorb more nutrients for the plant more often as you are experiencing.

It also solves the watering issue quite simply, never too wet or too dry, issues that plague most new canna growers, and leaving the plant in nearly constant optimum moisture conditions.

Also, since the plant is able to use more water that presents more opportunities to fertigate which means more nutrients able to be used by the plant. And this is not a marginal increase as noted but an increase of many hundreds of percents (every day, sometimes twice per day vs. every 2-3 days). That's 3-6 times what would normally be available, at least until later in flower.

This all comes together to create the near ideal environment for soil grown plants. It also doesn't seem all that size dependent as my smaller versions and RD's larger ones seem to work as well as the standard 5G size does.

It's quite surprising to me that more growers don't use them. They are simple to water correctly, produce bigger plants in the same size pot, and eliminate many of the root issues that hold so many growers back.

This grow is such a wonderful example of the possibilities this pot structure offers.
:thumb: :bravo::welldone:
This all comes together to create the near ideal environment for soil grown plants. It also doesn't seem all that size dependent as my smaller versions and RD's larger ones seem to work as well as the standard 5G size does.

It's quite surprising to me that more growers don't use them. They are simple to water correctly, produce bigger plants in the same size pot, and eliminate many of the root issues that hold so many growers back.

This grow is such a wonderful example of the possibilities this pot structure offers.
Tru-dat Azi
I tried to Super Crop a plant; but decided not to after just one branch. Branches are hollow like straws & split really easy. Best to leave it alone.
Sounds more like DWC branches with the hollow centers. Very hard to supercrop, you have to mush a 2-3" area. Used only in case of emergency.
HI Buds. Good call on the supercropping, I have some Skittlz that grew too long, too quickly, resulting in vast lengths of snappable celery. Of course, it takes only mere threads remaining attached for the plant to save the other side of the break but you're incurring a huge productivity penalty there while all resources are redirected to a part of the plant you won't even be drying and smoking - a lumpy old stalk. I too have been thinking, a lot, about how to deal with the unique plant morphology that we're presented with now using SIPs, because it is a challenge. I have been adjusting and maneuvering over 20 sticks in each plant, sometimes over 100 total, and it's great for creating a large number of bud sites all at the same low manageable height.

In addition to increased plant sizes, this contraption is often necessarily a slightly taller shape and a small height penalty is incurred. In my case, I'm also attempting to const. keep each pair on the dollies and individually contained. I can't scrog at the moment, so the challenge is high. Thankfully I've got decent anchoring surface on the soil and options. So far happily surprised with training.

You're looking at four plants in the picture, in the foreground are two OG Ultraviolet - short, stocky, small to medium yielding heavy-indica plants that every grow reference I've read says needs to be trimmed for health and welfare regularly and paid great attention with forced air. The background two plants are Runtz.

Let's be real, you don't need me to explain anything. You damn well don't need me to tell you about Runtz. Both, however, come from "Rocket Seeds" "SunWest Seeds" "Crop King Seeds" and 10,000 other seed companies they created one night in college because they weren't there to learn... Anyway, typical story, early reports were intriguing, firstish to market, seed reviews high, but with time history isn't kind to the ruling class. But that's OK, they get to be ruling class and they're down, but anyway it didnt pan out generally and I mirrored or even possibly magnified the effect in my "massive" sprout-a-thon. Losses were hideous. Lessons, were learned. In Flanders Fields, the poppies grow...

These proud four spent five weeks vegging and went into 12/12 this week, I think Monday. I am really so glad I'm running SIPs. I have to tell you that with my large rez size and the ease with which I can attach a 30-50 gallon reservoir without pumps... after the week I've had it's no longer about the great growth, short veg times, or the handy-ease of self-watering, no, none of these matter if the plant doesn't survive. We live in interesting and increasingly dangerous times. I now feel that without this system it is unlikely I would be able to bring a plant through to harvest at all. We will undoubtedly find out.
OK Guys & Dolls, I'm going to do a partial update right now. I'll do the plants in the shed now since I still have to upload & resize the tent pics.
So here is the Cherry on Top in the left corner of the shed. She's budding very nicely. Looks like a big yielder to me.
Her Sugar Leaves are already getting pretty frosty. Can't wait to see what the yield is compared to Fabric Pots. So far all my Fabric & Plastic pots have all been in the 5 - 6 oz. range. Finally finished harvesting, more or less. Still have one plant to jar up. Damned.... not going to know what to do with myself for about a month.... lol.
Here's a few pics.

This is the Cherry on Top in the Right Corner of the Shed. She's the SoHum Soil & Recharge plant. She doesn't seem to have as much bud as the other one; but she looks frostier to me. The other one looks more Indica with the fat leaves & this one looks more Sativa with thinner leaves, so maybe that's why ?
And here we have one of my Aurora Indica's. She started flower 2 weeks after the Cherry on Top's so she's just now starting to put out pistils. She's a bushy girl so I'll be doing a slight defol on her tomorrow. Need to get some air flow through there.

And I'll leave you with a group shot for now.

Back later with the rest of this update. "Same Bat Time.... Same Bat Channel".
OK Guys & Dolls, I'm going to do a partial update right now. I'll do the plants in the shed now since I still have to upload & resize the tent pics.
So here is the Cherry on Top in the left corner of the shed. She's budding very nicely. Looks like a big yielder to me.
Her Sugar Leaves are already getting pretty frosty. Can't wait to see what the yield is compared to Fabric Pots. So far all my Fabric & Plastic pots have all been in the 5 - 6 oz. range. Finally finished harvesting, more or less. Still have one plant to jar up. Damned.... not going to know what to do with myself for about a month.... lol.
Here's a few pics.

This is the Cherry on Top in the Right Corner of the Shed. She's the SoHum Soil & Recharge plant. She doesn't seem to have as much bud as the other one; but she looks frostier to me. The other one looks more Indica with the fat leaves & this one looks more Sativa with thinner leaves, so maybe that's why ?
Beautiful flowers
And here we have one of my Aurora Indica's. She started flower 2 weeks after the Cherry on Top's so she's just now starting to put out pistils. She's a bushy girl so I'll be doing a slight defol on her tomorrow. Need to get some air flow through there.

And I'll leave you with a group shot for now.

Back later with the rest of this update. "Same Bat Time.... Same Bat Channel".
Just incredible Buds, wow.:yahoo:
Great work. :welldone:
Hope everything is going well my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
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