SIP - Pity Do Dah, SIP - Pity A

Just stuck my whole finger in and it was dry... I really wish that I read about the wicking BEFORE I did this. lol
I will just have to top feed untill it reaches.
You don't need an actual wick with these things; the soil itself serves that purpose. There is some physical connection between the water and the soil, and a built in air chamber.
Plants are getting so big ! I'll let the pics speak for their selves. However, I did flip the Aurora in the 2x4 tent to 12/12 today. She's going to be huge.
You don't need an actual wick with these things; the soil itself serves that purpose. There is some physical connection between the water and the soil, and a built in air chamber.
Then I don't understand my water level is the same. Had to give them another little drink before work this morning. They were wilting heavily.
The Chicken Wire part is throwing me for a loop. I can't figure out it's purpose. Soil would go right through it so it can't be holding the soil above the water to make an air gap. Trying to find out if he's got any type of bowl with slits or holes in it to serve as the reservoir. I think a Folgers Container would be perfect for a Res. since it has no beveled edges & will fit snug against the side of a bucket or round container.
Can you describe the build in some detail? How it's built, how it works, etc? I remember pictures but maybe describing it will better help us diagnose your issue.
Hi Azi. I put a thin layer of gravel to retain the soil. There is a 1 inch air gap between the gravel and water level when fully topped.
The gravel should answer @Buds Buddy 's question.
According to what I have seen from the DIY's, the roots should be reaching by now.
Not giving up. My vegs are just a few feet away from my computer.

Hi Azi. I put a thin layer of gravel to retain the soil. There is a 1 inch air gap between the gravel and water level when fully topped.
And the soil goes around the middle section where the water and chicken wire are, right? And the soil goes from the top of the container down to the bottom of the outside container, and around the chicken wire topped reservoir, correct?

The soil should fill the container from top to bottom with the exception of the void in the center.
Is this the basic idea (not to scale and without the overflow and fill tube):
You got it. :thumb:

The roots aren't supposed to grow into the water, are they? If the bottom (above the air gap) is perforated for drainage then the roots would air prune when they go through.
With the standard SIP with the regular planting mix all throughout, the roots will grow down below the water line but don't seem to populate the reservoir. I think that's because once the plant gets going it'll drain the water completely dry in less than a day. So there's no standing water to keep them happy until the next watering.
Can I ask a general SIP question?

Is this the basic idea (not to scale and without the overflow and fill tube):

The roots aren't supposed to grow into the water, are they? If the bottom (above the air gap) is perforated for drainage then the roots would air prune when they go through.
My roots grew through about 1/2" but not into the water.
Cant believe how much these have grown it's outstanding. Everything seems dialled in very well they're loving life and seem to be loving the air to the roots. Going to be like a forest in there soon lol. Good work
Thanks. Today the branches have grown up past the lights an inch or two. I only have about 6" left I can raise my lights.
I may have to Super Crop if they don't quit growing soon. I hate to do that when they are already flowering but it may be necessary. Been 2 weeks since the flip so maybe at the end of the stretch (fingers crossed). I'm 5' 10" & these plants come to my shoulders now. Big enough for me by all means.
Thanks. Today the branches have grown up past the lights an inch or two. I only have about 6" left I can raise my lights.
I may have to Super Crop if they don't quit growing soon. I hate to do that when they are already flowering but it may be necessary. Been 2 weeks since the flip so maybe at the end of the stretch (fingers crossed). I'm 5' 10" & these plants come to my shoulders now. Big enough for me by all means.
Wow thats some height and are they indicas aswell you said? That extra air to the roots clearly does wonders for their growth not ideal for smaller tents lol
Wow thats some height and are they indicas aswell you said? That extra air to the roots clearly does wonders for their growth not ideal for smaller tents lol
Cherry on Top is 70% Indica / 30% Sativa Hybrid. Aurora Indica is 100% Indica. I'm wishing I had only done 4 plants instead of 6. One plant can fill the 4x4 easy if I let it.
Well I was down to 3 plants about ready for harvest. One is done & in the closet. The other 2 I put in the 2x4 tent. I put the Aurora SIP in the 4x8 with the other 2 SIP's. Going to get real crowded, but doable.... I think. They are drinking like fish. 2 gallons per day easily & would most likely take even more. I upped my nutes to 5.5 gr. per gal. as of this morning. I've already fed them 1.5 gal. & will fill the res again at lights out. Since I was moving everything around in the 4x8 I decided to hang up #4 TSL 2000 giving me up to 1200 watts of light. I mainly did it to get better coverage on these big girls & not necessarily for more power. So here's some pics of the 4x8.

The big girl in the shed is not just asking to be fed twice per day anymore. Now she's demanding it. I only filled the res once yesterday & look what happened. Couldn't believe my eyes.
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