SIP - Pity Do Dah, SIP - Pity A

Got a pic ? Is the wilt from too dry of soil or from too wet of soil is the question ? I haven't had any wilt at all.
Well buds, I only waited 2 days after potting them and top fed them with plain water and they kinda looked like they do now, six days after the watering. I made my pots to see the water level and they have yet to drink from it.
So 8 days since potting and 6 days since last and only topper and it has started to wilt at the bottom again. It doesn't show its usual abundant growth.

It only has a thin layer of gravel, chicken wire and an inch of air. Should I force/drought the girls to get there?
The first time is always the most worriesome.:rolleyes:
Thanks for the come-back!

yeah, Scott, I was never sure quite how your design worked. How does the reservoir wick up into the grow matrix? The only thing that matters is if your soil is moist. Is it? There may be a top centimetre that's totally dry but under that some moisture. If so, you can assume an increasing moisture gradient downward. If you have that then all you can do is wait.
Dag Nab-it! Hind-sight says I should have wicked it! Doh!🤬
I love the look of that LIQUIDIRT!
Looked it up on A-zon and just got Miracle-grow.
Can I get that online?

Maybe we're calculating with two different numbers for MC. If you have the 10-8-15 and he's using the 9-6-17 that could account for the differences. As long as the plants are happy, carry on!
When he gave them to me I was using the 9-6-17. This grow (with my new bag of MC) it's 9-6-14. Maybe that's why ?
Well buds, I only waited 2 days after potting them and top fed them with plain water and they kinda looked like they do now, six days after the watering. I made my pots to see the water level and they have yet to drink from it.
So 8 days since potting and 6 days since last and only topper and it has started to wilt at the bottom again. It doesn't show its usual abundant growth.

It only has a thin layer of gravel, chicken wire and an inch of air. Should I force/drought the girls to get there?
The first time is always the most worriesome.:rolleyes:
Thanks for the come-back!

Let me see if I got this right.
In the bottom of your bucket you have a thin layer of gravel. Then Chicken wire on top of that. So what is keeping the soil from getting a direct watering ? Do you have any kind of bowl inside to keep the soil out of the res. ? If not, I'm guessing your soil is getting way to wet. So what exactly keeps your soil 1" above the drain hole to give you the air gap ? Do you have pics of how your pot is in a journal ? If you do.... post the link so I can see exactly what you got going on. They should be drinking from the res. by now.
Dag Nab-it! Hind-sight says I should have wicked it! Doh!🤬
I love the look of that LIQUIDIRT!
Looked it up on A-zon and just got Miracle-grow.
Can I get that online?

Have no idea. Never used either one. I try to use as least I can & get more for less. All those additives might help some.... but there's no replacement for more light.
Have no idea. Never used either one. I try to use as least I can & get more for less. All those additives might help some.... but there's no replacement for more light.
Mega Crop is unique* in this way, the additives I'm highlighting are, in more examples than not, put into the Original MC product at the factory and are a significant factor in its success as a fertilizer product.

With the MC 2 Part, I'm essentially adding back those elements with the Liquidirt, elements that were removed to create the 2-part product so MC could have a player in the hydroponic space. For most rDWC and related grow styles, MC Original turned out to just have too much biological content and gooped up the works.

I am a hydroponic grower, even in the SIP instance because my nutrition comes from the reservoir. But I also have a full DWC setup so this MC 2-Part suits my needs very well. I can add biologicals for SIPs and leave it clean for DWC. I also can tailor my elemental mix with this system, which is a lovely option because I like to geek out on that topic as learning exercises.

I suggest the liquidirt because if you want biologicals but not be craning your neck around constantly to watch for the new best thing, you can have just about all of them in there, aka, simple. I hope that explanation was useful.

Scott, I'm sorry I wasn't a part of your build here, it sounds like you have potentially made an error that I made/had with my first plastic tote SIP DIY. Any chance you can remove the plants temporarily? I apologize if these topics have already been addressed. Let me know if you could use any 'distance assistance'. I've been exactly where you are right now, and so I know that even the odd "atta boy" can be enough to sustain me while attacking the learning curve. Atta'boy.

Lately, personally, I feel like I have a tiny insight into what it is like to be autistic for some people. Overwhelmed by my own thoughts, trouble managing common stimulants like noises and touch... plus, an inability to focus on what needs focusing on. I'm crawling back into good form, but more slowly than usual, dammit. Thanks for the space to grumble Bud. Your generosity with the thread is appreciated.
Lately, personally, I feel like I have a tiny insight into what it is like to be autistic for some people. Overwhelmed by my own thoughts, trouble managing common stimulants like noises and touch...
Breaks to routine can be incredibly aggravating to autistic people.
Most people are like, "What's with him??" (but the inability to think clearly with a complex thought due to constant distractions really cost a lot).
plus, an inability to focus on what needs focusing on.
That's more ADHD, which is a common co-morbidity (Him bored cuz him too smart, mon).
My problem is more over-focus.

Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by an inability to connect with your emotions. Like your emotions don't register. You focus past them.
When ADHD is present (too smart to sit still) you have trouble sitting still.

Autistic people hate distractions with a passion. My idea of a good time is an uninterrupted day where I can follow a thought wherever it goes (without distractions).
I can't count the number of days where I forgot to eat or drink because I was over-focused.

It is weird. I hated White Widow because it made me want to be social, but I did not know how.
Now I love White Widow (or in my case, Sweet and Sour Widow), because it makes me want to be sociable.
It would take a long time to explain how autistic people think. Everyone is different, but it is more flow-chart than following one's emotions.

The more stoned I am, the more in touch with my emotions I am, and the better I am able to communicate.
It took me decades of work just to get this far.
I'm crawling back into good form, but more slowly than usual, dammit. Thanks for the space to grumble Bud. Your generosity with the thread is appreciated.
I hope you get well soon.
Thanks for that EG. Very insightful, appreciate you taking the time. I have been fascinated with developmental disorders and brain injuries prob. my whole adult life. I don't mean to claim I have anything like that going on for me, no, but my interest led to a lot of friendships with people on the heavy-duty side of the spectrum. The human brain is a fascinating piece of bio-tech and now and then I get flashes of deeper understanding of other people's reality and I always note it so I won't forget. I think close relationships with people who are 'different' in this way really helps us move forward as humans. My experiences with these friends fall so far so outside the norms of interpersonal relations that I feel it really stretches both parties. They bring experiences to the idea of friendship that are rich and layered and meaningful in unusual ways, and I'm a bit of a sucker for that.
Thanks for that EG. Very insightful, appreciate you taking the time. I have been fascinated with developmental disorders and brain injuries prob. my whole adult life. I don't mean to claim I have anything like that going on for me, no, but my interest led to a lot of friendships with people on the heavy-duty side of the spectrum. The human brain is a fascinating piece of bio-tech and now and then I get flashes of deeper understanding of other people's reality and I always note it so I won't forget. I think close relationships with people who are 'different' in this way really helps us move forward as humans. My experiences with these friends fall so far so outside the norms of interpersonal relations that I feel it really stretches both parties. They bring experiences to the idea of friendship that are rich and layered and meaningful in unusual ways, and I'm a bit of a sucker for that.
RezDog, thanks for the nice post.
I am on another run, so please let me get back to you in a few days, as I can.

It seems I might have a soil issue (related to Liquid Dirt or something, not sure).
I posted it on my thread and could use your expert help.
I am behind on my deadline for tonight 'cuz I got wrapped up in Honi Badgers and Hot Straws and Quarts Heaters for concentrates, and such. (Autistic focus. Autistic priorities!! Haha. Health comes almost before everything else....)

And... our visa situation is back on its ear, so I need to focus hard for a couple of days.
(I hope we don't have to change countries again!)
RezDog, thanks for the nice post.
I am on another run, so please let me get back to you in a few days, as I can.

It seems I might have a soil issue (related to Liquid Dirt or something, not sure).
I posted it on my thread and could use your expert help.
I am behind on my deadline for tonight 'cuz I got wrapped up in Honi Badgers and Hot Straws and Quarts Heaters for concentrates, and such. (Autistic focus. Autistic priorities!! Haha. Health comes almost before everything else....)

And... our visa situation is back on its ear, so I need to focus hard for a couple of days.
(I hope we don't have to change countries again!)
That would suck amigo! Good luck with the visas.
Thanks for that EG. Very insightful, appreciate you taking the time. I have been fascinated with developmental disorders and brain injuries prob. my whole adult life. I don't mean to claim I have anything like that going on for me, no, but my interest led to a lot of friendships with people on the heavy-duty side of the spectrum. The human brain is a fascinating piece of bio-tech and now and then I get flashes of deeper understanding of other people's reality and I always note it so I won't forget. I think close relationships with people who are 'different' in this way really helps us move forward as humans. My experiences with these friends fall so far so outside the norms of interpersonal relations that I feel it really stretches both parties. They bring experiences to the idea of friendship that are rich and layered and meaningful in unusual ways, and I'm a bit of a sucker for that.
I was thinking about the best way to do this. I'm a bit scattered and spun around right now.
I have meetings in the morning, and in the afternoon we find out if we can stay, or if we have to go, so at the minute it is still uber busy.
I was thinking about the best way to do this. I suppose I could start a new thread, "Self-Report: Autism Brain Injury and Cannabis", or something like that? That way the AMA can come in and give the 420 Forum an award for investigative medical journalism, or something like that? (Haha.)
And then I could share my experience, and it would be 100% anecdotal, but might provide someone with a data point?
And that way we would not be clogging up a canna-thread?
Haha, maybe Rob will make a whole new Medical section of the forum??
Please give me a couple of days, tomorrow afternoon we will be celebrating or packing.
That would suck amigo! Good luck with the visas.
Thanks, Scott! I appreciate the good thoughts.
One way or another, what is needed will be provided.
If there are black clouds and rain, that just means you can grow pot!
Those buckets are starting to look more and more interesting. Would need to remodel a bedroom into a grow area as big as these plants get though. Such beasts!
Naw, only if you go with the standard 5 gallon bucket size which are what the commercial versions are made for.

If you want other sizes you have to build them yourself but that's pretty easy and straightforward.

I've built them in 9oz, 1L and 2G. And I flower three at a time in 2 Gallon buckets in a cabinet that's 3' (1m) square. The plants get bigger than comparative plants in their respective size containers, but you can still grow with them in your normal space.

Can you purchase these buckets pre made and ready to grow?
The 5 gallon version you can. Other sizes are DIY only.

Are these for outdoor use?
Can be either. You use a normal bucket for the container and those are typically uv stabilized because most people use them outside. Most of the SIP insert is buried in your medium, and it will only a small part of the fill tube exposed to the elements.

Just how much wilt should I allow them avoiding the point of no return, so to speak?
Stick your finger down a couple of inches in the soil. If it's moist, you'll just need a little patience for the roots to get used to the excess and constant moisture. If the soil is dry a couple of inches down you have some sort of design issue (either pot structure or maybe your mix doesn't wick, etc.)

So, can you feel moisture with your finger?
Naw, only if you go with the standard 5 gallon bucket size which are what the commercial versions are made for.

If you want other sizes you have to build them yourself but that's pretty easy and straightforward.

I've built them in 9oz, 1L and 2G. And I flower three at a time in 2 Gallon buckets in a cabinet that's 3' (1m) square. The plants get bigger than comparative plants in their respective size containers, but you can still grow with them in your normal space.

The 5 gallon version you can. Other sizes are DIY only.

Can be either. You use a normal bucket for the container and those are typically uv stabilized because most people use them outside. Most of the SIP insert is buried in your medium, and it will only a small part of the fill tube exposed to the elements.

Stick your finger down a couple of inches in the soil. If it's moist, you'll just need a little patience for the roots to get used to the excess and constant moisture. If the soil is dry a couple of inches down you have some sort of design issue (either pot structure or maybe your mix doesn't wick, etc.)

So, can you feel moisture with your finger?
Thanks, Azi!
I didn't even know of the wicks untill they were already planted. Not much new growth showing and bottom leaves are perpendicular to the soil.
Just stuck my whole finger in and it was dry... I really wish that I read about the wicking BEFORE I did this. lol
I will just have to top feed untill it reaches.
My concern is that I put Root Excellerator (REG) into the botttom and its been 10 days and sitting there, the roots have yet to feed. Does it go "stagnant"?

I'm sure that Sue did a lot of research that intersected with autism and cannabis, so I would recommend perusing these results to go along with your experiences:

Good luck with the visa stuff!
Thanks, Shed! I am sure it will all work out for the best, whichever way it goes.

About Sue, wow, she has done a lot of work! (I am not sure I can top that, or even add to it!).
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