SIP - Pity Do Dah, SIP - Pity A

I usually feed all the way to the day of harvest & my plants use to stay green till I got the new batch of MC. Kicking myself now for buying the $100 bag. Didn't know about the NPK change at the time.
You have to stay flexible to run GLN nutrients since it seems every month or so there is a new version of the base. An MC grow is fairly easy to read though... trust your eyes. Just above you said you thought you were seeing K deficiency. Trust your gut and remind yourself that they make those supplements for a reason. Or, just go with the base and tell yourself that senescence is a good thing.
How much are you feeding ?

When I lollipop I leave a few fan leaves on the bottom, when they start to yellow I know to up the MC.

I usually go up by .5g/4L and my Double Chocolate and Durban Poison have "asked" for 7.5g/4L towards the end of flower !


PS > I've never added BE at the end of a grow and sure don't like what it does in mid flower. New growth is light green and the leaves are twisted...
How much are you feeding ?

When I lollipop I leave a few fan leaves on the bottom, when they start to yellow I know to up the MC.

I usually go up by .5g/4L and my Double Chocolate and Durban Poison have "asked" for 7.5g/4L towards the end of flower !


PS > I've never added BE at the end of a grow and sure don't like what it does in mid flower. New growth is light green and the leaves are twisted...
Feeding at 5.5 MC Equivalent : 8.5 gr. "Si" / 2.8 gr. "N" / 5 gr. MC is the Equivalent of 5.5 gr. MC; but in different ratios.
Which MC are you using ? 9-6-17 or 9-6-14 ?
I'm going to start my 2 Auto's this weekend in my 2x4 tent with the SP3000 using SIP Buckets. This go I'm going to try Geo Flora Nutes. Waiting to hear back from @Emilya Green on whether or not Geo Flora works in Coco. If so, I'll do 2 GG Auto's. 1 in Coco & 1 in FFOF with Geo Flora for a comparison. Thinking I might try a 20/4 light schedule instead of 18/6. What's your thoughts? Is it beneficial?
I just might be harvesting sooner than I thought. The Chery on Top in the shed looks really close to done. I'm checking Trichs on her this weekend. The Cherry on Top in the tent has slowed down on her drinking so she must be getting close too. She has about 50% Red Hairs now. The one in the shed barely has any white hairs left on the upper buds. Still, some from the middle down though.
I'm going to start my 2 Auto's this weekend in my 2x4 tent with the SP3000 using SIP Buckets. This go I'm going to try Geo Flora Nutes. Waiting to hear back from @Emilya Green on whether or not Geo Flora works in Coco. If so, I'll do 2 GG Auto's. 1 in Coco & 1 in FFOF with Geo Flora for a comparison. Thinking I might try a 20/4 light schedule instead of 18/6. What's your thoughts? Is it beneficial?
I just might be harvesting sooner than I thought. The Chery on Top in the shed looks really close to done. I'm checking Trichs on her this weekend. The Cherry on Top in the tent has slowed down on her drinking so she must be getting close too. She has about 50% Red Hairs now. The one in the shed barely has any white hairs left on the upper buds. Still, some from the middle down though.
Yes, Geoflora will indeed work with coco. Good luck!
Got a partial update for you. Batteries in camera died before I got pics of the plants in the shed. Anyways...........,
I got up yesterday morning to find this happened to Tent - Aurora during the night.

Been telling myself for at least a week I need to tie her up, but kept procrastinating. That's OK, no branches broke & I got her tied up.


All better now ! She's building quite a bit of bud & looks like I'll get close to a pound from this one; if she keeps building the way the other one did. From the Colas I'd say it's going to be close.
This here "Cherry on Top" is pretty much on End of Life status. She will be led to slaughter next weekend. The Cherry in the shed looks even more done than this one. I actually consider that one done. But following the rule of thumb....
"When you think it's done... Give it one more week". So on Weds. I'll put her in the closet for 24 - 48 hours of darkness.
As soon as she's harvested, I'll start chopping the other one. Looking forward to seeing the final yield results to compare with what I usually get with a Fabric Pot. My norm in this strain is 4.5 - 5.5 oz. per plant & once in a while hit 6 - 6.5 oz. So anything over that is a bonus. I'm sure I'll top that, but by how much ? I guess we have to wait & see.

She has potential !~

So I decided to try 2 GG Auto's in these SIP's. I haven't done an Auto in at least 3 years now. I'm using FFOF in one SIP & FF Cultivation Nation 70/30 Coco in the other. I've been contemplating trying @GeoFlora Nutrients for at least the past year & since I have the Free Sample I won in a contest I figure this is the perfect time to try it out. I'm getting advice From @Emilya Green on using Geo Flora as she's been using it successfully for quite a while now.

I haven't done a Coco grow in at least 3 years either. At the time I used the complete AN Line Up & that got way too expensive since I was feeding twice per day in Veg & 3 times per day in Bloom. So I ended up switching to soil to lessen my cost. Years have gone by & everything in my grows has changed big time. In case you haven't noticed.... I'm a big fan of @Mars Hydro lighting. I've had all my best grows using them. I used Mars. Tried about 10 other lights. Went back to Mars. Got way better yields with Mars Hydro.

So here is how I'm starting these GG Auto seeds. These were Freebie Seeds I got with my order from @Herbies Seeds.
Looking forward to ordering from them again soon. They have some really good strains with pretty decent pricing & some good freebies to top it off. Delivery was fast & flawless too. I'll buy from them again.

So the day before I plant my seeds I prep my buckets. Fill with Soil or Coco & Perlite. Cultivation is already 70% Coco & 30% Perlite so I didn't need to mix any in.

Then I pour a gallon of water that sat out at least 24 hours into the soil. Wish I would have added Cal-Mag for the initial soil/coco wetting; but overlooked it. Soil probably doesn't need it; but I remember Coco using a lot of Cal-Mag all through the grow. But Emilya says I probably wont need Cal-Mag when using Geo Flora Nutrients so I'll take her word for it.

Now that my soil is good & moist (actually slightly wet) I let my buckets sit over night before I plant the seed. Give the water a chance to drain down some so I don't drown my seeds.


So, about 24 hours later I plant my seeds. GG Auto's courtesy of Herbies Seeds.

I use a Marker or something similar & poke a hole in the soil about 1/4" - 1/2" down.

Drop my seed in the hole & cover it.

Now to wait for them to sprout. I usually wont need to water for 5-7 days. When I do water next time I will also fill my res. My next watering will have the Top Dressing of Geo Flora Nutes so I will Top water that in.

I'm starting these 2 gals off in my 2x4 tent under the Mars Hydro SP3000 @40%.

Once I get the Cherry on Tops harvested I'll move the Aurora in the shed to the tent with the other one. These 2 Auto's will then go to the shed on a 20/4 light schedule. All my Auto grows in the past were 18/6. I wanted to try 20/4 once to see how that is.

So for now.... it's a waiting game, but shouldn't be long till these ladies pop their little heads up.
Did you mix the first Geoflora feeding into the mix? I know with organic soil they recommend that you do that a few days before planting but maybe with coco (and seeds?) it's different?
I asked Emilya if I should put Geo Flora in the Coco or Soil & she says No, it's not necessary. I'm a little concerned with that seeing Coco has NO nutrients. I'm also wondering whether or not Cal-Mag is needed. I know I used a lot when I used AN Nutes on a Coco grow a few years ago. I figure she's experienced with Geo Flora & has grown some real beauties so I'll take her word for it. I'll learn from experience & the Experienced at the same time.
I am just being frugal. Definitely you need to feed the coco plant especially, early on, and the soil plant could get by for a week or so without a problem, but I recommend feeding her early too.

The dosage given on the top is what you will give for the rest of the grow. Its ok for week 3, so why would it not be ok for the small new plant as it is coming up? You can't really over feed the plant with that extra dosage in the soil, but is it really necessary? Think about the needs of your new little seedling... do you really think she needs a double full dose of nutes and microbes, double the amount you would give to a much bigger plant?
Not double the amount to be sure, but maybe something to snack on while she's little? The Geoflora nutes seem to be time released (?) but on the other hand the seed leaves should provide what is needed for the first few days and it will be a few days before it even comes up.

So, thinking that through, I can see where you could get by without that first round.
See when I look at these pictures I don't have the space for SIPS growing if the plants get that huge.. I need to sip top & scrog and then they probably burst & rip the nets :p
Depends on your pots and space. I flower in 2G buckets in a space that is 3'h x 3'w x 20"d (1m x 1m x 0.5m). I can flower three plants harvesting one per month in my perpetual harvest in it although I've gone down to two plants every 6 weeks instead. They don't have to be monsters like @Buds Buddy 's plants if you don't have the space.

And I've grown them in 1L containers which obviously produce much small plants. So, no excuses @Fenderbender , come on, jump in. The water's fine. :laughtwo:
See when I look at these pictures I don't have the space for SIPS growing if the plants get that huge.. I need to sip top & scrog and then they probably burst & rip the nets :p
Do you have a 3'x3' space ? If so, grow just one plant in a SIP & veg it 5-6 weeks. It will fill the 3x3 wall to wall & you'll harvest a pound plus. That's what I would do if space was a concern.
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